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Milo News

Milo Demo 0.17.9 Update

Milo Demo 0.17.9 Update NEW LEADERBOARD for Highest Wave Survived
NEW Balancing adjustments and map exploit fixes

- decreased base damage for pistol 40 -> 30
- decreased pistol base reload speed 1.5 -> 1.2
- fixed a map exploit that made cultists stop attacking player
- adjusted damage pop-up numbers so they have better visibility
- increased grenade blast radius 275 -> 335 and standard corpse explode radius 200 -> 250
- added leaderboard for Highest Wave Survived. You can view your ranking at the end-game screen
- added some adjustments to help eliminate an occasional crash

Milo Demo Update 0.17.6-8

Milo Demo 0.17.6-8 Update

- significant performance increase on all platforms (I'd like to get better performance on Steamdeck in the future)
- replaced the Kar98 wallbuy with the M1 Garand
- adjusted weather system for performance
- fixed weird behavior with weapon swap for Keyboard & Mouse users

- raised cultist sprint speed multiplier
- reduced visibility of wind debris FX
- increased sprint multiplier for cultist during failed "Follow Orders" mission
- melee knife attack now cancels reload
- cultists no longer slow the player when they attack
- replaced pistol wall-buy with the kar98
- fixed a visual bug when cocking the kar98 in ADS and switching to hip-fire

Milo Demo Update 0.17.1

Milo Demo Update 0.17.1

- reloading now cancels ADS
- weapon swap is now bound to gamepad Y(Xbox) & Triangle(Playstation) instead of D-pad
- grenade cooldown increased 20-30 seconds
- added "S.F.Sorrow" & "@ogzombieplayers" to the Special Thanks section of the Milo credits
- weapon swap is now blocked when sprinting
- lowered player camera FOV significantly
- lowered player camera height
- increased trenchgun spread, and adjusted damage fall-off values
- decreased knife attack distance 200 -> 150
- raised chance for ammo corpse to spawn
- cream added per kill increased 0.03 -> 0.045
- cultist hits now have a 10% slow the player
- some weapons can now be purchased at locations in the map
- increased chance for bomb corpse and gas corpse to spawn
- removed forced weapon spawns
- removed stun corpse
- increased base bleed damage 2.0 -> 5.0 (a significant buff)
- adjusted cultist grunt sounds to be more frequent
- increased the base sprint speed of cultists
- increase pistol base damage 35 -> 39
- reticle is now hidden by default
- sprinting now cancels reload
- reloading now doesn't punish you be removing remaining bullets in clip/magazine

Milo Demo Update 0.16.26

Milo Demo Update 0.16.26

- you can now repair barricades when cultists are not attacking
- barricades do not auto-repair at end of wave
- it should now be much easier to pop corpses you want to pop
- tweaks to lighting and weather system

Milo Demo Update 0.16.20

Hotfix added that I think fixes a crash when using the Cream Machine

- culstist pathing/collision improved when they are knocked on the ground/getting update
- increased grenade cooldown 14.0 - 15.0
- increased the base LOD (resolution) on many meshes e.g sandbags, wood structures
- decreased player flashlight intensity 650 -> 575
- increase ADS zoom for Kar98
- lowered chance for ticket-corpse and ammo-corpse to spawn
- all corpses can now be popped
- adjusted lights, weather, and miscellanous map decorations
- lowered night brightness 20-13
- raised chance zombie to sprint toward barrier after wave 2
- cultists don't start sprinting until the end of wave 1
- increased chance to sprint scaling for all cultists