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Operation Food to Gold News

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.1

Update - Version 1.1

Auto Gambling
- Can now turn on Auto-Gambling. It will only stop if you hit the jackpot. Good luck!

- Increased Moniques gold bonus in the merch store from 5 to 15.
- Fixed a bunch of french language mistakes in her dialogue. Mon-Ma to just cherie. Thank you Prinny.

- Decreased the requirements to feed her.
Old, going from level 1-2-3-4
Essence 100 – 1000 – 10k – 100k
Globbloppers: 5-10-25-50
Essence 60-600-1200-6000
Globbloppers: 2-5-10-20

Thank you RemboW and Abby!

The Blob is the start and Blobberina is supposed to be the end. That's why she does not have any bonuses tied to her. If you unlock her, you have beat the game, which makes sense story wise, which nobody has seen yet since it was impossible to unlock her. Before it would have taken a year to unlock her and thats just insane. Now it's more around 1-2 Months of playing. For an idle game, that's not much.

Thank you all for a great launch and all your support!
Have fun!

Version 1.0

Version 1.0

I am happy to present to you Version 1.0 of Operation Food to Gold. After many updates, changes and improvements, I feel like the game is now worthy of a full release and has more than enough content to keep you occupied for a very long time. The game will no longer be tagged as "Early Access".
This does not mean that I will stop working and updating the game.

I am releasing this update a bit early, so all of you can enjoy the new content and girls before I officially release it out of Early Access, because I still have work to do on the Store Page, a new Trailer, and there is no reason to delay it and keep you waiting.

The lab has received a visual upgrade and now you can hatch/birth Blobberina. She is very expensive to feed and is meant as end-game content.
She also comes with 4 new Steam Achievements.

- Removed the censor bar. Now everyone can view the costumes. But stripping off the bikini will require the DLCs for some girls. Those being Yukari, Emika and Monique. The rest is free for everyone, Blobberina is free for everyone of course.
Added nude costumes for Emika, Monique, Amber, Abby, Olga, Valentina and Ming.

- Changed the destroy bikini/bra mechanic. Now it only takes 5 clicks to remove it. I removed the various stages of destruction, as I felt that it did not make much sense and it looked bad.
- Unlocking a skin now requires that you have the girl at dating level 10. (makes sense, and a reward for your grind)

- Updated the lab and added glowing effects to the generators.
- Updated the extractors and added glowing effects.
- Moved the globbloppers to the extractors.
- Updated the DLC page.
- Updated the color coding of the options page.
- Updated the cosmetics page.
- Changed the rewards for the DLCs. You can claim the again if you start a new save or do a hard reset. I had not touched them since the first release.

A big thank you to all early access players, supporters, feedback givers and waifu enjoyers!
You are all awesome!

Have fun with the update and stay tuned for more lewd content.

Operation Food to Gold - Update 21

Update 21

Adult content
Let's address the elephant in the room first, so we can move on to the fun things.
Valve has denied my request to remove the adult tag from the game and has requested that I put all adult content back into the game and restore it. This is not the path I wanted to take, but the path I am stuck on, so, might as well embrace it, instead of complaining or arguing with them, because that would be a fight I will not win.

All Yukari nude content was put back into the game.
Now you can see the nude content without the DLC, but you cannot strip off her bikini and there will be a censor bar. If you own the DLC, then there will be no censor bar and you can get her naked.

Other girls
Not sure yet what I want to do with their lewd content, but I think I will split it up across the 3 DLCs. Previously I wanted to keep the other 2 DLCs clean, since it was a family friendly game, but now that does not matter as it's a full adult game.

All 18+ content is and will remain on my discord for free.

New stuff
- Added 3 lofi music tracks to the game.
- Added sound effects to the buttons.
- Added sound effects to the gambling hexagons.
- Added win effects to gambling, depending on how much you win.
- Added visual effects to Monique, depending on your win. She will spawn hearts.

- When you give a gift to the girls, then they will spawn a red heart.

- Updated the options page.
- Updated the tutorial to be color coded.
- Fixed a bunch of typos.

I made sure to include only sounds and music that are not annoying, but you can mute them if you want. If the music or sounds are too loud or too silent, then let me know.

After testing, I have decided to not give the foods any sound effects. 30 food items dropping at the same time all making a *squish* is quite annoying. I don't hate you fellows this much to include that. :D

Thanks for playing and have fun!

Operation Food to Gold - Update 20

Update 20

All adult content has been removed from the game. The 18+ Yukari DLC has been changed to the Globbloppers DLC.

All owners of the Yukari DLC are now owners of the Globbloppers DLC. You can claim the contents in-game.

Because I don't want my game to be banned in Germany and China, as Germany is my #1 source of players for the first idle game and probably this one too. A ban there is quite significant! I tried to find any other way, but there is none, since my game is client based. Other games with adult content either have their lewd stuff on a server, or as a separate download or a separate version. This would mean, that I would have to make and update 2 versions of the game, and even then, I am not 100% sure that steam will allow me to remove the adult tag.

I thought, that locking the content behind an adult DLC would be enough, but apparently not, as just having the content in the files is enough to mark it as "Adult".

I hope you understand my situation. Censorship s*cks, but what can you do about it.

The DLC has also seen a price increase. So, see it as a 50% off if you bought it before. Also, now it actually has in-game changing stuff, instead of it being just a costume that does nothing.

If you still want to see all the Yukari lewdness, and other, unreleased lewd pictures I worked on, then you can come to the discord group, where I will post them all for free.


Thanks for reading.
Have fun.

Operation Food to Gold - Update 19

Update 19

Added 47 Steam Achievements to the game.

I planned on adding more originally, but Steam limits me to 100, and I think 47 are more than enough for now. Most are quite difficult to achieve anyway. I might add more in the future, but I did not want to add achievements for the kitchen or the merch store, since that gets reset very often.

- Increased free spins gotten from Monique to 2 from 1, for non dlc owners.
- Increased free spins gotten from Monique to 6 from 5 for dlc owners.

- At level 10, Monique now gives you 2 time more free spins. So 4 non-dlc and 12 with dlc.

- Changed some dialogue for Monique, Ginny and Zoey, as they were using words implying a gender on the player. Since the player is unknown, I want the dialogue to be neutral and for everyone.
If you find any other dialogue like this, then please let me know so I can fix it.

- Fixed a bunch of typos.

Have fun achieving all the achievements.