1. Fall of Civilization
  2. News

Fall of Civilization News

Update 10 - Back to Store Page

Hi everyone!
1.1 has been now pushed to the main branch.

To everyone thats not been keeping track of my dev build updates, the game is changing from what it used to be and slowly but surely im trying to improve it. Please bare in mind as always im a solo dev with a full-time job but doing my best. If you have any feedback or issues please let me know, all input is welcome.

Since the last update I have been doing some more general polish aswell as overall bug fixing. Trying to get it more and more shaped up to be pushed to the main branch. I am trying to get the game back on the store page now, so very soon!

  • Added - Added more Debug options
  • Added - Debug UI
  • Changed - "Back to Menu" Tooltip
  • Changed - Changed Radiated to Irradiated
  • Changed - Diplomacy - Includes your own faction
  • Changed - Spawn Units bar made simpler
  • Changed - Changed Damage Text to be clearer
  • Changed - Tweaked Flee ability
  • Changed - Tweaked Mission difficulty
  • Fixed - Spread out the Combat spawn locations
  • Fixed - In the Loading Screen the Map Size is always Small
  • Fixed - Health bar not lowering for Bases
  • Fixed - Units rotation in Combat maps
  • Fixed - Flee UI not appearing on Units
  • Fixed - Return To Base ability appears when your near another base
  • Fixed - Pressing 4 anywhere triggers the Return To Base ability
  • Fixed - Diplomacy - You can Ally with a faction thats attacking you
  • Fixed - Transition - Going back to the Main Menu while in Combat breaks new games
  • Fixed - Attacking a faction after you've made peace with them doesnt make that faction aggressive

Known bugs
  • Some actions requiring multiple clicks - this is an ongoing issue being looked at - potential fix added

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.11 I will be taking players feedback and issues to fix any problems and make the game more enjoyable.

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!

Update 9 - Push to Main

Hi everyone!
1.09 has been now pushed to the main branch, so say goodbye to the old version of Fall of Civilization!
Sorry that there was no update last week, life got in the way and I decided to put it off for a week rather than rush an update.

To everyone thats not been keeping track of my dev build updates, the game is changing from what it used to be and slowly but surely im trying to improve it. Please bare in mind as always im a solo dev with a full-time job but doing my best. If you have any feedback or issues please let me know, all input is welcome.

Since the last update I have been doing some more general polish aswell as overall bug fixing. Trying to get it more and more shaped up to be pushed to the main branch.

  • Added - Interaction - Bush - Players can hide in this tile and avoid detection
  • Added - Win/Lose indicator returning from Combat
  • Changed - Added an Attack ability so its easier to seperate Movement and Attacks
  • Changed - For now im done implementing the Forest Map
  • Changed - For now im done implementing the Grass/Dirt Map
  • Changed - Start implementing the tooltips/tutorials
  • Changed- Tweaked the Turn order to make it clearer
  • Fixed - A crash when opening the Player UI and Diplomacy
  • Fixed - A new unit from a resource didnt work correctly
  • Fixed - Being able to interact with a tile multiple times
  • Fixed - Enabled longer messages on notifications to prevent words being hidden
  • Fixed - Initiative bar faction colors
  • Fixed - The loading screen changing size and flickering
  • Fixed - XP Bar

Known bugs

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.10 in the next week - two weeks I will be continuing polish and reopening the game for sales.

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!

Update 8 - Bug fix week

Hi everyone!
1.08 has been now pushed to the beta (dev) branch.
This week I was doing some more general polish aswell as overall bug fixing. Trying to get it more and more shaped up to be pushed to the main branch.

Developer branch
As reminder,
To get onto the new branch, right click game > Properties > Betas > add access code (betabuildtest) > Check Code > Select Beta

  • Fixed - One unit on an Interaction gives all units that interaction
  • Fixed - Loading Screen out of combat had the wrong information
  • Fixed - Combat - Loaded in with just one unit
  • Fixed - Cant interact with a building more than once
  • Fixed - Return to base Ability
  • Fixed - Start - Random affects Map Type
  • Change - AI Faction names
  • Change - Combat Prediction
  • Change - Unit height matters in combat
  • Change - Radiation - Simple - Decreases unit health when standing on a radiation tile
  • Change - Radiation - Hardcore - Decrease unit health and max health when standing on radiation tile

Known bugs
  • If any unit is on an interaction tile, all units get the ability
  • The loading screen size can change randomly

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.09 and the coming weeks now Im going to be continue to look at the game in the big picture and what It needs to be finished.

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!

Update 7 - Custom Terrain and the start of Radiation

Hi everyone!
1.07 has been now pushed to the beta (dev) branch.
This week I was doing some general polish and fixes but also added the Custom Terrain option in new game and started implementing Radiation. Radiation appears as a green square on tiles you try to move to, these only affect units and not bases.
If you end your turn on a radiation tile, that unit will lose some health.

Developer branch
As reminder,
To get onto the new branch, right click game > Properties > Betas > add access code (betabuildtest) > Check Code > Select Beta

  • Tweaked - Forest Combat Map
  • Fixed - The Grid was visible on the Forest Map
  • New Game - Custom Terrain
  • Custom Terrain fixes in gameplay
  • Radiation implementation #1 - Visual decal displayed on move
  • Radiation implementation #2 - Decrease in health when staying on a radiated tile

Known bugs
  • If any unit is on an interaction tile, all units get the ability
  • Sometimes units load into a combat map by themselves
  • Ability extra test is empty or "Test"

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.08 and the coming weeks now Im going to be looking at the game in the big picture and what It needs to be finished. Very soon I am going to be pushing these builds to the main branch and reopening the game for sales. After that I will continue working on the game until its complete, polished and ready to ship out of Early Access to a Full Release!

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!

Update 6 - Gameplay and combat fixes

Hi everyone!
1.06 has been now pushed to the beta (dev) branch.
Incase you missed the discussion post I made, I will now be uploading dev builds every Saturday (afternoon/evening) London time instead of Friday.

Developer branch
As reminder,
To get onto the new branch, right click game > Properties > Betas > add access code (betabuildtest) > Check Code > Select Beta

  • Tweaked - Forest Combat Map
  • Add - Added faction icons to the Combat loading screen
  • Fixed - Disables camera scrolling when the Combat UI is active
  • Fixed - Removes the Hover UI over units when Combat UI is active
  • Tweaked - Ability UI
  • Tweaked - Ability UI extra information
  • Fixed - Fixed search ranges for Combat units
  • Fixed - Fixed Game not ending if the player is destroyed with other factions alive
  • Fixed - Fixed the game ending when a player unit died but the base is stil alive
  • Fixed - Fixed Trading offer refusal UI
  • Added - Upkeep
  • Added - Marketplace levels affects Trading offers
  • Tweaked - The Security room increases Defence aswell as Current Health

Known bugs

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.07 and the coming week I will still be looking continuing to look into combat and the transition between World and Combat levels. I will also be making those levels look abit more fleshed out and polished!

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!