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Operation Food to Gold News

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.6

Update - Version 1.6

I want to start of by saying, that all the balance changes make the game easier, not harder.

- Increased their value from 1-5-10 to 2-6-18.

- Increased the odds significantly. Reduced the odds of getting 1 point, instead you should be getting more 5s and 10s.

Lab and Extractors:
Reduced the needed progress for all the generators and extractors.

Purple Matter Generator - From 40k to 20k.
Both Globblopper and DLC generators - From 20k to 10k.

All Essence extractors from 20k to 10k.

Everything should two times faster now.

- (Text only) Changed X "to" PurpleMatter into "for". It should be more clear now, that the upgrades there are one time only and that the generators function on their own afterwards.
- Fixed numbers in the progress clipping into the "/" sign.

- Fixed her dialogue wanting purple matter, to wanting gold.

- Bess level 10 nude costume + animations.

- Emika level 5 costume.

Emika is the first to recieve her level 5 costume. Those costumes do not need to be unlocked, and are slight variations of the default costume.

This is the "haters gonna hate" costume, a joke based on all the negative reviews and my way of showing my opinion on them. I take things lightly and with humor. This skin is not meant to offend anyone.

The game is doing pretty good and has been gaining new players daily. If it was not doing good, then I would not be making constant updates for it.

Thank you all for your support, and the so called haters too. Hate it or love it, I know many of you have bought the DLCs and are showing your support and I appreciate you all greatly.

Anyway, I am starting to sound cheesy. Have fun with the update, let the boobies bounce and gamble your gold away. :)

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.5

Update - Version 1.5

- Gambling now takes 2 Million Gold instead of 5 Purple Matter.
(Nobody was wasting their purplematter on gambling, as it's too slow to gather it. Everyone was collecting free spins, yet they were meant as a "Treat" not the main function. I wanted people to gamble more and get the waifus to level 10 faster. It should not take a week only to see some boobs.)
- Gambling odds a bit worse. (only a little)
- Gifts now give less points.
From 2-10-25 to 1-5-10. (but you will get more since you can now gamble with gold)
- Autospins now work with both free spins and gold. (free spins only before)

- You need to reach level 10 to be able to unlock the costume. Unlocking the costume resets the dating level of the girl back to 1. (players who have previously gotten the skin, are able to see it regardless. Just dont change it or you will have to unlock it.)

- Sped up the gift giving when holding right mouse button by 5 times. It's like using an autoclicker now. (Since players are getting more gifts that are worth less, giving gifts should be faster.)

- Hard reset now sets Moniques merch store gold to its proper value.

Have fun! :)

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.4

Update - Version 1.4

A very important technical update, that fixes FPS issues.

Some time ago, someone mentioned, that the game was running only at half speed when it's minimized and it was true. The game timers are all tied to your Frames Per Second, so when you minimize it, it runs 2 times slower, which means that your production and timers are working only half as intended and it was probably better when the game is closed.

The issue was mentioned again on the discord group, that the cooldowns for the free spins and the laser were not counting down as intended.

After some reading and researching, the issue is now fixed.

The game runs on 60 frames per second, which are 1 second in-game. Each second you gain 1 gold, but if you experience an fps drop, say to 10fps because you have other software open, then you gain 1 gold every 6 seconds.

This has now been fixed with something called "delta time", which basically checks your fps(30 for example) and the target fps(60) and multiplies the difference towards the timers (2x in this case). So everything runs as if you were having 60 frames per second, even if you have 10.

This also means, that the game will not take more resources from your pc to reach the desired frames. It's just a simple multiplication up until the microsecond.

Here is a little demonstration, for anyone that is curious.


There were also other features planned for the update, but it's taking a bit longer and I wanted to get this fix out as soon as possible.

- Added the collar and tie to Moniques nude skin.
- Remade Moniques bra.
- Added Monqiue bounce animation.

- Added Zoey level 10 Nude skin.
- Added Zoey bounce animation.

- Fixed an old typo with her japanese.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading and have fun! :)

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.3

Update - Version 1.3

- Naomi has received her nude skin. Seems like her bikini is a bit too small.

- Yukari spread animation has been redone. The old one was a bit too much and looked janky. New one is more subtle.

New jiggle animations for Emika, Ryan, Naomi, Olga, Jane, Ginny and Yukari.

Enjoy! :)

- Blobberina HQ text will now switch on skin change. This way you can also read the text from previous stages.
- Fixed an issue where only Emika dating level was affecting the gold price reduction for her production. Now every girls dating level will affect their according production.
- Changed it so you now have to first strip off the clothing before the animation plays. Before it looked janky and the skin was clipping out of bounds.

Have fun and let'em bounce.

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.2

Update - Version 1.2

- Changed it so auto-spins work only on free spins.
People would leave it on and lose all their purple matter, besides, it was used only with autospins anyway. This way I don't have to add even more buttons and clutter.

- Monique dialogue typo. Charmante to Adorable.
- Green Globbloppers. Tomatoe to Tomato.
- Olga skin display. Was saying you need a DLC, but you don't.

- Level 10 lewd costumes for Ryan, Ginny and Jane added.

(After much consideration and discussions on discord, I have decided to not make Ginny nude. Instead she is showing only her feet and is in slightly revealing attire. Something for the feet enjoyers. Ginny looks a bit too much like a minor, and I fear that I would get into trouble with Steam if I add her in fully nudity. All characters are fictional and are above 18, but still, I don't want to test my luck. If you really really want to see her nude, then message me on discord and I will send you the fully nude version.)

Text Size
- Increased all text size slightly.
(It should be better now. I can't add an option to increase it yourself, that would require an entire re-write of all text and dialogue code, besides, once you make it bigger it does not align properly anymore and goes beyond the borders of the buttons.)

More lewd content coming soon. For now, enjoy the new booba.
Have fun! :)