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Orbital Strike VR News

Orbital Strike VR's is on sale for Steam's Summer Event!

Orbital Strike VR is participating in this summer's Steam sale and is 30% off for the next 2 weeks. Check out what players are calling a "hidden gem" in this unique sci-fi adventure!

Thanks again to all the early players for their feedback and bug reports!!!

Update notes for June 29, 2023

- Fixed race condition on command tutorial dialog text.
- Fixed issue with voice chat not working sometimes.
- Backend changes to networking to support future cross-platform co-op.

Update notes for April 9, 2023

April 9, 2023

- Fixed issue the broke joining remote multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed issue with haptics getting stuck while Steam overlay turned on.

Update Notes for April 5, 2023

April 5, 2023

- Added max evacuation ship counter for Outbreak gamemode.
- When switching carrier's main weapon type during Outbreak, some of the previous cost is now refunded.
- Better objective graphical hint on structures that need to be destroyed.
- Fixed holstered weapons not following player sometimes if they are on a ship when it field jumps.
- Fixed desync issue when warping into the upgrade zone during Outbreak gamemode.
- Fixed smooth locomotion collider issue while on a moving ship. This was causing players to get kicked off or stuck outside the ship sometimes especially in Outbreak gamemode.
- Fixed race condition that may cause the research table to not show available research on load.
- Fixed potential desync if a player is moving on or off a catapult right when the carrier field jumps.
- Fixed smooth locomotion desync when attaching to catapults while in the end-game lobby.

Update Notes for March 23, 2023

March 23, 2023

- Fix for priority target not spawning in the campaign, if you continue on to the third commlink without destroying it initially. If you are missing an anti-armor core and having trouble proceeding in the campaign, head over to Shatter Core and defeat the priority target there to gain a critical core needed to progress.
- Fix a rotation desync while flying and using snap rotation.