Happy New Year 2025
Hello commanders,
It’s been a while, but it’s sure good to be back. From the whole Eugen team, we wish you all the best for 2025, including many more Steel Division 2 battles!

This leads us to the latest Steel Division 2 news we wanted to share with you. Onwards!
[h2]Steel Division 2 is alive and well[/h2]
No, Steel Division 2 is not dead. As stated numerous times, Cold War cousin WARNO’s development has taken precedence in recent months. We’ve been busy trying to keep to a packed schedule, which invariably didn’t always work out in the end. As a consequence, this also meant the delay of Steel Division 2’s projects.

But now, we are getting to the good part. Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway and the free Reinforcement Pack #16 are ready to be shipped. They will be delivered as soon as we build and thoroughly test the very last version. All in all, this means it should be in your hands very soon.

[h2]Still some more waiting[/h2]
One of the casualties was the Army General-focused Battle of Dukla Pass expansion, which has been left on the shelf for a bit longer than expected. However, with Eugen’s schedule easing up, we are finally able to really start working on this next Steel Division 2 expansion.

There is a silver lining to the above. While the game designers were busy with WARNO - NORTHAG expansion, the 3D artists had extra free time and took that opportunity to model some missing Steel Division 2 units for existing divisions. These will be delivered shortly in an extra free Reinforcement Pack #17. We hope to tease some of these models in the next DevBlog!

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s it for this week. We’ll be back soon with Reinforcement Pack #17 goodies!
Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.
Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!
See you on the battlefield, commander!
It’s been a while, but it’s sure good to be back. From the whole Eugen team, we wish you all the best for 2025, including many more Steel Division 2 battles!

This leads us to the latest Steel Division 2 news we wanted to share with you. Onwards!
[h2]Steel Division 2 is alive and well[/h2]
No, Steel Division 2 is not dead. As stated numerous times, Cold War cousin WARNO’s development has taken precedence in recent months. We’ve been busy trying to keep to a packed schedule, which invariably didn’t always work out in the end. As a consequence, this also meant the delay of Steel Division 2’s projects.

But now, we are getting to the good part. Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway and the free Reinforcement Pack #16 are ready to be shipped. They will be delivered as soon as we build and thoroughly test the very last version. All in all, this means it should be in your hands very soon.

[h2]Still some more waiting[/h2]
One of the casualties was the Army General-focused Battle of Dukla Pass expansion, which has been left on the shelf for a bit longer than expected. However, with Eugen’s schedule easing up, we are finally able to really start working on this next Steel Division 2 expansion.

There is a silver lining to the above. While the game designers were busy with WARNO - NORTHAG expansion, the 3D artists had extra free time and took that opportunity to model some missing Steel Division 2 units for existing divisions. These will be delivered shortly in an extra free Reinforcement Pack #17. We hope to tease some of these models in the next DevBlog!

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s it for this week. We’ll be back soon with Reinforcement Pack #17 goodies!
Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.
Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!
See you on the battlefield, commander!