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  3. Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.2

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.2

Update - Version 1.2

- Changed it so auto-spins work only on free spins.
People would leave it on and lose all their purple matter, besides, it was used only with autospins anyway. This way I don't have to add even more buttons and clutter.

- Monique dialogue typo. Charmante to Adorable.
- Green Globbloppers. Tomatoe to Tomato.
- Olga skin display. Was saying you need a DLC, but you don't.

- Level 10 lewd costumes for Ryan, Ginny and Jane added.

(After much consideration and discussions on discord, I have decided to not make Ginny nude. Instead she is showing only her feet and is in slightly revealing attire. Something for the feet enjoyers. Ginny looks a bit too much like a minor, and I fear that I would get into trouble with Steam if I add her in fully nudity. All characters are fictional and are above 18, but still, I don't want to test my luck. If you really really want to see her nude, then message me on discord and I will send you the fully nude version.)

Text Size
- Increased all text size slightly.
(It should be better now. I can't add an option to increase it yourself, that would require an entire re-write of all text and dialogue code, besides, once you make it bigger it does not align properly anymore and goes beyond the borders of the buttons.)

More lewd content coming soon. For now, enjoy the new booba.
Have fun! :)