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  3. Milo Demo Update 0.16.10

Milo Demo Update 0.16.10

Milo Demo Update 0.16.10

I also want to let you know that if you are playing on SteamDeck, I'm sure you've noticed a drop in performance in the past few months. I made an executive decision to limit the amount of time I spent optimizing for the Steamdeck, but my goal is to eventually have it run really smooth on it.

- increased cultist sprint speed scaling per wave 1.25 -> 2.2
- cultists now attack barricades faster as waves increase
- raised the speed of cultist barricade entrance animation slightly to offset a previous update
- increased brightness of night 2.0 -> 10.0
- reduced length of night 2.0 -> 1.25
- increased player flashlight intensity 500 -> 700
- increased player sprint speed multiplier 2.0 -> 2.5
- pop corpse by distance will not pop unless the player is a significant distance from the body
- icons that appear on corpses now magnify when player looks at them
- removed slow effect when player struck by cultist