1. Starship EVO
  2. News
  3. [New build - DEFAULT] 24w42a: Turret Improvements

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w42a: Turret Improvements

Turret have been refactored:
The player can now control how wide the turret will be able to rotate on the azimuthal and elevation axis (horizontal and vertical).
The best way to edit those values is by selecting the turret with a link tool and simply drag the various gizmo.


The old systems which baked automatically has been removed.
It was buggy in some case and could take a lot of time to compute triggering some freeze when entering a ship. With retrospect I should have done this in the first place, it would have saved my some time and headache!

The default setting is a 180 azimuthal rotation and 90 positive elevation.
As requested it is now possible to toggle off a turret even when it is being controlled: simply link a switch to it and turn the switch off.

Community Suggestion:
  • #6026 Event gate and logic gate HUD info
  • #6031 Ladder are now functional

  • Hotfixes:
  • #6027 Cannot use prefabs
  • #6032 Fuel can be transferred to cargo.

=> I am now making a small library to add those kind of gizmo handle edit to other gates. I will add those to the shipyard and volumetric sensor. Do you see any use for other gates?

Thanks for playing!