Milo Demo Update 0.16.15
- increased the size of waves slightly
- most cultists sprint towards barriers now
- decreased cultist sprint speed scaling 2.5 -> 2.2
- decreased cultist health scaling multiplier 1.4 -> 1.25
- trenchgun base reload speed increased 0.75 -> 1.25
- knife attack now stuns cultists in different ways. Some stuns are shorter, only some will knock them on the ground
- cultists and players will now ignore capsule collision on cultists who are knocked on the ground. IK updates enables to other cultists step on the fallen cultists instead of clipping
- cream machine free uses increased 1 -> 2
- removed the cost of weapon and exploding corpses
- passive cream per second removed
- cream added per kill decreased 0.2 -> 0.085
- lowered pop corpse cream cost 0.5 -> 0.4
- lowered chance for corpse to be popable to 0.5 -> 0.4
- "Follow Orders" elmination requirement increased 4 -> 4-5(random range)
- corpse explode always does damage in small radius
- corpse explode base damage raised 75.0 -> 150.0
- RVO Avoidance 300-400
- improved liquid impact footsteps
- added another barricade and spawn-point for cultists
- reworked some aspects of cultist spawning
- did another pass on the thompson reload so it has even MORE "zing" and "pep"
- thompson base reload speed 1.25 -> 1.6
- thompson base damage increased 33.0 - 36.0
- cultist base health scaling decreased 1.25 -> 1.15
- default player flashlight strength reduced 700 -> 650
- adjusted a few reload speeds on weapons
- most cultists sprint towards barriers now
- decreased cultist sprint speed scaling 2.5 -> 2.2
- decreased cultist health scaling multiplier 1.4 -> 1.25
- trenchgun base reload speed increased 0.75 -> 1.25
- knife attack now stuns cultists in different ways. Some stuns are shorter, only some will knock them on the ground
- cultists and players will now ignore capsule collision on cultists who are knocked on the ground. IK updates enables to other cultists step on the fallen cultists instead of clipping
- cream machine free uses increased 1 -> 2
- removed the cost of weapon and exploding corpses
- passive cream per second removed
- cream added per kill decreased 0.2 -> 0.085
- lowered pop corpse cream cost 0.5 -> 0.4
- lowered chance for corpse to be popable to 0.5 -> 0.4
- "Follow Orders" elmination requirement increased 4 -> 4-5(random range)
- corpse explode always does damage in small radius
- corpse explode base damage raised 75.0 -> 150.0
- RVO Avoidance 300-400
- improved liquid impact footsteps
- added another barricade and spawn-point for cultists
- reworked some aspects of cultist spawning
- did another pass on the thompson reload so it has even MORE "zing" and "pep"
- thompson base reload speed 1.25 -> 1.6
- thompson base damage increased 33.0 - 36.0
- cultist base health scaling decreased 1.25 -> 1.15
- default player flashlight strength reduced 700 -> 650
- adjusted a few reload speeds on weapons