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Milo News

Changelog Milo Demo v.0.16.7

**Changelog Milo Demo v.0.16.7**

- removed flying particle tickets
- removed corpse target particle fx and light
- improved visibility of highlighted cultist in "Follow Orders" minigame
- increase zombie base health and reworked scaling health
- increased volume of plank sounds and miscellaneous foley sounds
- increase vision blur duration from nearby blasts
- reworked cultist sprint speed and scaling
- increased duration of nighttime
- adjusted Kar98 ADS FOV placement
- fixed (hopefully) some cultist outline bugs
- fixed (hopefully) annoying cultist sprint bug
- changed cultist sprint scream sound concurrency settings

known issues: player clipping, issues with navigation (especially with rats), collisions in environment affecting movement etc.

Milo Demo Update v.0.16.3

Milo Demo Update v.0.16.3

- fixed a bug where rats would get stuck in some geometry
- raised zombie health scaling magnitude from 1.25 -> 1.5
- fixed zombie sprint/walk bug
- fixed zombie animation bug
- fixed a bug where stun applied to zombie would not stop movement
- increased visibility, size, lifetime, and offset of damage number pop-ups
- temporarily removed zombie sprint speed scaling by level
- raised thompson base damage 28 -> 32
- raised thompson base crit multiplier 1.5 -> 1.7

Milo Demo Update v.0.16.2

Changelog Milo Demo v.0.16.2

- Ability Cream added per kill increased 0.5 -> 0.65
- Reduced scale of reticle
- Fixed a bug that caused critical strike bonus to not apply
- Chance for body to be poppable increased from 50% -> 60%
- Reworked Zombie sprinting

Milo Demo Update

Changelog Milo Demo v.0.16.0

- Cream Machine can now be purchased with tickets
- Failing the "Follow Orders" mission will send the zombies into a rage, increasing their movement speed
- Cream Machine no longer will re-roll the same item twice in a row
- Fixed a bug that made zombies appear to sprint when still at walking speed
- Fixed collision issues and zombie pathing

Milo Steam Scream Fest Update

Hey I'm excited to be a part of Steam Scream Fest and announce that the new Milo Demo update features something I've dreamt about for years: You can now unlock several permanent rats to join you between sessions by completing achievements.

There are currently six permanent rats that can be unlocked through various challenges, one of which is hidden. You can see details in the Steam Achievements.

  • I am going to be expanding more on the rat system over time. And while I was hoping that I could solidify more features in Milo by this time, I'm proud to deliver this concrete game design choice. All of the permanent rats that you unlock will serve you indefinitely including in the full release of Milo.

  • I am also likely going to create a support pack/DLC in order to give people a chance to give more support to the development of Milo, and to give those who purchased the game when it was available on itch.io to redeem the rat skin that I promised them a long time ago.

Merry Chrimbus, I love you. Hope you guys and gals have some fun playing Milo!
