1. Fall of Civilization
  2. News
  3. Update 10 - Back to Store Page

Update 10 - Back to Store Page

Hi everyone!
1.1 has been now pushed to the main branch.

To everyone thats not been keeping track of my dev build updates, the game is changing from what it used to be and slowly but surely im trying to improve it. Please bare in mind as always im a solo dev with a full-time job but doing my best. If you have any feedback or issues please let me know, all input is welcome.

Since the last update I have been doing some more general polish aswell as overall bug fixing. Trying to get it more and more shaped up to be pushed to the main branch. I am trying to get the game back on the store page now, so very soon!

  • Added - Added more Debug options
  • Added - Debug UI
  • Changed - "Back to Menu" Tooltip
  • Changed - Changed Radiated to Irradiated
  • Changed - Diplomacy - Includes your own faction
  • Changed - Spawn Units bar made simpler
  • Changed - Changed Damage Text to be clearer
  • Changed - Tweaked Flee ability
  • Changed - Tweaked Mission difficulty
  • Fixed - Spread out the Combat spawn locations
  • Fixed - In the Loading Screen the Map Size is always Small
  • Fixed - Health bar not lowering for Bases
  • Fixed - Units rotation in Combat maps
  • Fixed - Flee UI not appearing on Units
  • Fixed - Return To Base ability appears when your near another base
  • Fixed - Pressing 4 anywhere triggers the Return To Base ability
  • Fixed - Diplomacy - You can Ally with a faction thats attacking you
  • Fixed - Transition - Going back to the Main Menu while in Combat breaks new games
  • Fixed - Attacking a faction after you've made peace with them doesnt make that faction aggressive

Known bugs
  • Some actions requiring multiple clicks - this is an ongoing issue being looked at - potential fix added

If you find issues please let me know via the form :)

The Next Build
For 1.11 I will be taking players feedback and issues to fix any problems and make the game more enjoyable.

For more info on development and the current state of things feel free to check out

Join the discord or use the game options to report bugs!