1. Sector 452
  2. News
  3. Beta 1.8 Changelog!

Beta 1.8 Changelog!

Hey there everyone,
I am glad to say that Beta 1.8 is finally released! This update would've been out sooner had I of not decided to change a lot of the internal code. On the bright side, the game should run better and should have fewer bugs compared to the last update.

All things aside, here is the changelog:
*Fully modeled San Heights Mall
*Finish planet intro base
*Added Hub World
*Added Maintenance
*Added Nuclear Core
*Updated engine to 4.22
*Added Engineering
*Fully modeled Lockdown
*Fixed a bug where turning off Force Feedback did nothing
*Ensured all past bugs were fixed
*Added the ability to land on planets (disabled for now)
*Created Character Model V2.0
*Added Character Creator (disabled for now)
*Improved Animations
*Began adding more outfits to the characters
*Removed old inventory code
*Added Sublink Metro Station
*Began adding AI Flying
*Improved Blackhole effect
*Added Asteroids in space
*Added the Remnant Zone
*Drastically changed the lighting system in the intro level
*Fixed ZM weapon damage bug
*CTF gamemode is now ran exclusively on the server
*Improved ZM mode when everyone has become infected
*New Vehicle System (Improved camera and boost sytem)
*New Player System (Touched up Inventory, Quest, Dialogue, and Leveling System)