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Mirthwood News

What We're Working On

Hi Folks,

Wanted to post a brief update here to let you know we're still working hard to iron out the remaining bugs and performance issues that have been reported. This is our priority and we'll keep doing this until everything is in ship-shape(?).

Our aim is to push out a patch (at least) once a week.

We're also preparing new content for our December update. If you haven't already, join the Discord for some additional sneak peeks!

Patch 1.0.24f

Patch Notes:

Bug Fixes:
- Fix item placement layer saving (2nd floor items fix)
- Switch to VP8 encoding for videos (fix black screens / cinematics not playing)
- Fix fishing spots being visible but with no fish
- Fix issue with spawners creating extra enemies in late game area
- Fix animals clipping through walls of Shed, Stable, Mill
- Fix troughs not saving hay/feed
- Fix Grain Mill blocking player movement on 2nd floor
- Fix issues with the last day of the year
- Fix Greyshore trade route not connecting
- Fix fruit trees not always growing fruit
- Fix path paint error when erasing near player house
- Fixed falling from 2nd floor/bridges when loading
- Autosave *after* sleeping has given energy etc
- Fix controller item rotating (with RB, keeping LB for Radial by default)
- Fix animals getting unassigned/wrong shelter when loading
- Allow animals to be hand fed with Hay or Animal Feed (hand feeding not required, they still eat grass or from a trough)
- Fix animals production timer (fix pigs never finding truffles!)
- Fix horse assigning to stable & hand feeding
- Fix horse position loading incorrectly
- Fix marketplace supply/demand view
- Fix requests/requisitions not refilling
- Fix issue with placing fences with only 1 in inventory
- Fix bug preventing fences connecting to each other
- Prevent errors causing days to not advance
- Fix trough visuals not loading
- Fix newly purchased animals appearing on top of each other
- Prevent placing fences on the 2nd floor
- Fix fences pushing player around when placing
- Fix Wraith's counting as Spriggan kills
- Fix south facing Simple Purple Dress
- Save barn door open/closed state

- Fix Elara issues in A Voice From the North
- Make Markus respawn/reset on reload
- Fix possibility of stuck on banished quest step 2 after opening gate

- Reduce iron ore respawn time in the Marsh
- Decrease animal breed rate
- Slight increase friendship/romance gain rate
- Fixed issue preventing some resources from respawning
- Higher tier pickaxe & axe give more resources
- Enemies don't block/dodge player melee attacks when out of range
- Crude bow available to craft without diagram
- Slightly faster fishing for easy/medium
- Enemies no longer flee from ranged damage
- Enemies have reduced chance to defend ranged damage
- Enemies move slightly faster when farther from their target
- Add new item to Silas black market shop

- Switch active quest when completing a step from another quest
- Improve Horse calling (hold X / d-pad down)
- Increase the range for assigning animals to shelters
- Quick Store only to the chest interacted with (should fix quick store inconsistency)
- Check steam achievements of previously completed quests (possible fix for some not triggering)
- Add Autosave toggle in Settings
- Add Music Volume slider
- Fix Refiner item requirement names not localized
- Fix 'Reset' in controls not localized
- Fix animal Unassign not localized
- Other minor localization changes

- As a reminder. If you are stuck in game pressing F2 will unstick you in most situations.
- The game's FPS has been capped at 200. Vsync was re-enabled a couple of patches ago. Set your GPU settings accordingly.
- If you are experiencing lag in the marsh, we recommend saving in the marsh and reloading. This despawns the player's farm which causes the lag. You can also sleep in the marshes and achieve the same effect. Furthermore, if you experience lag hitches in Brightoak, that's usually due to the farm loading.
- We encourage everyone to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/RACfdPMC9e

- We have upcoming mid-December content called "The Night of Falling Stars":
- Yuletide in Mirthwood
- New food recipes
- New clothing items
- New decor items
- New questline
- Map expansion

Mirthwood (PC) Review

After relentless prodding from CGM’s Dayna Eileen, I decided to take a look at Mirthwood. It’s an ongoing thing between us to share interesting-looking cozy games, and she thought this would be right up my alley due in large part to its medieval setting and somewhat grim atmosphere—what that says about me, I’m not quite sure.

In truth, while the idea that a farming sim set in a time of mass famine, inequality and general ignorance would be considered cozy certainly piqued my interest, I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of calling it a cozy game—it seems a bit more to me like a survival horror. However, despite its interesting ideas, Mirthwood failed to grab me for the simple fact that it’s just not really interesting. 

The story, such as it is, unfolds when the ravages of war force the player from their idyllic country life on the Continent to the island of the Free Lands. Governed by no King or ruling class, the player must forge a new idyllic life here after... Read more

Patch 1.0.15f

Patch 1.0.15f

With this patch, we have turned on the v-sync option in the settings menu. If your GPU is using application based vsync, this will help with your stabilization issues. In-game vsync settings should no longer interfere with native GPU settings.

-Fix Wardrobes reloading with only 5 slots
-Fix fences on Farm being able to link to player placed fences (caused issues loading them later),
-Fix fence posts visible from 2nd floor
-Fixed placed Binding Stones not being saved
-Refreshed Binding Stones (can get them again if any were lost)
-Reset Bandits for 'The Bandit Blockades' & 'Barren Rock Bandits' (fix if can't complete because missing kills)
-Prevent finding chest before talking to Elara in Voice From the North quest
-Potential fix for crashing when fast traveling
-Fix Grain Mill queue not saving progress
-Update Mill queue to allow for 5 items
-Revert Steel to cost to 1 Iron Bar
-Fix crevice in Plains that player could fall into
-Fix Ranger/Toxicologist skill cards, Craftsman properly use less items when crafting (no preview yet, 5% less)
-Fix Riddles quest Stranger not moving for "Follow the Stranger"
-Fix chests/barrels reloading state when placed (dupe/delete item bug)
-Fix Large Cypress not being able to be picked up
-Fix Skeleton Cage not being able to be picked up
-Updated localization changes
-Turn vsync back on in in-game settings

I tried to live out my cosy medieval peasant fantasy in Mirthwood but kept dying from starvation and bandit attacks

There are times when videogames mirror real life. In Mirthwood's case, it's the fact that I'm constantly hungry. A bread chunk barely lasts me a few axe thwacks at a tree, and a baked apple carries me for a few steps before my stomach is growling at me once more...
Read more.