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Steel Division 2 News

Hell’s Highway and RP16 Coming Next Week!

The time to deploy is almost near, commanders!

Nemesis #7 - Hell’s Highway and the free Reinforcement Pack 16 - Dukla Pass will launch next week, Tuesday, the 21st of January.

That’s not all: alongside the above, we will also release a major Steel Division 2 balance patch.

Keep reading to find out more!

[h2]Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway[/h2] Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway is the latest community-voted Steel Division 2 DLC, transporting the World War II action to the infamous Hell’s Highway corridor, heavily contested during airborne landings as part of Market Garden in September 1944.


Take command as the multinational British 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division of the Allied XXX Corps with its attached Dutch Princess Irene Brigade and Polish paratroopers, or let your tank guns roar with the combined Kampfgruppe Walther and its heavy Panzerbrigade 107’s contingent of Panzer IV/70 tank destroyers.
Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway features a host of new units, such as Dutch resistance fighters and Princess Irene Brigade motorized Geweergroepen, Mariniers naval infantry detachments, Polish Spadochroniareze paratroopers, and British Assault Troops backed by Dutch-operated Lynx and Humber LRC armored scout cars, Mitchell II bombers and Spitfire Mk. XIV fighters.

The Axis deploy not only a smattering of re-equipped SS Panzergrenadiers but also various squads of Fallschirmjägers, including crack veterans and inexperienced soldiers drawn from local paratrooper school unit, and even disheartened Luftwaffe penal troops. The freshly stood-up Panzerbrigade 107 features the new Panzer IV/70 tank destroyer and SdKfz. 251/21 with Drilling 15mm in AA and fire support roles.

[h2]Reinforcement Pack #16 - Dukla Pass[/h2]
The free Reinforcement Pack #16 - Dukla Pass will bring you a brand-new Steel Division 2 map. Inspired by the location of the most ferocious World War II battles fought on the Polish-Slovak frontier in late 1944, Dukla Pass features a whole gamut of tactical and strategic choices set among rolling valleys, narrow battlefield corridors, and dense forests.


[h2]Major Balance Update[/h2]
Next to these releases, Steel Division 2 will also receive a major balance update. Some of the changes include buffing certain SMGs and LMGs, the addition of a variety of units to older divisions, improving Soviet tank leader and medium tank availability, an overhaul of anti-tank rifle teams, recon armored cars, light tanks, and AT half-tracks, and much more!

You can already see some of the changes previewed by the Strike Team. They have been allowed to stream all the content until Tuesday’s full release.

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all for today. This coming Tuesday, get ready for some gloriously updated Steel Division 2 combat!

Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.

Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield, commander!

Happy New Year 2025

Hello commanders,

It’s been a while, but it’s sure good to be back. From the whole Eugen team, we wish you all the best for 2025, including many more Steel Division 2 battles!

This leads us to the latest Steel Division 2 news we wanted to share with you. Onwards!

[h2]Steel Division 2 is alive and well[/h2]
No, Steel Division 2 is not dead. As stated numerous times, Cold War cousin WARNO’s development has taken precedence in recent months. We’ve been busy trying to keep to a packed schedule, which invariably didn’t always work out in the end. As a consequence, this also meant the delay of Steel Division 2’s projects.

But now, we are getting to the good part. Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway and the free Reinforcement Pack #16 are ready to be shipped. They will be delivered as soon as we build and thoroughly test the very last version. All in all, this means it should be in your hands very soon.

[h2]Still some more waiting[/h2]
One of the casualties was the Army General-focused Battle of Dukla Pass expansion, which has been left on the shelf for a bit longer than expected. However, with Eugen’s schedule easing up, we are finally able to really start working on this next Steel Division 2 expansion.

There is a silver lining to the above. While the game designers were busy with WARNO - NORTHAG expansion, the 3D artists had extra free time and took that opportunity to model some missing Steel Division 2 units for existing divisions. These will be delivered shortly in an extra free Reinforcement Pack #17. We hope to tease some of these models in the next DevBlog!

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s it for this week. We’ll be back soon with Reinforcement Pack #17 goodies!

Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.

Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield, commander!

Nemesis #7 and Dukla Pass Map News

Hello commanders!

We are the bearers of good news. It’s been a while since we last spoke, but we have some tidbits to share with you regarding good ‘ol Steel Division 2.

Keep reading to find out more!

[h2]The State of Affairs[/h2]
What’s in store for Steel Division 2 in the very near future?

First things first: the new (and free to all owners) Reinforcement Pack #16 - DUKLA PASS is being tested and almost ready to be shipped. Inspired by the location of the most ferocious World War II battles fought on the Polish-Slovak frontier in late 1944, the new Dukla Pass map features a whole gamut of tactical and strategic choices set among rolling valleys, narrow battlefield corridors, and dense forests.

This Steel Division 2 Skirmish map will be playable in every game mode, including solo, coop, and multiplayer.


[h2]Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway[/h2]
Furthermore, we are putting the finishing touches on Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway. It still needs some last-minute tweaking and polish, but this new community-voted mini-expansion for Steel Division 2 should be ready soon.

In case you’ve forgotten: Nemesis - Hell’s Highway transports the action to the infamous Hell’s Highway corridor, heavily contested during Market Garden in September 1944.

Take command as the multi-national British 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division of the Allied XXX Corps with its attached Dutch Princess Irene Brigade and Polish paratroopers, or let your tank guns roar with the combined Kampfgruppe Walther and its heavy Panzerbrigade 107’s contingent of Panzer IV/70 tank destroyers.

A host of new units will be featured in Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway, such as Dutch resistance fighters and Princess Irene Brigade motorized Geweergroepen, Mariniers naval infantry detachments, Polish Spadochroniarze paratroopers, and British Assault Troops backed by Dutch-operated Lynx and Humber LRC armored scout cars, Mitchell II bombers and Spitfire Mk. XIV fighters.

The Axis deploy not only a smattering of re-equipped SS Panzergrenadiers but also various squads of Fallschirmjägers, including crack veterans and inexperienced soldiers drawn from local paratrooper school units, and even disheartened Luftwaffe penal troops. The freshly stood-up Panzerbrigade 107 features the new Panzer IV/70 tank destroyer and SdKfz. 251/21 with Drilling 15mm in AA and fire support roles.


[h2]Upcoming Balance Updates[/h2]
Of course, you can also expect a major balance Steel Division 2 update to be rolled out simultaneously. A sneak peek:

  • We buffed the worst SMGs (MP-40 and Sten) and LMGs (l.MG 08/15).
  • We improved the availability of Soviet tank leaders and medium tanks, as well as SU-85 and German Panzer IVs.
  • A massive rehaul of anti-tank rifle teams, recon armored cars, light tanks, and AT half-tracks. They’ve seen an improvement in price and/or availability to buff Axis and Soviet performance versus light vehicles such as 20mm guns-equipped armored cars and half-tracks.
  • We boosted 1750m heavy AA guns’ prices across the board (from Vickers 76mm to Italian 90mm).

  • We improved 28mm/37mm/75mm-armed half-tracks, enhancing their use as leader transports.
  • We added military police to older Finnish and Hungarian divisions.
  • We also added a variety of units to other older divisions (to be disclosed later in full).
  • KAZAKI infantry were reworked as 12-man squads (currently only featuring 9 soldiers) with an increase in firepower. This will make them align closer to their historical organization.
  • We buffed the FW 190D’s agility and JU-87s resilience.
  • Lastly, in order to model the new Nemesis #7’s PANZER IV/70 properly, we reworked the existing JAGDPANZER IV in its entirety (as it wasn’t technically completely correct). So, new base models and the latter vehicle’s older model will be replaced with the new reworked one in all existing divisions.

[h2]Until next time[/h2]
We aim to release both Reinforcement Pack #16 and Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway at the same time!

Be sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Steel Division 2, keep an eye out on our Instagram. Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield, commanders.

New Valley of Death Map Out Now!

Deploy for combat, commanders!

Valley of Death, a brand-new map for Steel Division 2, is out now for free to all owners! The new battlefield comes part as the Reinforcement Pack #15: Valley of Death available today.


[h2]Valley of Death[/h2]
As mentioned in previous Steel Division 2 DevBlogs, Valley of Death is intricately linked with the Slovak National Uprising (talked about in this post here). The failure to capture the Dukla Pass in October 1944 resulted in ferocious fighting as Allied Soviet forces tried to battle their way into Slovakia. The once pleasant valley was so littered with Soviet burning and destroyed tank hulls that it received the moniker “Valley of Death.”

The Valley of Death in Steel Division 2 will rely on real-life terrain height variations with a river splitting the area. The four hills in this sector are on high plateaus, separated by a geological rift. Taking advantage of the rocky edges will give your units excellent sight lines, plus there are several patches of wood to find much-needed cover.

[h2]What else?[/h2]
No patchlog nor major balance change with this release, we are busy preparing Nemesis #7 - Hell's Highway, modeling units, integrating them, ...
If you want proofs of it, check the armory: you'll see that the new Netherlands nation is already live. It only features one unit so far, the 1st SSB's Dutch SPITFIRE Mk.XIV which we have already converted to its proper nationality.

We have also used the opportunity of modeling the Dutch to already rework the Lewis M20 LMG's model, currently used ingame by the SS-LANDSTORM as the l.MG 100(h).

[h2]Until next time[/h2]
That’s it for this DevBlog. Get downloading and start playing Valley of Death. We look forward to hearing what you think of the latest Steel Division 2 battlefield!

Be sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Steel Division 2, keep an eye out on our Instagram. Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

Before we leave you be, a small housekeeping note. We will be back with a Steel Division 2 DevBlog, but it won’t be on a weekly or even bi-weekly basis. From now on, we will only post something when we have a new announcement to make or when detailing the progress in the lead-up to a major update.

See you on the battlefield, commanders.

Valley of Death Release Date

Good news, commanders.

A brand-new map, Valley of Death, will be coming to Steel Division 2 next week!

As promised in last week’s DevBlog’s update, the new battlefield has been made ready for imminent deployment!

[h2]Valley of Death[/h2]
So what is this new Valley of Death map? As a matter of fact, the Valley of Death is not a catchy name thought of by us, but a historical nickname given to a small valley on the border between Poland and Czechoslovakia in the autumn of 1944. The Slovak National Uprising (talked about in this post here) failed to capture the Dukla Pass, which resulted in ferocious fighting as Soviet forces tried to battle their way into Slovakia later on. The once pleasant valley was so littered with Soviet burning and destroyed tank hulls it received the moniker “Valley of Death.”

The Valley of Death in Steel Division 2 will rely on real-life terrain height variations. A river splits the area. The actual plain follows the river’s path, creating enough space in its center for a village. The other side of the combat zone is defined by very large forests on small hills. The four hills in this sector are on high plateaus, separated by a geological rift. Taking advantage of the rocky edges will give your units excellent sight lines, plus there are some patches of wood to find cover. We can’t wait for you to start playing Valley of Death!

[h2]Steel Division 2’s Roadmap[/h2]
There are more exciting things in store for Steel Division 2.

  • We are also working on the free new map DUKLA PASS. A DevBlog with more details can be found here.
  • The next Nemesis #7 Hell’s Highway coming at a later date. We are actually integrating and modeling all the Nemesis new units. What can you expect? Check out all the details in this DevBlog.
  • The next new major expansion for Steel Division 2 will be the Army General-focused DUKLA PASS. Make sure to read more in this dedicated DevBlog.

[h2]Until next time[/h2]
That’s it for this DevBlog, commander! We’ll be back next week as promised!

Be sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Steel Division 2, keep an eye out on our Instagram. Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield.