Patch 1.0.43
- Let enemies attack vertically
- Reduce vertical hit hitbox range to 70%
- Fix issue that could cause Fish Creel/trap to not load correctly
- Fix for the horse getting stuck when calling it
- Fix Feedback/Bug Report button saying it failed to send
- Add feedback button to Pause menu
- Fix walk toggle not working
- Move inventory UI so health is visible
- Improve quest marker for Night of Falling Stars entrance
- Change Bee Hut to produce 2x more honey per queen and no longer auto select more regular honey
- Fix/adjust pig avatar preview
- Reduced chance for a crop to wilt from Blight
- Keep the tilled soil when a crop wilts
- Reduced chance to remove any empty tilled soil each day
- Fix for a cause of missing/broken eye visuals when toggling helmet visibility