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  3. Valley of Death Release Date

Valley of Death Release Date

Good news, commanders.

A brand-new map, Valley of Death, will be coming to Steel Division 2 next week!

As promised in last week’s DevBlog’s update, the new battlefield has been made ready for imminent deployment!

[h2]Valley of Death[/h2]
So what is this new Valley of Death map? As a matter of fact, the Valley of Death is not a catchy name thought of by us, but a historical nickname given to a small valley on the border between Poland and Czechoslovakia in the autumn of 1944. The Slovak National Uprising (talked about in this post here) failed to capture the Dukla Pass, which resulted in ferocious fighting as Soviet forces tried to battle their way into Slovakia later on. The once pleasant valley was so littered with Soviet burning and destroyed tank hulls it received the moniker “Valley of Death.”

The Valley of Death in Steel Division 2 will rely on real-life terrain height variations. A river splits the area. The actual plain follows the river’s path, creating enough space in its center for a village. The other side of the combat zone is defined by very large forests on small hills. The four hills in this sector are on high plateaus, separated by a geological rift. Taking advantage of the rocky edges will give your units excellent sight lines, plus there are some patches of wood to find cover. We can’t wait for you to start playing Valley of Death!

[h2]Steel Division 2’s Roadmap[/h2]
There are more exciting things in store for Steel Division 2.

  • We are also working on the free new map DUKLA PASS. A DevBlog with more details can be found here.
  • The next Nemesis #7 Hell’s Highway coming at a later date. We are actually integrating and modeling all the Nemesis new units. What can you expect? Check out all the details in this DevBlog.
  • The next new major expansion for Steel Division 2 will be the Army General-focused DUKLA PASS. Make sure to read more in this dedicated DevBlog.

[h2]Until next time[/h2]
That’s it for this DevBlog, commander! We’ll be back next week as promised!

Be sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Steel Division 2, keep an eye out on our Instagram. Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield.