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Shardbound News

Patch Notes #51

Hero Changes

+ Wynn’s ability has been changed.

  • “Give a friendly minion +1 Attack this turn. If you’ve cast a spell this turn, give +2 instead.”

Card Changes

+ Chaotic Surged has been replaced with Illumination.

  • Illumination
  • 3 Cost Orange Spell
  • “Deal 2 damage to all enemies in a line.”

+ Force Blast has been replaced with Lucent Lance.

  • Lucent Lance
  • 1 Cost Orange Spell
  • "Deal 2 damage to a minion in line of sight, then draw a card. Discard it at the end of this turn if it's still in your hand."

+ Fork Existence has been replaced with Ethereal Form.

  • Ethereal Form
  • 3 Cost Blue Spell
  • "Choose a friendly minion and add a copy of it to your hand. Give the copy Shroud."

+ Summoner's Aide

  • Card effect changed to “Your minions can be summoned next to this minion. Give any minions summoned this way +1 Health.”

+ Zealot

  • Warcry now damages a random enemy minion in line of sight.
  • Health increased to 3, from 2.

+ Toka Warrior

  • Attack reduced to 2, from 3.

+ Vigil Keeper

  • Cost reduced to 2, from 3.

  • The options panel has received a facelift. This is part of a larger effort to get Shardbound’s UI into shipshape. Upcoming patches may tweak the look of the options panel as we finalize the style.
  • The social panel (friends list) now has a red badge that shows when you have pending invites or duels.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with new Zephyr Monk not playing his Warcry animation.
  • Fixed an element in the card picker UI that would cause header text to not scale based on text length.

Patch Notes #51

Hero Changes

+ Wynn’s ability has been changed.

  • “Give a friendly minion +1 Attack this turn. If you’ve cast a spell this turn, give +2 instead.”

Card Changes

+ Chaotic Surged has been replaced with Illumination.

  • Illumination
  • 3 Cost Orange Spell
  • “Deal 2 damage to all enemies in a line.”

+ Force Blast has been replaced with Lucent Lance.

  • Lucent Lance
  • 1 Cost Orange Spell
  • "Deal 2 damage to a minion in line of sight, then draw a card. Discard it at the end of this turn if it's still in your hand."

+ Fork Existence has been replaced with Ethereal Form.

  • Ethereal Form
  • 3 Cost Blue Spell
  • "Choose a friendly minion and add a copy of it to your hand. Give the copy Shroud."

+ Summoner's Aide

  • Card effect changed to “Your minions can be summoned next to this minion. Give any minions summoned this way +1 Health.”

+ Zealot

  • Warcry now damages a random enemy minion in line of sight.
  • Health increased to 3, from 2.

+ Toka Warrior

  • Attack reduced to 2, from 3.

+ Vigil Keeper

  • Cost reduced to 2, from 3.

  • The options panel has received a facelift. This is part of a larger effort to get Shardbound’s UI into shipshape. Upcoming patches may tweak the look of the options panel as we finalize the style.
  • The social panel (friends list) now has a red badge that shows when you have pending invites or duels.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with new Zephyr Monk not playing his Warcry animation.
  • Fixed an element in the card picker UI that would cause header text to not scale based on text length.

Patch Notes #50

New Art

  • Cannoneer now has art!

Card Changes

Astral Champion

  • Attack reduced to 1, down from 2.


  • Card effect changed to “Has Poison against enemies that are at full Health”.

Guerilla Raider

  • Health reduced to 3, down from 4.

Nature’s Herald

  • Health reduced to 8, down from 9.

Tracker Primal

  • Attack reduced to 4, down from 5.

Primeval Exalt

  • Attack reduced to 2, down from 6.
  • Health reduced to 2, down from 6.
  • Now gains +2/+2 per friendly minion, up from +1/+1.

Quantum Turnkey

  • Cost reduced to 3, down from 4.

Zephyr Monk

  • Card effect changed to “Warcry: Give adjacent allies +3 Movement this turn”.

  • Astral Pattern: Domination has been updated to require an 8 Attack Astral Champion.

  • All four tutorial missions have had the narrative cutscenes removed to make them significantly shorter. The storytelling components are planned to be reintroduced in a campaign mode further into development.

  • On enemy card overdraw, the card is now revealed and animates flipping over and burning.
  • On enemy card discard, the card is now revealed and animates flipping over and leaving the hand.
  • Cards added to the deck from a target will now animate from the target to the deck. For example, cards generated by Stellar Replicas will animate from the target to the deck.
  • Cards that are bounced to a full hand are now exiled and the card animates burning instead of returning to the hand.
Core Tech

  • We’ve upgraded Unreal engine to version 4.16. In general you shouldn’t notice this, but a lot of things have changed so if you see any unusual bugs, especially with graphics or performance, please let us know.

Time Bank

  • Critical time now begins at 30 seconds, up from 25.
  • Ending your turn any time before critical time now banks a flat +5 seconds instead of a dynamic range based on remaining turn time.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Viperfang Primal’s poison would interact incorrectly with Splash.
  • Fixed a bug where Crystal Queen killing enemy minions would incorrectly send them to the Graveyard.
  • Fixed a bug where Warp Specialist killing enemy Deathhowl minions would incorrectly allow their Deathhowl to trigger.
  • Fix for a common animation pop when Buccaneer kills an enemy with his ability.
  • Made the word “of” lowercase in card names to make it consistent.
  • Disabled a network feature that may have been causing reconnect issues for some players.
  • Fixed the time bank showing an incorrect value upon reconnect.
  • [Mac] Fixed a number of non-Nvidia cards complaining about no cooked SM4 shaders. They should now properly load the SM5 shaders, and allow the game to run.

Balance, Tutorial, and Mac Testing

Hey there Rangers!

Another week another Dev Update! Hope you’re all having a lovely Monday, so let’s dive right in!

Balance & Tutorial

We’ll be patching the game on schedule tomorrow @ 11am PDT. Expect to see the usual balance changes in this next patch. Duskblade’s Poison now only works on full health targets, allowing players to play around it and making it more situational.

Zephyr Monk’s Warcry now gives adjacent allies +3 Movement, hopefully giving it more playability.

The Tutorial has gone through a bit of an overhaul to shorten its length to get new players into the game more quickly! We’ve decided to kick off the story proper when we launch single player chapters, not try to do double duty with the tutorial.

Cannoneer is the newest minion with full suites of animation and voiceover! Go check her out in the Card Details!

We’ve added a couple more card transitions into the mix to help newer players understand what’s going on.

On enemy card discard, the card is now revealed.

Cards added to the deck from a target will now animate from the target to the deck (i.e. cards generated by Stellar Replicas). On enemy card overdraw, the card is now revealed and burned!

Stream Highlights

Now that the art pipeline is filling up and have multiple units in the works, we’ve been showing off a ton of art on streams, here are the highlights!

Spirit Binder

Baffling Presence

Pile of Tomes


Concord Artisan

Tune in August 17th for the next Dev Stream! Make sure to follow us on Twitch and get notified when we go live! If you missed the last Dev Stream, watch the VOD!

Mac Testing

The Mac build has started closed testing. There is currently no timetable for release, but we’ll make sure to keep you posted when we know! If you want to join the effort in testing the Mac build, drop us a line at [email protected].

Catch ya later, Rangers!

- Your friends at Spiritwalk

Patch Notes #49

New Art

  • Hungry Gnarbek now has art!

Hero Changes

+ Juro

  • Card text changed to “Ability (2): Dash up to two tiles, dealing 1 damage to enemies passed through. Transform into a Primal.”
  • Primal card text changed to “Ability (2): Dash up to two tiles, dealing 1 damage to enemies passed through. Transform back to Juro.”
Card Changes

+ Astral Champion

  • Health increased to 6, up from 2.
  • Now only gains bonus Attack based on the cost of the card it draws, instead of both Attack and Health.

+ Cannibal

  • Bloodtoll effect changed to dealing 3 damage to an ally, instead of destroying a friendly minion.

+ Disciple of Almast

  • Card text changed to “Your hero ability becomes Chosen Blessing.” (Note: this is so that Disciple of Almast’s effect can now now be granted to Heroes other than Vardan, in case of a clone or in Blame the Deck or whatever).

+ Guerilla Raider

  • Health reduced to 4, down from 5.

+ Plating Specialist

  • Warcry effect now grants +3 Health, up from +2 Health.

+ Primeval Exalt

  • Attack increased to 6, up from 5.
  • Health increased to 6, up from 5.

+ Radiant Scion

  • Attack reduced to 2, down from 3.
  • Supremacy bonus increased to +3 Attack, up from +2.

+ Rook

  • Attack bonus lasts for a full round, up from just the turn it moved.

+ Spirit Binder

  • Card text changed to “Warcry: Bond to an enemy minion, while either are bound, neither can act.” (Note: Now uses the Bond keyword and mechanics - cases that previously ended Spirit Binder’s effect, such as Canal or Stone Prison, no longer end it).

+ Stellar Replicas

  • Adds 2 copies to deck, down from 3.
  • Draws 2 cards, up from 1.
  • Cost increased to 4, up from 2.

+ Tracker Primal

  • Health reduced to 3, down from 4.

+ Thrall Mutation

  • Now also restores 1 Health to your hero in addition to its other effects.

+ Vaast, the Last Pilot

  • Health increased to 4, up from 3.

+ Zieger-1

  • Attack increased to 10, up from 9.

  • Heroes will now play Concede VO when conceding (except Juro).

  • Enemy card draw is now animated.
  • Enemy card bounce is now animated.
  • Cards exiled due to overdraw now visually burn away.
  • The Time Bank UI is now hidden in matches where turn time is infinite, such as bot matches.
  • The amount of time banked when you end your turn has been increased to plus +2/3/4/5/6 seconds per 10/20/30/40/50 seconds remaining beyond critical time, up from +1/2/3/4/5 seconds.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where cloned Moons or Stars (from Puppeteer or Echo of Light) would not recombine when next to each other.
  • Raptor Class Mech and Storm Class Mech now have their correct keywords.
  • Fixed a rare bug with Hadrien where Hadrien would take an incorrect amount of damage when protecting an ally with splash.
  • Fixed a bug where the displayed ability cost for Chosen Blessing, the ability granted by Disciple of Almast, was 0 instead of 2.
  • Fixed a bug where units that can move through enemy units (Wraith, Baffling Presence) would display the yellow attack highlight in some cases where they did not have a valid attack target.