1. Fall of Civilization
  2. News
  3. Update 7 - Custom Terrain and the start of Radiation

Update 7 - Custom Terrain and the start of Radiation

Hi everyone!
1.07 has been now pushed to the beta (dev) branch.
This week I was doing some general polish and fixes but also added the Custom Terrain option in new game and started implementing Radiation. Radiation appears as a green square on tiles you try to move to, these only affect units and not bases.
If you end your turn on a radiation tile, that unit will lose some health.

Developer branch
As reminder,
To get onto the new branch, right click game > Properties > Betas > add access code (betabuildtest) > Check Code > Select Beta

  • Tweaked - Forest Combat Map
  • Fixed - The Grid was visible on the Forest Map
  • New Game - Custom Terrain
  • Custom Terrain fixes in gameplay
  • Radiation implementation #1 - Visual decal displayed on move
  • Radiation implementation #2 - Decrease in health when staying on a radiated tile

Known bugs
  • If any unit is on an interaction tile, all units get the ability
  • Sometimes units load into a combat map by themselves
  • Ability extra test is empty or "Test"

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.08 and the coming weeks now Im going to be looking at the game in the big picture and what It needs to be finished. Very soon I am going to be pushing these builds to the main branch and reopening the game for sales. After that I will continue working on the game until its complete, polished and ready to ship out of Early Access to a Full Release!

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!