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Sector 452 News

Beta 1.9.1 (Hotfix) Changelog!

Hello there,
Just wanted to post a quick update, I had to fix two major issues that had showed up in the game in beta 1.9.
Here is the changelog, apologies for any issues:
*Fixed a bug where the singleplayer maps would not let the player spawn above ground
*Fixed a bug where the hud would not spawn

Beta 1.9 Changelog!

Hello everybody,
I am back to bring you the new changelog. This update has been in development for 2 months now and has changed a lot of stuff.
This update will roll out sometime tomorrow as since this is a big update, a lot of stuff needs to be packaged.
Anywho here is some screenshots I took of the new version as well as the changelog underneath:

I hope everyone does enjoy this update as it took a long time to make! :D:


*Add in the ability to create custom Localization for the game from the website (Will be released soon)
*Fixed a bug where the Level Editor doesn't spawn the menus to actually edit the level
*Began Smoothing the overall User Interface
*Removed Trail from ZM Arms when firing
*Redesigned how ZM is handled at the end of rounds
*Add multiplayer end screen when the match is over
*Rotation List for the vote map system.
*Add resources for crafting
*Finish adding controller support
*New Sound FX
*Added map Venus
*Ensure that all 4.22 bugs are fixed
*Twitch Integration
*Slightly improved the chat system
*Began work on packaging the game to Linux
*Updated Discord Rich Presence to the latest version
*Fixed a bug where the Bot in Team System causes crash
*Fixed a bug where Bot not assigned to a team
*Updated Capture the flag's core systems again
*Fixed a bug where the Singleplayer Intro Crashes
*Redesigned the Character Material System
*Began removing unused plugins to reduce file size
*Redesigned the Team system to allow the customization of the player character while still allowing skins
*Fixed a slight issue preventing teams from being assigned in the gamemode
*Material System 2.0
*Added a title screen
*New player system (2)
*Steam Inventory 2.0
*Deathbrawl (DB) - Will be released in the next update
*Strongest Survives (LMS) - Will be released in the next update
*Base Battle (BB) - Will be released in the next update
*Hide n' go boom (HB) - Will be released in the next update
*Reintroduce Splitscreen
*Added Map MoonCore
*AI 2.0
*Remove/Organize CPP Code
*Added subsurface scattering onto the planet rings
*Polish the game Menus
*Added Singleplayer planet maps
*Fixed a minor inventory text glitch when going to the quest menu
*Fixed a desync Distance Bug
*Minor touchups to San Heights Mall
*Added Beta Music in the main menu
*New Vehicle System (2)
*Menu 2.0
*Fixed a bug where a Black screen when playing multiplayer and loading a new map would show up
*When you throw weapons, the ammo will now stay with it
*Fixed a bug where When looking at an enemy, the healthbar will stay on the screen

Beta 1.8 Changelog!

Hey there everyone,
I am glad to say that Beta 1.8 is finally released! This update would've been out sooner had I of not decided to change a lot of the internal code. On the bright side, the game should run better and should have fewer bugs compared to the last update.

All things aside, here is the changelog:
*Fully modeled San Heights Mall
*Finish planet intro base
*Added Hub World
*Added Maintenance
*Added Nuclear Core
*Updated engine to 4.22
*Added Engineering
*Fully modeled Lockdown
*Fixed a bug where turning off Force Feedback did nothing
*Ensured all past bugs were fixed
*Added the ability to land on planets (disabled for now)
*Created Character Model V2.0
*Added Character Creator (disabled for now)
*Improved Animations
*Began adding more outfits to the characters
*Removed old inventory code
*Added Sublink Metro Station
*Began adding AI Flying
*Improved Blackhole effect
*Added Asteroids in space
*Added the Remnant Zone
*Drastically changed the lighting system in the intro level
*Fixed ZM weapon damage bug
*CTF gamemode is now ran exclusively on the server
*Improved ZM mode when everyone has become infected
*New Vehicle System (Improved camera and boost sytem)
*New Player System (Touched up Inventory, Quest, Dialogue, and Leveling System)

Beta 1.7 Changelog!

Hello everyone, I am back at it again with a new changelog. This changelog is going to be relatively small and that is because I didn't plan much for this update. However, in the next two updates I have a lot of things planned (specifically Beta 1.9). This update mainly fixes a lot of things and adds in some items that have been on the backburner for a while now. I would've done something for april fools however by the time I thought of something, it was already too late, so I do apologize for that. :(

Here is the changelog for Beta 1.7
*Workshop Support
*Custom Name Support for Bots
*Fixed a bug where you can still fire upon reloading
*Fully coded in the new weapon system
*Fixed a bug where clients cannot view AI's healthbar correctly
*Fixed a bug where you can take an AI's weapon
*AI is now using the new weapon system
*Fixed voice chat automatically starting
*Fixed a bug where the client and server audio was not location based
*Added Steam Audio
*Added Screenshot functionality
*Overhauled the terminal to work in the current version
*Slightly changed San Heights Mall
*Began polishing some objects in the game

Beta 1.6 Changelog!

Hey there everyone, I am here to present the changelog for the new update! This version has changed a lot of things (mainly bug fixes) and I have also added in an experimental build for 32bit (you can access it in the betas tab under properties).

Anyways, here is the changelog for this update:
*Final Main Menu Overhaul
*Ability to save singleplayer (not usable just added in the feature for the future)
*Began work on autosave features (same as above)
*Began work on re-coding multiplayer sessions
*Overhauled the lobby system
*Fixed a bug where you can damage anyone on your team
*Fixed a bug where Host Server config may sometimes not save
*Fixed a bug where the client cannot see killfeed correctly when they are killed
*Began improving the ai code
*Fixed a bug where switching from Spectator back to player will cause the health hud to hide from player
*Voice Chat in Lobby
*Fixed a bug where in any team based gamemode, not being able to spawn at start will reset your team scoreboard.
*Fixed a bug where the timer would not show or update on client
*Fixed a bug where display settings would not update such as "Fullscreen"
*Added in a notification system
*Improved Zombie mode and fixed up a lot of existing issues preventing the gamemode from working properly
*Improved the respawn system
*Began working on a Windows 32bit build of the game
*Added the ability to read custom maps from modpak files
*Fixed a bug where Map Selection wouldn't scroll within the button gaps
*Improved the ability to read custom maps
*Maps are no longer loaded by it's name
*Removed Spectator Debug button
*Redesigned the inventory/SP Pause menus
*Removed Ship debug takeoff sequence