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Milo News

Milo Demo Update 0.16.15

- increased the size of waves slightly
- most cultists sprint towards barriers now
- decreased cultist sprint speed scaling 2.5 -> 2.2
- decreased cultist health scaling multiplier 1.4 -> 1.25
- trenchgun base reload speed increased 0.75 -> 1.25
- knife attack now stuns cultists in different ways. Some stuns are shorter, only some will knock them on the ground
- cultists and players will now ignore capsule collision on cultists who are knocked on the ground. IK updates enables to other cultists step on the fallen cultists instead of clipping
- cream machine free uses increased 1 -> 2
- removed the cost of weapon and exploding corpses
- passive cream per second removed
- cream added per kill decreased 0.2 -> 0.085
- lowered pop corpse cream cost 0.5 -> 0.4
- lowered chance for corpse to be popable to 0.5 -> 0.4
- "Follow Orders" elmination requirement increased 4 -> 4-5(random range)
- corpse explode always does damage in small radius
- corpse explode base damage raised 75.0 -> 150.0
- RVO Avoidance 300-400
- improved liquid impact footsteps
- added another barricade and spawn-point for cultists
- reworked some aspects of cultist spawning
- did another pass on the thompson reload so it has even MORE "zing" and "pep"
- thompson base reload speed 1.25 -> 1.6
- thompson base damage increased 33.0 - 36.0
- cultist base health scaling decreased 1.25 -> 1.15
- default player flashlight strength reduced 700 -> 650
- adjusted a few reload speeds on weapons

Milo Demo Update 0.16.14

Milo Demo Update 0.16.14

- bleed delay between ticks reduced 0.6 -> 0.5
- lowered bleed damage (attribute based magnitude coefficient 2.0 -> 1.5)
- improved visibility of bleed particle FX
- added 10 sec delay for player flashlight to turn on game start
- base ticket cost for cream machine increased 30 -> 50
- ticket cost added per cream machine purchase increased 50 -> 75
- knife attack now has decreases stamina 0.0 -> -8.0
- removed out-of-stamina HUD icon
- you can no longer use knife or grenade while reloading or right after weapon swap
- grenade throw animation playrate speed increased 1.1 -> 1.25
- smoothed camera stuff with weapons (changed camera FOV's and transition speeds for all weapons and the default first-person camera)
- trenchgun base damage decreased 22.0-20.0
- thompson base damage increase 32 -> 33
- fixed a bug that would not increase the thompson fire rate with the attack speed buff
- cultists will now try to pass cultists that or slower or stopped (RVO Avoidance 300.0 Weight 1.0)
- small improvement to ragdoll physics
- reduced the base speed of all weapon reload animations
- did another pass on thompson reload so it has more "zing" and "pep"
- increased cultist sprint speed scaling 2.2 -> 2.5
- increased night brightness 10.0 -> 20.0
- increased cultist health scaling multiplier 1.2 -> 1.4

Milo Demo Hotfix 0.16.12

Milo Demo Hotfix 0.16.12


- Succeeding at the "Follow Orders" mission or will now only result in 1 free Cream Machine use instead of two
- Fixed placement bug with Corpse Icons
- Fixed issue where getting hit by cultist would freeze your movement

Milo Demo Update 0.16.10

Milo Demo Update 0.16.10

I also want to let you know that if you are playing on SteamDeck, I'm sure you've noticed a drop in performance in the past few months. I made an executive decision to limit the amount of time I spent optimizing for the Steamdeck, but my goal is to eventually have it run really smooth on it.

- increased cultist sprint speed scaling per wave 1.25 -> 2.2
- cultists now attack barricades faster as waves increase
- raised the speed of cultist barricade entrance animation slightly to offset a previous update
- increased brightness of night 2.0 -> 10.0
- reduced length of night 2.0 -> 1.25
- increased player flashlight intensity 500 -> 700
- increased player sprint speed multiplier 2.0 -> 2.5
- pop corpse by distance will not pop unless the player is a significant distance from the body
- icons that appear on corpses now magnify when player looks at them
- removed slow effect when player struck by cultist

Thank You for 1000 Wishlists & Milo Demo Update 0.16.8

**Thank you for 1000 Steam Wishlists!**

I would like to thank everyone for supporting Milo, giving feedback, playing the demo, and giving me a lot of inspiration in these past few weeks, especially since Milo garnered a lot of positive attention from places like Reddit, TikTok, and Instagram. I apologize to those who worked hard to earn the "Save the Rats" achievements, as they are now removed from the game. I removed it for a number of reasons but I do want to assure you that the skills you learned in earning those achievements will certainly pay off again in future build of Milo. Thank you for your patience and support, here's the changelog for this update:

**Milo Demo Update 0.16.8**

- removed basketball mini-game ticket prizes and changed it to a score. the mini-game no longer rewards players with tickets
- basketball mini-game can now be played as many times as you want for free
- removed "Save the Rats" update and attending Steam achievements
- fixed several issues with the collision on various static meshes
- altered the reticle to improve visibility
- altered other UI elements to be a bit more discreet and to just generally take up less screen-space