Balance, Tutorial, and Mac Testing
Hey there Rangers!
Another week another Dev Update! Hope you’re all having a lovely Monday, so let’s dive right in!
We’ll be patching the game on schedule tomorrow @ 11am PDT. Expect to see the usual balance changes in this next patch. Duskblade’s Poison now only works on full health targets, allowing players to play around it and making it more situational.
Zephyr Monk’s Warcry now gives adjacent allies +3 Movement, hopefully giving it more playability.

The Tutorial has gone through a bit of an overhaul to shorten its length to get new players into the game more quickly! We’ve decided to kick off the story proper when we launch single player chapters, not try to do double duty with the tutorial.
Cannoneer is the newest minion with full suites of animation and voiceover! Go check her out in the Card Details!

We’ve added a couple more card transitions into the mix to help newer players understand what’s going on.
On enemy card discard, the card is now revealed.

Cards added to the deck from a target will now animate from the target to the deck (i.e. cards generated by Stellar Replicas). On enemy card overdraw, the card is now revealed and burned!
Now that the art pipeline is filling up and have multiple units in the works, we’ve been showing off a ton of art on streams, here are the highlights!
Spirit Binder
Baffling Presence
Pile of Tomes
Concord Artisan
Tune in August 17th for the next Dev Stream! Make sure to follow us on Twitch and get notified when we go live! If you missed the last Dev Stream, watch the VOD!
The Mac build has started closed testing. There is currently no timetable for release, but we’ll make sure to keep you posted when we know! If you want to join the effort in testing the Mac build, drop us a line at [email protected].
Catch ya later, Rangers!
- Your friends at Spiritwalk
Another week another Dev Update! Hope you’re all having a lovely Monday, so let’s dive right in!
Balance & Tutorial
We’ll be patching the game on schedule tomorrow @ 11am PDT. Expect to see the usual balance changes in this next patch. Duskblade’s Poison now only works on full health targets, allowing players to play around it and making it more situational.
Zephyr Monk’s Warcry now gives adjacent allies +3 Movement, hopefully giving it more playability.

The Tutorial has gone through a bit of an overhaul to shorten its length to get new players into the game more quickly! We’ve decided to kick off the story proper when we launch single player chapters, not try to do double duty with the tutorial.
Cannoneer is the newest minion with full suites of animation and voiceover! Go check her out in the Card Details!

We’ve added a couple more card transitions into the mix to help newer players understand what’s going on.
On enemy card discard, the card is now revealed.

Cards added to the deck from a target will now animate from the target to the deck (i.e. cards generated by Stellar Replicas). On enemy card overdraw, the card is now revealed and burned!
Stream Highlights
Now that the art pipeline is filling up and have multiple units in the works, we’ve been showing off a ton of art on streams, here are the highlights!
Spirit Binder

Baffling Presence

Pile of Tomes


Concord Artisan

Tune in August 17th for the next Dev Stream! Make sure to follow us on Twitch and get notified when we go live! If you missed the last Dev Stream, watch the VOD!
Mac Testing
The Mac build has started closed testing. There is currently no timetable for release, but we’ll make sure to keep you posted when we know! If you want to join the effort in testing the Mac build, drop us a line at [email protected].
Catch ya later, Rangers!
- Your friends at Spiritwalk