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Operation Food to Gold News

Version 2.1 - DLC rewards increased & Final content update

Update 2.1 - The final content update

This is the end of a journey, that has been too long for me. I have been working on the game for 1 Year and 6 months by now. The end was supposed to happen when it released out of Early Access, with the introduction of Blobberina (you can watch the early access trailer on the store page, to see where it began). Yet I still clung on to a sinking ship, trying to keep it afloat. I don't regret it, as the game is now in a much better state than it was back then. This is not a "subscription" or "game as a service" type game. There needs to be an end. As mentioned before, this update and the last couple were supposed to wrap up the "idle game" part of the game and now it is. It can take a player around 5k to 6k hours of playtime to complete the entire game, and that would be, when you reach level 100 with all the girls.

I mentioned, that I was planning on adding a new-game+ mode, but after thinking about it, I feel like it will add nothing of value, except more bloat. The game has enough content and does not need even more bloat. I have an issue of not knowing when to stop, and if it's up to players, I can keep going indefinitely. That would not be a smart decision on my part, as this is business for me. The smart decision would have been, to call it quits 7 months ago, but I couldn't bring myself to do so and am glad about it.

So, what's new?
As a final thank you to all the supporters of the game, I have increased all DLC rewards and made them all re-claimable.
I have also added 2 new DLC generators in the lab.
Dating generator - has a chance to give gifts.
Costume generator - has a chance to give lewdcoin.

This way the DLCs remain relevant even in the late-game portion of the game, not only in the early one.

I also increased the gambling rewards for the jackpot and the big win significantly.

Other stuff
- fixed a sound effects bug
- polished various screens and updated the art

What about the girls, costumes and animations?
The last update made me realize that it's a crackpot idea. There were people, who were struggling to get even 30fps in the idle game after adding only a couple of animations.
I was able to boost FPS in the game and the Rhythm game, by deactivating and re-activating animations and the idle game, but it would only get worse from here. The game engine loads all pictures(sprites) into your RAM when the game starts. The more pictures, the more RAM is used and the more your game lags. I was able to relieve that by a lot last time. Currently Lucy, Lilly, Yukari and Emika have 1 animation with 3 variations. So it's a total of 12 animations. 12 and the game started to struggle.
If I were to add an animation for all of the girls+extras, it would be around 108.
That was the original plan, and it's impossible, unless you want to play at a silky smooth 3 FPS.
I've left all the current animations in, as there is no reason to remove them.

I think you understand now, the why. This stuff would be great in a visual novel, or an rpg, but idle games are meant to be played on low end computers, that's their whole point, to be simple. The rhythm game would also not work if it didn't have a consistent 60fps.

That all said, I will still fix bugs and typos, adjust values and balance. The game will still receive updates, just nothing new. It's missing a lot of achievements for example, which I will add soon.

Thanks for reading, your understanding, the feedback and support!

Version 2.0 - Leaderboards & Optimization

Update 2.0 is one of the most important and exciting ones.

Two very major additions. Heavy optimization and Steam Leaderboards.

Rhythm Game
- Added Steam-Leaderboards to all songs. You can check them at the achievements page and how well you do. Those are near 100% cheat proof, as they upload only your current best score, not the one that is saved and can be edited. You play a song, if your current score is better than your best score, it gets on the steam leaderboard. (I can do this to all stats, but those can be cheated, and what's the point then...)
- Changed the scoring. Now, if you get 6 consecutive notes in a row, your multiplier increases by 1, up to a 6X multiplier. Notes gives 10 points as a base, you start with 1X and so on.
(6 consecutive and 6X multiplier. 66...6 because you are in hell playing with demons girls.)
- Added a new free song, which is the official soundtrack of the game and a song for the new trailer, which I still have to make. It's a crazy one, don't expect to hit all the notes.

- This is an emergency update because of it. I was notified, that some players were getting around 11-30 fps in the idle and rhythm game. If you can't get a consistent 60fps in the rhythm game, then everything is off sync, and absolutely not fun!
A lot of backgrounds and art was changed, which you will hopefully not notice. All this art is loaded into your RAM, and makes the game lag. Long story short...
I reduced that memory load by 50MB, so you should have more FPS in the idle game part.
I increased the potential FPS of the Rhythm game from 70fps to 200fps. (potential for my laptop)
This means around 4 times more FPS in the rhythm game.
(When you start the rhythm game, everything else gets deactivated. When you stop playing it or the song is done, everything re-activates again. If I didn't tell you now, then you would have not noticed a single thing out of order or any different. This change ensures that the Rhythm game plays smoothly at 60fps.) It's not just the rhythm game, the entire game should run more smoothly now. I will continue to optimize heavily. Some animations might get their frames reduced by it.

Gameplay comes over graphics. A smooth experience is more important.

- Added a button in the options, that fixes issues with the dialogue and free spins timer. If you experience an issue with any of that, click the button.
- Remastered all songs. They are not a bit louder and better sounding.
- Changed some outdated ginny lines about nudity.

I had different plans for this update, but am glad things turned out this way. Optimization is important and the new leaderboards are fun.

If you experience any FPS drops, or any issues. Then please let me know.

That said, I will destroy you all in the leaderboards. :D

Have fun and enjoy!

Version 1.9 - Medium Update

Update 1.9

A medium sized update, that I have marked as a small one, since I don't want to spam your steam news feed. Mostly focused on balance and a game breaking bug.

-Added new animations to emikas bikini costume. Idle breathing animation and shake on click animation for all 3 variations. Enjoy!

-Removed the censorship. Ginny is now fully nude, in all her glory.

- Added a disclaimer, that states that all characters are above 18. I was hesitant to un-censor ginny and was working on remaking her. But, there is no way to remake her and still keep Ginny as Ginny. If I change her, she won't be Ginny anymore. She is a favorite to many players. I also like her just the way she is and don't want to change her.

- Fixed a bug where gambling will stop working until you restart the game. It works now.

Globblopper Generators and Gold Generators
- Increased the gold one max progress slightly and the globblopper generator significantly. It was just too strong and needed a nerf. The problem was, it was giving globbloppers and you upgrade it with them too. It was too much. I haven't changed the rewards for it. It's still 50% chance to get a globblopper, just slower.

- Changed hat, shirt and toy store gold gain from 1,2,3 per level to 10,20,30.
- Removed "resets on purpstige" text.
- Made the text slightly smaller to prevent clipping issues.

- Fixed clipping issues with all generators.
- Typos.

Things I forgot to mention last time that were changed.
- Added new dialogue lines to all girls based on the costume they are wearing. The lewder, the lewder the dialogue.
- Changed the calculations of the rhythm game score. Used to be 15 mistakes for 3 stars, 50 for 2, 150 for 1. Now it's percent based. 95% - 85% - 60%.
- Changed the notes for "Casino Vampire" and "Stars". The songs are easier and more fun now.
- Added Trisha lewd skin.

Enjoy and have fun!

Version 1.8 - Major Changes and new rhythm game DLC

Update 1.8,

brings many new changes and a new DLC for the Rhythm game with 6 new Drum and Bass songs.

I'll try to shorten it up as much as possible, because it's a lot.

Rhythm Game
- Lucy and Lilly animation changed from 7 frames per second to 30 frames per second.
(sadly, the new animations cause a bit of lag the first time you start the game with the rhythm game, so there is a 4 second delay the first time when starting a song, so the songs stay in rhythm and are not off beat. Please let me know if you experience issues with the song rhythm. It should be smooth now, I've made sure of it, but rarely there is some issue with off-beat.)
- Can bind custom keys for the rhythm game.
- Changed the background to represent the new controls and be better visible.
- Rearranged the screen a bit to make things more clear and added more information.
- 6 new songs in a DLC. (you can listen to the songs in the options menu in full and without DLC. To decide if you like them and if you want to play them.)

- Removed tutorial. (I dont like that wall of text. Will add a better one in a later update.)
- Added all songs.
- Fixed an issue with music muting sound effects aswell.

- now costs 5mil instead of 2. Because you will be getting a lot more gold. Balance.
- Gambling is now 2 times faster.
- other visual improvements.

- Changed the generators to function faster, now they will have a chance to give you either nothing, or a rare resource. (more for the lab in next update)

- Removed purpstige. It was annoying to reset your gold upgrades. People wanted "buy 10" buttons, because it was tedious to click so often after every reset. The whole thing was tedious and un-fun. You get purpstige through dating now. You may not be able to claim your purpstige now, but on the upside, you dont have to reset your upgrades and will be getting way more gold. Gold you can use on gambling and dating, which also leads to more gold and purpstige.

Added a dating screen with all the girls.

The girls
- Changed them completely. Now that I have better software for animations, I will be adding new idle and on click animations for all the girls. For now its just yukaris uniform skin. She is now fully animated, to breathe and "squish" her tatas when you click on her. First I want to get all "gameplay" aspects done, then I will focus on art and animation only.
- Increased dating level from 10, to 100, and it does not reset anymore.
- You unlock skins with lewdcoins now, instead of having to reset your dating level.
- The dating level speeds up a love generator, that can give you purpstige or lewdcoin. Each girl has one, yukari has two for now.
- The whole system has been re-written from scratch, but I wont bore you with any more details about that.
- Added "give 100" button for gifts.

Raw Food Production
- now on their own page, away from the girls
- bonus to gold production removed from the dating level, but overall cheaper.
- globblopper resource down to 100, from 250
- globblopper and gold now activate a generator, that can give more globbloppers and essence.
(globbloppers were way too strong, so I had to nerf them, but its still worth upgrading, because you get great bonuses from the generator. Gold upgrades feel more meaningful now.)
- essence generator(old one) and premium essence generator added to the screen.

- added a new, second, failsafe autosave function
(the game saves every 10 seconds. when you close it, it saves to that file and when you open the game it load from that file. Now there is another one, that safes every 30 minutes. Logic is, if the first one is corrupted and doesn't load. the game notices and loads the second one on its own. If everything works perfectly, you wont notice a thing and most importantly, you wont lose your save anymore. I hope.
So, 2 autosaves. Manual save is still separate and its wise to click it.)

Now scales up to a 100 multiplier, which will make it very very good for gold gain.

Probably a ton of other small changes, and a ton of "behind the scenes" improvements, that I wont talk about since its nothing interesting.

I had to split this update in 2 parts, because it was getting a bit too much and I need to balance stuff as well. Next update, NewGame+ reset, blobberina content, gambling content, more animations, more lab content.

I also made a video, but scrapped it, because it was 30min long. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Best way to experience it, is to jump in-game and look for yourself.

Have fun!

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.7 - The Rhythm Game Update

Update - Version 1.7

!The Rhythm Game Update!

A video trailer for this new update:


Version 1.7 brings a Rhythm game to the game with 6 custom made Drum and Bass tracks for it.

It all started from a fever dream I had about two demon ladies shaking their hips to the beat while playing a rhythm game. I then knew that I need to make this for the game. It was not easy, making a rhythm game from scratch, it was quite hard to be honest and my pc monitor had to endure many insults, but I am very glad and proud of the end result.

The update is free for all. Does not require any DLCs. Does not require any unlocks. Just play if you want from the start and have fun.

Also meet the new waifu additions to the game. Lucy and Lilly. If you press Arcade, you can go to the rhythm game, where they will shake their hips to the beat. If you then go to hell, you can undress them and read a little bit more about them.

Depending on how you perform in the rhythm game, you will unlock stars for each song and a personal best score.

Right now the score does not give you any bonuses, but that will come in the future. This is not the last update.

Where is trishas lewd skin?
This is not the final update. Next up I will focus more on the idle part of the game and the other waifus. Much is planned there too.

Removed the other 3 songs and added mine. You can listen to them there without the rhythm game part.
You can also find all songs on my youtube channel and this playlist.

What is your favorite song?

Let me know what you all think and most importantly. Have fun!