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Sector 452 News

Beta 1.11.2 Patch Notes

Hello everyone,
I am here once again to provide you with a small update that addresses some bugs and some additional quality of life changes.
I hope you all have enjoyed the halloween event so far (you only have a few hours left to enjoy it). But on that note, I am making the mansion map a permanant map to use! No more worrying about it disappearing, however the Ghost Chase gamemode will disappear until next year.
With that, here is the changelog:
  • Fixed a ton of potential memory leaks
  • Fixed a bug where the boss in Ghost Chase couldn't jump
  • Expanded the mansion map
  • Removed limited time date on the mansion
  • Added HUD notifications
  • Fixed voice chat glitch
  • Crouching and switching weapons no longer lift weapons in the air
  • Fixed a bug where at the end of a match, a player will still have their weapons floating
  • Fixed a suggested change where the healthbar doesn't disappear when dying
  • Investigated a potential memory leak issue at the end of Ghost Chase's match
  • Audio settings will now affect the audio in the game
  • Added hit sounds when the boss hits someone in ghost chase
  • Polished the Ghost Chase HUD
  • Fixed a bug where the player inventory no longer showed up in multiplayer

Halloween event & Beta 1.11.1 Changelog!

Hey there everyone!
I hope you all have been getting into the spooky season, cause I know that I have!
As such, I have made a small halloween event to have some fun! I also added a new
outfit and hat. Sometime this week I may push another update that adds more items.
These items can be unlocked with the new shop!

The items in the shop can be purchased with coins you unlock by playing the multiplayer!
It was something I have been wanting to do for a while and now I can add more items such
as seasonal or limited time accessories.
Speaking of limited time events, there is now a limited time map that was added to the game,
say hello to mansion!

Its an old abandoned home inhabited by a freightning ghost. You will be able to battle them
with the brand new gamemode "Ghost Chase"! This is also a limited time event where the ghost
of the mansion takes over one of the players and it is up to you to stop them! But be careful,
they have abilities that can knock you down! Simply collect the ghostly pumpkins scattered around
the level to unlock the Ghost Capsule 5000. If you do fail to stop them, you will become a soul
trapped in the mansion for all of eternity! HA HA HA!

There has also been some slight UI tweaks and polish in order to make the game look better.

With that, here is the rest of the changelog:
  • Fixed main menu displaying beta 1.12 instead of 1.11
  • Added a "show FPS" slider in the accessibility tab
  • Made the apply button visible at all times
  • Fixed scored cards not using the default image
  • Fixed the default map in host server
  • Fixed a slight bug with the frame rate slider in the options menu
  • Added a new limited time map called "Mansion"
  • Added a new limited time gamemode called "Ghost Chase"
  • Reintroducted the gamemode known as "Zombie Mode"
  • Reimplemented Status Effects
  • Added time exclusive map and gamemode support
  • Fixed a bug where when a player leaves a team based match and joins back, their accessories don't load
  • Finalized the design of the options menu
  • Fixed a possible crash when closing the game while in a multiplayer match
  • Began finalizing the design of the multiplayer menu
  • Added indicators to the inventory to know if/when the menu is finished loading up
  • Added the item shop
  • Added a crosshair to the screen
  • Added the ability to earn coins by playing the game
  • Fixed a bug where rounds don't end unless the time ends

I hope everyone enjoys the first real event of this game. The last time there was any kind
of event was all the way back in 2018 with the much simpler halloween even that contained
some pumpkins scattered around the maps and the introduction of zombie mode (which has
been secretly added in this update, but is still heavily work in progress). I just want
to thank everyone who has stuck by this game over the years and if I knew what the game
should've been a few years ago, it probably would've came out quicker. Honestly though,
at the end of the day, I am glad I learned so much along the way, got to get a lot of feedback,
and got to meet some great people who helped shaped this game into what it is today! With
every single update, it brings the game closer to release! There is only a few more minor
updates left before the big Beta 1.12 update which will include the singleplayer campaign.
I can't wait for that day! Take care and hope everyone has a lovely halloween and if you don't
celebrate halloween, I hope you have a wonderful week!
~Joseph L.

Beta 1.11 Patch Notes

Hello everyone,
Beta 1.11 finally released after all this time! It took a while, but I am glad to have the update available to everyone. Speaking of updates, the Halloween event update is planned for October 22 and if all goes well, you are all in for a treat! No pun intended, haha. I am also aware of some minor bugs and glitches that are present in this update, they will be addressed in the Halloween update. I hope everyone has some fun with this update, but I think the next one will be the true trick! I will make an announcement on what will be included soon!
With that, here is the changelog for Beta 1.11:
  • Finished the Options Menu Backend
  • Lobby Menu Overhaul
  • Improved air control when Jumping
  • Began work on adding a ton of weapons
  • Began work on improving existing weapons
  • Improved Multiplayer Replication systems
  • Fixed a bug where weapons would jitter when switching between them
  • Fixed a bug where saving settings in the options menu would sometime glitch out
  • Added back in bot support
  • Display people talking on the HUD once again
  • Smoothed out weapon models
  • Added in the backend of custom map support
  • Improved lighting for lower end devices
  • Added transitions and animations to the main menu
  • Improved the controller backend for menus
  • Fixed some possible memory leaks
  • Added Steam's rich presence support
  • Added Steam's controller support
  • Added back in the ability to switch monitors in the options menu
  • Added back in the defaults settings button in the options menu
  • Fixed a bug where the Apply and default buttons in the settings menu don't hide when a controller is active
  • Improved NPCs for Singleplayer
  • Added General movement mechanics (ladder support, crouching, & door interactions)
  • Created a brand new logo and updated the branding for the game
  • Overhauled the pause menu
  • Reintroducted the inventory system as well as overhauled all menus associated with it
  • Updated the game's engine to 4.27
  • Overhauled the Multiplayer Menu
  • Reintroducted Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, & Capture the Flag
  • Finalized most of the HUD
  • Completely polished Research Labs
  • Began work on polishing Facility & Sublink Metro Station

Beta 1.11 Release Date!

Hello everyone,
I am back from a lengthy hiatus, just wanted to let everyone know that Beta 1.11 will be releasing on Friday, October 8th, 2021!
This update will feature some multiplayer maps textured as well as detailed, quite a bit of bug fixes, and redesigns of the menus as well as user interfaces. There will also be steam inventory support once again, as well as the reintroduction of Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, & Capture The Flag!

With this update, the game's price will be raised to $14.99 as I feel that the game is ready enough to finally have it's price increase (plus it needed to when beta first came out, but felt I would wait until I felt it was ready to). That being said, the game is getting closer to being finished, I will say that the game will most likely leave early access at the end of this year!
There is also plans for a halloween update sometime soon, so be on the look out for that!

With that, I hope everyone has a wonderful week, I will be working hard to ensure that all bugs are squashed and that the game is better than it currently is! ːDː

One final note, here are some screenshots of the new map changes, new main menu background, and fully redesigned multiplayer character model!

Dev Log (4/17/2021)

Hello everyone,
I am back once again to show what I have been working on this month and what is planned for the future.
[h2]More multiplayer maps[/h2]
As Beta 1.11 nears its official update release, I need to make sure that all of the multiplayer maps are re-added. So I started work on blocking out San Heights Mall. I currently have the entrance fully 3d modeled (minus detail of course) and am already starting to blockout the rest of the map.

[h2]Added Steam's Controller Support[/h2]
What this means is that it will now read steam's controller names and assign the button mapping accordingly. Not all controllers will have custom buttons made for them but the support is now there.

[h2]Added more options to the options menu[/h2]
One of the things that I added back was the default settings button as well as the ability to switch monitors again. I also fixed a few bugs relating to the options menu, there are still some left though. I hope to have them resolved in time for Beta 1.11.

That is all I have so far to show. More stuff is in the works and I hope to show you all soon! Take care and have a great rest of your weekend everyone!