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Steel Division 2 News

RP #17 - War Reserves is Live!

Hello commanders,

Get ready! The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is available now!

Next to a host of new and updated units, we’ve also released a new patch for Steel Division 2. Check out the details below!


[h2]War Reserves’ New Units[/h2]
What can you expect from RP #17 - War Reserves?


The Axis receive a flurry of new additions to their arsenals. These include the German FLAKPANZER SFL IVc self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (26. Panzerdivision), the GRILLE Ausf. H assault gun (various German divisions), RSI’s CANNONE DA 75/46 C.A. M34 anti-aircraft gun (4a Alpina "Monterosa"), Hungarian TOLDI III light tank (1. Páncélos Hadosztály), the Finnish FOKKER C.X recon bomber bi-plane (Ryhmä Raappana), FORD V8 098T HUOLTO heavy supply (all Finnish divisions), and more.

Allied divisions also gain several new vehicles and units. Such as the American A-36A APACHE fighter-bomber (Task Force 45), British MUSTANG MK.1 recon fighter (15th (Scottish) Infantry Division) and TYPHOON MK.1B recon heavy fighter (Guards Armoured Division), the Soviet EMCHA RAZV. recon tank (29-y Tank Korpus) and Polish (LWP) WC-52 light truck (1 Piechoty "Tadeusza Kościuszki").

To get more insights into the addition to each side or nation, check out the following previews:

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all. We hope you enjoy the latest Steel Division 2 free Reinforcement Pack #17. Go forth to victory!

Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.

Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield, commander!

v.149435: Patch notes

  • (29TK) replaced VALENTINE III recon tanks with EMCHA RAZV.
  • (184SD) replaced M5L with M3L
  • (Tyurin) replaced M5L with M3L
  • (Vyborg) added one card of La-5FN with 2x 100kg bombs
  • (7Est) added armed M3A1 h/t as transport option
  • (1LWP) added WC-52 truck as transport option
  • (TF45) added one card of A-36A APACHE fighter-bomber, replacing the existing P-51B-10 one
  • (CIL) added one card of P-51B-10 fighter-bomber
  • (15Scot) added one card of MUSTANG Mk.I recon fighter
  • (Guards) added one card of TYPHOON Mk. FR.IB heavy recon fighter
  • (Raap) added one card of FOKKER C X recon/bomber biplane
  • (Raap) added one card of DB-3M heavy bomber
  • (all Finnish div.) added FORD V8 098T HUOLTO as heavy supply truck
  • (all Finnish div.) added TD 14 as heavy prime mover
  • (122ID) added Finnish PE-2R as recon aircraft

  • GRILLE renamed GRILLE Ausf. K to prepare the introduction of the GRILLE Ausf. H
  • GRILLE Ausf. K's armor decreased from 30/15/5 to 15/10/5, but speed increased from 35 to 43km/h and ammo increased from 15 to 18
  • decreased TOLDI IIA's price from 30 to 20
  • (2Pz) changed all GRILLE Ausf. K with GRILLE Ausf. H
  • (5Pz) decreased two cards of 4/8/12 GRILLE Ausf. K to one card of 4// + addded one card of 4/8/12 GRILLE Ausf. H
  • (20Pz) decreased GRILLE Ausf. K's card from 4/8/12 to 4/8/- + added one card of 3// s.IG 33
  • (26Pz) changed all GRILLE Ausf. K with GRILLE Ausf. H
  • 116Pz) decreased GRILLE Ausf. K's card from 4/8/12 to 4/8/-
  • (HG PzD) changed one card of 4/8/12 GRILLE Ausf. K to one of 4/8/- of GRILLE Ausf. H + added one card of 3/6/- s.IG 33
  • (5SS) changed one card of 4/8/12 GRILLE Ausf. K to one of 4/8/- + added one card of 3/6/- s.IG 33
  • (12SS) removed all GRILLE, replaced with two cards of 3/6/- s.IG 33
  • (Ski) changed one card of 4/8/12 GRILLE Ausf. K to one card of 4/8/- GRILLE Ausf. H

[h3]DATA FIXES[/h3]
  • fixed SDKFZ. 251/21's cargo space
  • fixed AUFK. PZ.GREN. LSSAH's cargo space
  • fixed FFI PANHARD's price to 10 on par with other similar units
  • fixed RECRUTI's price to 15, as announced in the previous patch
  • fixed LWP IL-2 w/ cluster bombs' base availability to 2/4/- on par with previous change
  • fixed SU-76 AVERIN (ace)'s base availability to 5/10/- on par with previous change to non-ace units
  • fixed SU-57's role as Recon Vehicle
  • fixed ASSAULT FIRE SUPPORT's role as Assault Squad
  • fixed Estonian PIONEERID (PPS)'s role as Engineer
  • fixed Estonian LASKURID's base availability on par with other Strelki, buffed previously
  • fixed ASSAULT BUSTER's missing Flame icon
  • fixed ASSAULT LEADER's missing Radio icon
  • fixed KATADROMIS's number of displayed weapons
  • fixed ERKUNDUNGS' number of displayed weapons
  • fixed LL-SCHÜTZEN's number of displayed weapons
  • fixed P17 & M1093's ammo loadout on par with other bolt-action rifles
  • fixed BORCI's ammo loadout on par with other bolt-action rifles
  • fixed KAZAKI (PPSh)'s stealth from Exceptional to Very Good
  • fixed OST-LEGIONÄRE's veterancy ratio on par with other units with similar availability
  • renamed KAZAKI KOMROTI to KAZAKI KOMESK (cossacks being organized in squadron, not company)
  • fixed KM KÜSTENPOLIZEI's base availability from 4/8/8 to 4/8/-
  • fixed Polish & German BA-64B's RTS icon
  • changed MARDER I H-39's base availmability from 6/12/- to 4/8/12, on par with other MARDER I
  • addded MARDER I H-39 its missing (although modeled) MG-34
  • corrected 28/39M 80mm's name into 29/38M 80mm
  • changed JAGDPANZER SU-76(r)'s base availability from 4// to 5// on par with other TD Su-76M
  • fixed GORNO. SAPERI's HP from 11 to 6 to match its weapons, and price from 25 to 15
  • fixed all Finnish divisions's TULENJOHTAJA avail from 3// to 3/6/-, on par with other nations
  • fixed the PANZER IV/70's gun bine able to fire on the move
  • standardized the Romanian OB M30 & German s.FH 396(r) (both captured M-30 122mm with added radio)'s price at 80
  • (4FJ) fixed LG 40's availability from 4/8/- to 6/9/- on par with other divisions
  • (3VDV) fixed PTRS-41's base availability from 6/12/9 to 6/12/-

[h3]MODEL FIXES[/h3]
  • fixed German & Romanian SPW 222's gunner model
  • fixed LW. s.MG-42's MG model from a MG-34 to a proper MG-42
  • fixed Polish IL-2 with 2x250kg bombs which caried both bombs under the same wing
  • fixed British M5 HT RECCE's MG model from M1919 to proper M2HB

  • increased DRILLING weapon's efficiency against unarmored ground targets
  • decreased T-38M2's price from 10 to 5

  • added STUDEBAKER as transport option for 85mm AA guns in all Soviet divisions
  • decreased MONTAGNARDS' price from 35 to 30
  • decreased ZMOT. ZWIADOWCY (LWP ones)'s price from 25 to 20
  • increased PARTIZANI PTR-D's base availability from 8// to 12//
  • decreased HELLCAT I with AT rockets' base availability from 2/4/6 to 1/2/4 + number of cards increased from 1 to 2 accordingly
  • increased T-80 RAZVEDKA's side armor to 35mm and ammo from 80 to 94 rounds, price set at 35
  • renamed ARTILLERIST into more accurate ARTNAVODCHIKI
  • renamed ZIS-5V DOUSHKA into more accurate ZIS-5V DŠK
  • renamed DOUSHKA in Russian into more accurate DUSHKA
  • renamed Finnish G.50bis FRECCIA into more accurate G.50 FRECCIA
  • reclassified OSNAZ from Commando Rifle Squad to Commando Assault Squad
  • decreased La-5FN w/ 2x50kg bombs' price from 115 to 105
  • changed P-51B-10-NA's base avail from 1/2/4 to 2/4/-
  • (1LWP) removed M3 SCOUT & BREN CARRIER for (too big) ZMOT. ZWIADOWCY
  • (AK) changed T-34/76's base availability from //8 to //16
  • (AK) changed T-70's base availability from //12 to /12/
  • (AK) changed BA-10's base availability from /5/10 to -/10/
  • (AK) changed CARRIER DOUSHKA's base availability from /6/9 to -/9/
  • (AK) changed 76mm support gun's base availability from /6/9 to -/9/
  • (29TK) changed M10's base availability from 5/10/15 to 5/10/-
  • (3VDV) added one card of 4// T-80
  • (TF45) added one card of C-only Italian PARTIGIANI

  • standardized CSABA's availability at 6//
  • standardized HEGYIVADÁSZ's availability at 12/24/(32)
  • decreased Hungarian PANZER III M's price from 45 to 40, for lack of APCR
  • decreased SOTKA 76's price from 60 to 55
  • increased FAMO 88's Hp from 8 to 10
  • changed DOMOBRANI's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/-
  • increased STOSSTRUPPEN (MP-44)'s base availability from 6/(12)/- to 8/(16)/-
  • increased LW-JÄGER (MG-34)'s base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/32
  • decreased R-1's price from 10 to 5
  • (Ski) added one card of SKIJÄGER
  • (Ski) added one card of BEWÄHRUNGS.
  • (3FJ) added one card of LG 40 105mm
  • (Hart) added one 4// card of FLAK 36 37mm
  • (Tettau) removed BMW.75 as transport option for the 60mm mortar
  • (52Sich) added one card of 5// VK 9.01

RP #17 - War Reserves Coming Soon

Hello, hello!

Glorious news: the free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves will release next week!

We are in the very final stretch of getting the update out of the door. Not a specific date… but it is close.

[h2]War Reserves In Brief[/h2] RP #17 - War Reserves updates several Steel Division 2 units across the base game and its various expansions and Nemesis DLCs. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models. The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is free to all owners of Steel Division 2

[h2]War Reserves’ New Units[/h2]
What can you expect from RP #17 - War Reserves?

The Axis receive a flurry of new additions to their arsenals. These include the German FLAKPANZER SFL IVc self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (26. Panzerdivision), the GRILLE Ausf. H assault gun (various German divisions), RSI’s CANNONE DA 75/46 C.A. M34 anti-aircraft gun (4a Alpina "Monterosa"), Hungarian TOLDI III light tank (1. Páncélos Hadosztály), the Finnish FOKKER C.X recon bomber bi-plane (Ryhmä Raappana), FORD V8 098T HUOLTO heavy supply (all Finnish divisions), and more.

Allied divisions also gain several new vehicles and units. Such as the American A-36A APACHE fighter-bomber (Task Force 45), British MUSTANG MK.1 recon fighter (15th (Scottish) Infantry Division) and TYPHOON MK.1B recon heavy fighter (Guards Armoured Division), the Soviet EMCHA RAZV. recon tank (29-y Tank Korpus) and Polish (LWP) WC-52 light truck (1 Piechoty "Tadeusza Kościuszki").

To get more insights into the addition to each side or nation, check out the following previews:

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all. We’ll be back soon with the actual launch of RP #17 - War Reserves.

Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.

Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield!

RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #4

Hello commanders,

We are back with the last installment of the Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves previews.

Today’s spotlight will be swung on the Soviet Union and its allies.

To glory!

[h2]War Reserves In Brief[/h2] RP #17 - War Reserves is the direct consequence of Eugen designers finding extra time to update several Steel Division 2 units across the base game and its various expansions and Nemesis DLCs. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models. The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is in active development and shouldn’t take too long to release.

[h2]Soviet Union[/h2]
Let’s look at the units of the Soviet Union and its allies.

  • The first unit is not an addition, but a replacement. It corrects a long overdue mistake: the Soviet M5L (M5 Stuart), which only deployed into the Red Army in two models. Both of these were tested… and rejected. Instead, the more numerous variant used in the Soviet Union was the M3L (M3A1 Stuart).
    • The M3L will replace the M5L in both the 184-ya Strelkovaya Div and Podv. Gruppa Tyurina. These are base game divisions.
  • The T-80 RAZVEDKA is next. Not the mighty Cold War T-80, but the latest upgrade in the World War 2-era light tank series of the T-60 and T-70. The T-80s' development as a more advanced offshoot of the T-70 with a two-man turret happened too late in the war. By this time, light tanks had mostly become obsolete, and production was halted in the second half of 1943. The handful of T-80s that were produced saw action mainly on the Romanian front.

  • The next one is not a new unit but an existing vehicle cast in a new role: the EMCHA RAZVEDKA. This is a recon M4A2 Sherman equipped with a radio as part of the Allied lend-lease effort to the USSR.
    • The EMCHA RAZVEDKA will replace the Valentine recon tank in the 29-y Tankovy Korpus. This is a division from the base game.

  • The final updated Soviet unit is the additional of a new, heavier loadout to an existing plane: the La-5FN with a new payload of 2x 100kg bombs.

Foreign corps in the Red Army will also receive some existing (from other parts of the Red Army) but missing (in their own arsenal) equipment.

  • The Estionian 7. Eesti Laskurdiviis will receive its absent M3A1 half-track for the TANKODESANTNIKI squads. This division is featured in Steel Division 2: Burning Baltics.
  • The Polish the 1 Dywizja Piechoty "Tadeusza Kościuszki" from Steel Divison 2: Death on the Vistula will get its missing WC-52 light truck. A small addition, but it will help add some speed to the deployment of several light squads and guns.

Lastly, there are several more new units in the pipeline. Note: these won’t be delivered with RP#17 - War Reserves. We have only discovered them recently, and there was simply no time to squeeze them into the development cycle for this Reinforcement Pack. However, we didn’t want to ignore them.

Instead, these new units will be modeled alongside the upcoming Battle for Dukla Pass. When this expansion releases, the missing units will be retrofitted to War Reserves - and as such - made available to all for free.

  • The fast BT-5 light tank will be added to the 126-y L. Gornostrelkovy Korpus (Steel Division 2: Fate of Finland expansion).
  • The VALENTINE X features a slightly different turret compared to its predecessor (the IX) and included a coaxial machine gun. This means the tank, notorious for its lack of HE, will receive some self-defense anti-infantry capability. This unit will be added to the 3-y Gv. Mekh. Korpus (base game).
  • Finally, the YAK-9K was a not-so-lucky attempt at improving the YAK-9T's firepower by upgrading its 37mm nose gun to a 45mm one. The gun proved unreliable, and only two regiments fielded this variant. One of these formations supported the 39th Army during Operation Bagration. As such, the YAK-9K will be added to Podv. Gruppa Bezuglogo (base game).

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all for the Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves previews. We’ll be back soon with more Steel Division 2 news.

Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.

Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield!

RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #3

Hello, hello!

We return with another glorious Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves preview. Today’s the day a trio of Western Allies’ units will receive their (flying) spot in the sun.

Let’s roll.

[h2]War Reserves In Brief[/h2]
What’s the deal with this upcoming free DLC? The Eugen designers have found extra time to update a host of Steel Division 2 units across the base game and its various expansions and Nemesis DLCs. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models. The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is being worked on as we speak and shouldn’t take too long to release.

[h2]Western Allies[/h2]
It’s the turn of the Western Allies. What can you expect?

The new A-36A APACHE fighter-bomber will make its mark. Under this designation hides a stopgap fighter-bomber variant of the famous P-51 fighter. This was done to keep the P-51 assembly lines open in the early months of 1942 due to the US Army Air Force already having received all the P-51 fighters ordered. Soon, with military budgets skyrocketing, the North American Aviation was able to turn back the factories to restart the P-51’s production. The A-36A APACHE differs from its air superiority fighter cousin by the shape of its nose, air intake, bomb racks, three-bladed propellers, and (especially so) its distinctive air dive brakes, used in ground strike missions. Although rendering good service in the Mediterranean campaign, including dogfights, by mid-1944, most of these fighter-bombers had been replaced by P-47s. The last of the A-36As in Europe operated in Italy's theatre of war.
  • The new A-36A APACHE will be assigned to the American Task Force 45, where it will replace the P-51B-10. This division is part of Tribue to the Liberation of Italy expansion.

On to new British plane variants of existing aircraft.
  • Part one is the MUSTANG Mk. I, which the United Kingdom received first. This is an earlier variant of the MUSTANG Mk.III. Using the same airframe as the A-36A APACHE above, except for the dive air brakes. One of the first fighter variants to spring forth from the restarted P-51 assembly lines in 1942, the P-51s (not even with A designation then) were delivered to the British armed forces as part of a lend-lease program. By mid-1944, that old yet trusty fighter had been restricted to air recon missions only.
    • The MUSTANG Mk. I will be assigned to the United Kingdom’s 15th Scottish Infantry Division. This division is featured in the Back to War expansion.

  • The second new variant is the TYPHOON FR Mk. IB, an unlucky attempt at creating a dedicated tactical recon fighter out of the heavy-weight TYPHOON. Its port inner cannons were removed, leaving it with four 20mm guns (out of six). These were replaced with forward-facing cameras. The plane was disliked by its pilots, who preferred the older MUSTANG I (see above). This recon aircraft only really served with one unit - the RAF’s 268 Squadron - doing duty over Normandy. By January 1945, all recon Typhoons had been phased out of service.
    • The TYPHOON FR Mk. IB will be featured in the British Guards Armoured Division. This division was featured in the Tribute to Normandy ‘44 expansion.

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all for now. We’ll be back next week with another Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves unit preview.

Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.

Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield!