1. Sector 452
  2. News
  3. Beta 1.7 Changelog!

Beta 1.7 Changelog!

Hello everyone, I am back at it again with a new changelog. This changelog is going to be relatively small and that is because I didn't plan much for this update. However, in the next two updates I have a lot of things planned (specifically Beta 1.9). This update mainly fixes a lot of things and adds in some items that have been on the backburner for a while now. I would've done something for april fools however by the time I thought of something, it was already too late, so I do apologize for that. :(

Here is the changelog for Beta 1.7
*Workshop Support
*Custom Name Support for Bots
*Fixed a bug where you can still fire upon reloading
*Fully coded in the new weapon system
*Fixed a bug where clients cannot view AI's healthbar correctly
*Fixed a bug where you can take an AI's weapon
*AI is now using the new weapon system
*Fixed voice chat automatically starting
*Fixed a bug where the client and server audio was not location based
*Added Steam Audio
*Added Screenshot functionality
*Overhauled the terminal to work in the current version
*Slightly changed San Heights Mall
*Began polishing some objects in the game