[New build - DEFAULT] 24w46a: New Stations and NPCs
This adds a new Trade menu, for now only on Fuel outpost.
You can sell or buy fuel at those locations.
Of course this feature will be expanded to trade ships and trade outpost / kiosks.

Community Ships
Massive thanks to all the builders!


Thanks for playing!
You can sell or buy fuel at those locations.
Of course this feature will be expanded to trade ships and trade outpost / kiosks.

Community Ships
- Autan Freighter by Dwarf-Lord Pangolin
- TEC - Cruzeiro do sul by Uncle-Ulty
- MFH Halifax by Popka-Akula
- Pelican by Slim-Sumo
- LF-600 Skybrick by BigBadKangaroo
Massive thanks to all the builders!

- #6083 Module type mismatches
- #6071 Linking tool issue when switching to another item during link.
- #6079 Shipyard incorrect bounds check
- #6097 Gas cloud HUD issue
- #6080 Event gate freeze
- #6085 Multiplayer cant connect

Thanks for playing!