Milo Demo Update 0.16.14
Milo Demo Update 0.16.14
- bleed delay between ticks reduced 0.6 -> 0.5
- lowered bleed damage (attribute based magnitude coefficient 2.0 -> 1.5)
- improved visibility of bleed particle FX
- added 10 sec delay for player flashlight to turn on game start
- base ticket cost for cream machine increased 30 -> 50
- ticket cost added per cream machine purchase increased 50 -> 75
- knife attack now has decreases stamina 0.0 -> -8.0
- removed out-of-stamina HUD icon
- you can no longer use knife or grenade while reloading or right after weapon swap
- grenade throw animation playrate speed increased 1.1 -> 1.25
- smoothed camera stuff with weapons (changed camera FOV's and transition speeds for all weapons and the default first-person camera)
- trenchgun base damage decreased 22.0-20.0
- thompson base damage increase 32 -> 33
- fixed a bug that would not increase the thompson fire rate with the attack speed buff
- cultists will now try to pass cultists that or slower or stopped (RVO Avoidance 300.0 Weight 1.0)
- small improvement to ragdoll physics
- reduced the base speed of all weapon reload animations
- did another pass on thompson reload so it has more "zing" and "pep"
- increased cultist sprint speed scaling 2.2 -> 2.5
- increased night brightness 10.0 -> 20.0
- increased cultist health scaling multiplier 1.2 -> 1.4
- bleed delay between ticks reduced 0.6 -> 0.5
- lowered bleed damage (attribute based magnitude coefficient 2.0 -> 1.5)
- improved visibility of bleed particle FX
- added 10 sec delay for player flashlight to turn on game start
- base ticket cost for cream machine increased 30 -> 50
- ticket cost added per cream machine purchase increased 50 -> 75
- knife attack now has decreases stamina 0.0 -> -8.0
- removed out-of-stamina HUD icon
- you can no longer use knife or grenade while reloading or right after weapon swap
- grenade throw animation playrate speed increased 1.1 -> 1.25
- smoothed camera stuff with weapons (changed camera FOV's and transition speeds for all weapons and the default first-person camera)
- trenchgun base damage decreased 22.0-20.0
- thompson base damage increase 32 -> 33
- fixed a bug that would not increase the thompson fire rate with the attack speed buff
- cultists will now try to pass cultists that or slower or stopped (RVO Avoidance 300.0 Weight 1.0)
- small improvement to ragdoll physics
- reduced the base speed of all weapon reload animations
- did another pass on thompson reload so it has more "zing" and "pep"
- increased cultist sprint speed scaling 2.2 -> 2.5
- increased night brightness 10.0 -> 20.0
- increased cultist health scaling multiplier 1.2 -> 1.4