Fix issue with timers after year 1 (animal breeding, producing, growing up too quickly, etc)
Add message that the animal was delivered to farm when buying animals
Add a hint about holding X/down d-pad to call mount when buying horses
Add whistle sound when calling mount
Change animal relationship menu icon to a paw
Player now respawns at the nearest unlocked campsite or the farm
Respawn enemies when re-loading: Mistress of the Moor, wolves for In the Wolves Den, bandits in Unmasked
Fix Seriel letting you talk to him and complete Unmasked early
Fix Banished Gate able to hide before being completed
Prevent roll/dodge while drawing the bow
Changed Rat to 5hp, and fixed the hitbox size
Fixed scroll issue in Trade/Crafting menus
Auto select list elements on hover or key input at crafting menu
Dim items that can't be crafted in crafting menus
Fixed issue while using the sickle on crops outside the farm
Fix for grass reappearing under placed objects
Hide main cursor when hand cursor is shown
Optimize Murkwater Marsh to load less unnecessary objects and reduce stuttering
Smoother loading of the farm, avoid loading it while in Brightoak to reduce stutter in town
Fix resources/enemies able to instantly respawn
As a reminder. The FPS cap was removed from the game a while back. Please set the FPS cap in your native GPU settings.
F2 will get you unstuck in most situations.
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