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  3. New Valley of Death Map Out Now!

New Valley of Death Map Out Now!

Deploy for combat, commanders!

Valley of Death, a brand-new map for Steel Division 2, is out now for free to all owners! The new battlefield comes part as the Reinforcement Pack #15: Valley of Death available today.


[h2]Valley of Death[/h2]
As mentioned in previous Steel Division 2 DevBlogs, Valley of Death is intricately linked with the Slovak National Uprising (talked about in this post here). The failure to capture the Dukla Pass in October 1944 resulted in ferocious fighting as Allied Soviet forces tried to battle their way into Slovakia. The once pleasant valley was so littered with Soviet burning and destroyed tank hulls that it received the moniker “Valley of Death.”

The Valley of Death in Steel Division 2 will rely on real-life terrain height variations with a river splitting the area. The four hills in this sector are on high plateaus, separated by a geological rift. Taking advantage of the rocky edges will give your units excellent sight lines, plus there are several patches of wood to find much-needed cover.

[h2]What else?[/h2]
No patchlog nor major balance change with this release, we are busy preparing Nemesis #7 - Hell's Highway, modeling units, integrating them, ...
If you want proofs of it, check the armory: you'll see that the new Netherlands nation is already live. It only features one unit so far, the 1st SSB's Dutch SPITFIRE Mk.XIV which we have already converted to its proper nationality.

We have also used the opportunity of modeling the Dutch to already rework the Lewis M20 LMG's model, currently used ingame by the SS-LANDSTORM as the l.MG 100(h).

[h2]Until next time[/h2]
That’s it for this DevBlog. Get downloading and start playing Valley of Death. We look forward to hearing what you think of the latest Steel Division 2 battlefield!

Be sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Steel Division 2, keep an eye out on our Instagram. Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

Before we leave you be, a small housekeeping note. We will be back with a Steel Division 2 DevBlog, but it won’t be on a weekly or even bi-weekly basis. From now on, we will only post something when we have a new announcement to make or when detailing the progress in the lead-up to a major update.

See you on the battlefield, commanders.