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Starship EVO News

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w46a: New Stations and NPCs

This adds a new Trade menu, for now only on Fuel outpost.
You can sell or buy fuel at those locations.
Of course this feature will be expanded to trade ships and trade outpost / kiosks.

Community Ships
  • Autan Freighter by Dwarf-Lord Pangolin
  • TEC - Cruzeiro do sul by Uncle-Ulty
  • MFH Halifax by Popka-Akula
  • Pelican by Slim-Sumo
  • LF-600 Skybrick by BigBadKangaroo

Massive thanks to all the builders!

  • #6083 Module type mismatches
  • #6071 Linking tool issue when switching to another item during link.
  • #6079 Shipyard incorrect bounds check
  • #6097 Gas cloud HUD issue
  • #6080 Event gate freeze
  • #6085 Multiplayer cant connect

Thanks for playing!

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w44a: New Stations and NPCs

This build adds new stations modules and NPCs ships.
A new station faction has been added: PFS courtesy of Lord Commissar!
New smaller stations are also added:
- Corporation Hub. Smaller hub with 4 kiosks and around 5 modules.
- Cargo caches
- Fuel station
All modules courtesy of 5urge! Those stations will be used as POI during missions.

A few traders NPCs ships have been added.
Thanks to Kynamats and BigBadKangaroo. More are on the way!

The Station and NPC ship spawn logic has been updated.

  • #6011 Copy-paste shows better selected bricks

  • #6055 Rotator misaligned texture
  • #6052 Turret not working with camera
  • #6056 Docking and pipe connection protrude out

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w42b: Hotfixes

Some hotfixes.

  • #6038 Entity physics not working after another entity is unspawned.
  • #6018 Event gate resets itself when another gate is linked.
  • #6016 Volumetric sensor: invalid bounds shows as valid.
  • #6044 FPS drop in some case.
  • #6042 Turret Gizmo

Thanks for playing!

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w42a: Turret Improvements

Turret have been refactored:
The player can now control how wide the turret will be able to rotate on the azimuthal and elevation axis (horizontal and vertical).
The best way to edit those values is by selecting the turret with a link tool and simply drag the various gizmo.


The old systems which baked automatically has been removed.
It was buggy in some case and could take a lot of time to compute triggering some freeze when entering a ship. With retrospect I should have done this in the first place, it would have saved my some time and headache!

The default setting is a 180 azimuthal rotation and 90 positive elevation.
As requested it is now possible to toggle off a turret even when it is being controlled: simply link a switch to it and turn the switch off.

Community Suggestion:
  • #6026 Event gate and logic gate HUD info
  • #6031 Ladder are now functional

  • Hotfixes:
  • #6027 Cannot use prefabs
  • #6032 Fuel can be transferred to cargo.

=> I am now making a small library to add those kind of gizmo handle edit to other gates. I will add those to the shipyard and volumetric sensor. Do you see any use for other gates?

Thanks for playing!

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w41a: Hotfixes

Small hotfix update.

  • #6020 Paint screen do not open
  • #6022 Backpack various issues
  • #6017 Various conveyor tube issues

Thanks for playing!