1. Fall of Civilization
  2. News
  3. Update 9 - Push to Main

Update 9 - Push to Main

Hi everyone!
1.09 has been now pushed to the main branch, so say goodbye to the old version of Fall of Civilization!
Sorry that there was no update last week, life got in the way and I decided to put it off for a week rather than rush an update.

To everyone thats not been keeping track of my dev build updates, the game is changing from what it used to be and slowly but surely im trying to improve it. Please bare in mind as always im a solo dev with a full-time job but doing my best. If you have any feedback or issues please let me know, all input is welcome.

Since the last update I have been doing some more general polish aswell as overall bug fixing. Trying to get it more and more shaped up to be pushed to the main branch.

  • Added - Interaction - Bush - Players can hide in this tile and avoid detection
  • Added - Win/Lose indicator returning from Combat
  • Changed - Added an Attack ability so its easier to seperate Movement and Attacks
  • Changed - For now im done implementing the Forest Map
  • Changed - For now im done implementing the Grass/Dirt Map
  • Changed - Start implementing the tooltips/tutorials
  • Changed- Tweaked the Turn order to make it clearer
  • Fixed - A crash when opening the Player UI and Diplomacy
  • Fixed - A new unit from a resource didnt work correctly
  • Fixed - Being able to interact with a tile multiple times
  • Fixed - Enabled longer messages on notifications to prevent words being hidden
  • Fixed - Initiative bar faction colors
  • Fixed - The loading screen changing size and flickering
  • Fixed - XP Bar

Known bugs

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.10 in the next week - two weeks I will be continuing polish and reopening the game for sales.

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!