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Mirthwood News


Hi folks,

This is a small patch to fix some issues mostly with meteorite shards and timers for saves after year 1.

- Reset meteorite shard spawns
- Add a few more shards
- Shard quest fixed to require 'gathered' vs. 'has' shards, lowered to 20
- Shard vendor won't take your shards if you have a full inventory
- Fixed hardwood Kiln recipe timer
- Fix invisible Deer

For saves after year 1: - Shift day to Winter 10 just before Yuletide starts - Fix for broken timers (Shops/Animals etc)

This will let get you access to the Yuletide goods, and fix any other issues, but you may lose some of your planted crops. We apologize for this! (or you're welcome, if you wanted to go straight to Yuletide)

We hope everyone has a great holiday and a Merry Christmas!

Daron & Brian

Night of Falling Stars Patch Notes, Winter Sale Discount, and our Dev Roadmap!

Hello folks!

Since launch, we've been hard at work making improvement and content patches to Mirthwood. Our goal, is to continue these patches all through next year and hopefully beyond. We've heard and processed community feedback and we've made changes and implemented new features to the game based on that feedback. If you haven't already, we invite you to join our Mirthwood discord. It's the best way to leave feedback, report bugs, get sneak peeks at upcoming content and interact with the devs and an awesomely vibrant community.

With that being said, pick up a copy of Mirthwood at 15% discount this winter sale.

Without any further ado, here's our updated roadmap. We hope it'll excite those that are looking to dive into the world of Mirthwood.

  • As a reminder, a previous patch made changes to combat. You can turn on easy combat in settings.
  • Also, the game's FPS is set at 200. If your hardware cannot handle that, please set the max FPS cap in your GPU settings. We've made some performance improvements and optimizations this patch, and we'll continue to work on the slight hitches that can occur from time to time.
  • When stuck, try F2 to reset the game state.

The patch notes for the Night of the Falling Stars update (Patch 1.0.40):

  • Fix stutter/load during the ride sequence of tutorial
  • Throttle more when loading spawned objects (the goal is smoother area loading)
  • Load less grass per frame at the farm (smoother farm loading)
  • Lower portal looping sfx volume
  • Added ability to hide helmet (toggle checkbox in Inventory)
  • Show equipped weapon on character back when not in use
  • Removed hail (rain instead)
  • Fix bow aim animation able to get stuck when swapping/hiding bow
  • Add 5 hardwood for 2 charcoal to kiln, no longer uses wood
  • Decrease the amount of hunger filled by food
  • Cooked foods now give 10 energy when consumed
  • Stamina regen speed increased 15 to 25
  • Add “Lights in the Barrows” quest (pickup from Ivar in Ashmire)
  • Increase armor and attack for:
  • Duwende: 5->15 Armor, 27->35 Attack
  • Anya: 25->35 Armor, 45->55 Attack
  • Add the Elegant Mirror to change character appearance
  • Add Fish Creels to place and return later to catch some lobster and other fish (1 day)
  • Remove lobster being obtainable by fishing.
  • Add Fish Creel has a chance to be picked back up or break (20% chance to break)
  • Add Fish Creel to anvil
  • Add Bee House to make different kinds of honey, using Queen Bees
  • Add Queen Bees, found as a chance from bee hives (50% chance)
  • New Quests: Night of the Falling Stars, Murder Amongst Friends, Fragments of Fortune, and Mending the Stars
  • New Aurora's Crest area and campsite
  • Add meteorite shard vendor in Aurora's Crest (available after new quests start in area)
  • Add "The Butcher" contract near Ashmire
  • New enemy: The Butcher added
  • Add "Phantom of the Coast" contract in Greyshore
  • New enemy: Lesser Vampire added
  • Shorten seasons to 25 days
  • Add bow aim indicator
  • Add "Skip Tutorial" option to main menu (an existing save must be present)
  • Add Yuletide event from Winter day 10 to 25 (Brightoak, Greyshores, Crossroads)
  • Add Yuletide Vendor with yuletide decor & mount in Brightoak
  • Add Celestial Stag mount
  • Add Cotton spawns to Lonely Plains
  • Change gems pickaxe requirements: ruby stays steel, emerald/amethyst to silver, diamond to gold pickaxe
  • Add The Cleaver as a craftable weapon
  • Add Cedric's Cane weapon
  • Add Vampire's Locket trinket
  • Add Smokehouse and Smokehouse diagram
  • Add smoked foods
  • Add Hardwood, Fine Hardwood, and Elegant Hardwood Gates
  • Add Turnip, Leek, Spinach, Parsnip, & Artichoke crops
  • Add new herbs (Mint, Fennel, Rosemary) and distribute herbs through the map by region.
  • Add Salt (near the coast)
  • Add Teas
  • Add and update Honey art
  • Adjust herbal honey stats
  • Shuffle items in chests for better progression balance (changed location of various weapon/armor diagrams)
  • Increase price of Steelsong to 1000
  • Update to shrine requirements to smooth progression

Stardew Valley rival Mirthwood completely overhauls combat, adds festive decor

It seems like cozy games and the holidays just go hand-in-hand. As the fire flickers in the background and that big mug of eggnog steams away next to you, booting up something like Disney Dreamlight Valley or Stardew just feels like the logical next step. If you've already completed all of their content, however, Mirthwood is a chill new adventure from Bad Ridge Games that transports traditional farming and management mechanics into a Fable-style world. Ahead of the holidays, it's getting a huge new update that overhauls combat and, of course, adds some festive goodies.

Read the rest of the story...


After a slight delay, Stardew Valley rival Mirthwood is finally out

New Stardew Valley style RPG Mirthwood has just been delayed

Mirthwood will evolve into a true Stardew Valley rival post-launch

Patch 1.0.30p2 - Combat Changes

Hello folks,

Just dropping by to provide a brief update on some changes we've made to combat. The changes are mainly centered around the usage of stamina/energy during combat, or when sprinting or dodging.

Stamina is based on your current Energy, and is drained when sprinting or performing combat actions. After a short delay, it starts to regenerate. You will also now face the mouse when in combat and attack in the mouse/stick direction instead of facing the closest enemy. Enemies also move slightly faster when trying to get in attack range.

The goal here is to prevent the easy spamming of attacks that removes all thought/effort from combat, while also making managing your energy level more important before engaging in fights.

If you're not into these changes, don't worry! They do make combat more challenging, but you can easily turn them off in settings.

While we have much more planned, this is a first step toward improving the combat experience in Mirthwood - and of course - we always have an ear out for your feedback.

Once more, we recommend joining the Discord! It's the best place to get a peek at upcoming content, provide feedback, submit bugs, and just hang out with the community.

[h2]Patch 1.0.30p2:[/h2]
    Improve combat facing/attack direction with gamepad
    Use stamina when sprinting or performing combat actions
    # Don't regen stamina while aiming the bow
    # Don't use stamina to sprint while mounted
    # Allow actions when at max energy (for low max energy)
    # Only use stamina for blocking when an attack is blocked
    Easy Combat setting disables stamina system
    Face the mouse when in combat
    Player attacks in mouse/stick direction
    Remove combat lock on
    Bow face direction only with right stick when aiming (fix issues of capped aim direction with left stick)
    Bow movement speed while aiming reduced from 50% to 40% (players is slower)
    Enemies move slightly faster to get in attack range
    Hide mouse cursor when using a gamepad
    Default Sprint key to Ctrl
    Fix key prompts for shift/ctrl/alt
    Added Switch controller support
    Added more inputs to Controls settings (Move, Call Mount, Interacts, Walk Toggle)
    Add ability to place multiple map markers
    Fix rain fog effects from ground clipping
    Decrease farm animal volume, frequency
    Fixed issue causing boulders/logs to respawn on farm
    Resource/enemy spawners throttle when loading for smoother area loading
    Fix credits not showing
    Fix scythe not working outside the farm
    Fix copper ore outside the farm requiring more hits
    Save marketplace requests and requisitions
    Save marketplace item prices
    Fixed fishing cancel bug
    Lobsters are now 'Medium' rarity
    Slightly decrease time required to catch fish
    Fix bug increasing resources given when using tools with a full inventory
    Fix Standing Stones: Murkwater (missing stone and wrong skill card)
    Fix 'Missing Man' npc looking like the Stranger
    Anya's Rest and Revenge On Ice quest enemies respawn
    Add map markers for more quests that return to an NPC
    Localization updates

    Patch 1.0.26p2

    • Fix issue with timers after year 1 (animal breeding, producing, growing up too quickly, etc)
    • Add message that the animal was delivered to farm when buying animals
    • Add a hint about holding X/down d-pad to call mount when buying horses
    • Add whistle sound when calling mount
    • Change animal relationship menu icon to a paw
    • Player now respawns at the nearest unlocked campsite or the farm
    • Respawn enemies when re-loading: Mistress of the Moor, wolves for In the Wolves Den, bandits in Unmasked
    • Fix Seriel letting you talk to him and complete Unmasked early
    • Fix Banished Gate able to hide before being completed
    • Prevent roll/dodge while drawing the bow
    • Changed Rat to 5hp, and fixed the hitbox size
    • Fixed scroll issue in Trade/Crafting menus
    • Auto select list elements on hover or key input at crafting menu
    • Dim items that can't be crafted in crafting menus
    • Fixed issue while using the sickle on crops outside the farm
    • Fix for grass reappearing under placed objects
    • Hide main cursor when hand cursor is shown
    • Optimize Murkwater Marsh to load less unnecessary objects and reduce stuttering
    • Smoother loading of the farm, avoid loading it while in Brightoak to reduce stutter in town
    • Fix resources/enemies able to instantly respawn

    • As a reminder. The FPS cap was removed from the game a while back. Please set the FPS cap in your native GPU settings.
    • F2 will get you unstuck in most situations.
    • Check out our discord for sneak peeks on upcoming content, report and lookup bugs, and experience a helpful and inviting community. Community suggestions are shaping the evolution of our game over at https://discord.gg/RACfdPMC9e