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Starship EVO News

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w40a: Player Equipment Loadout and Helmets

This build adds a player equipment loadout system.
Place helmet and backpack module into their respective slots to gain some perks.

Module would give access to various perks:
  • - Helmet would give light, scanner capability
  • - Boot would yield locomotion bonus or capability, cancel fall damage ect
  • - Multitool: mining/scavenging/shooting bonus
  • - Backpack: storage perk, jetpack mode (jumpack vs 6dof), personal shield

For now we only have a jetpack and storage module as I have been focusing on the tech.

To be added:
  • - Boot and multitool modules
  • - More jetpack modules
  • - Refined system where a helmet/backpack could give several module slots: ie Backpack I,II or III.

=> please suggest any modules you would think would be interesting to have!

Changes / Improvements
  • - Collector cannot collect item that cant be picked up like crystals
  • - Weapon / Mining beam ban breaks world items like crystals
  • - Helmet size depends on race
  • - New helmet type
  • - Mech step sound updated

  • - Collector range incorrect
  • - Mechs can lift a leg in some cases
  • #6004 Collector issues
  • #6012 Item filter and one-way not working in some cases
  • #5991 Collision with handheld when flying a ship.
  • #5844 Screen resolution dropdown blank after a screen resize

Thanks for playing!

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w38a: Terrain Performance, Power Cell

The terrain engine performance has been improved, minimizing hiccup during new terrain patch loading.
Now moving over the terrain at high speed is much, much smoother.

The power cell have been reworked and improved.

Improvements and community Suggestions:
  • Power cell: smaller size is added
  • Power cell: setting has been removed, it now charge / discharge automatically.
  • #5982 Collector: Increased range
  • Codex item description: text overflows are fixed
  • Codex item description: icons for grid scalable and stretchable are displayed.
  • Scanner: will no longer show underground patch as to reward and promote exploration with hovercraft.
  • Scanner: Scanner visibility improvements
  • Ore Spawning: now ore patch can have different size. Gold Silver and Copper are smaller.
  • Ore Spawning: Some ore will be more rare, like gold and cobalt.

  • #5988 Power cell base does not turn off
  • #5779 Power cell base does not update stats on delete
  • #5779 Inconsistent power display in preview

Thanks for playing!

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w37b: Hotfixes

Various hotfixes.

Community Suggestions:
#5896 Storage container max volume increased to 4000L.

#5912 Returning to starter system issues
#5977 Advance Conveyor name on HUD
#5979 Helmet / Light HUD icon incorrectly shown
#5975 Conveyor filter resets
#5978 HUD command interaction text not showing up on some commands

Thanks for playing!

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w37a: Advanced Conveyor Tubes

The goal of this update is to give players more tools to manage their inventory.
This is much needed for mid and late game in survival.

The valve, one-way, router and filter tubes.

4 news conveyor tubes have been added:
  • One way: only allows items to pass in one direction. Toggle it one-off.
  • Router: Toggle it to allows items to only go left or right.
  • Valve: toggle it to allows or prevent item from passing
  • Filter: allows the creation of filters to allows only some item to pass. It is possible to define several filters, and to use them as inclusive or exclusive.

Some changes have been made to the inventory framework to make this work, please report any regression you might encounter!

Add filters options to the collector

#5966 Crash when copy-paste

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w36a: Various Improvements

More hotfixes and some community suggested improvements.

- Wrecks spawn less often

Community Suggestion
# Fuel Scoop: Is Inside Water event
- Inventory UI: Larger item slots to not drop items by mistake
- Help message wont shows when in inventory
- Overloaded speed is progressive between up until 200%.

#5970 Issues with tutorial