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Orbital Strike VR News

Update notes for March 22, 2023

March 22, 2023
- Personal weapon explosive hit effects now only occur if they do effective damage against ship hulls.
- Increased personal weapon damage against torpedoes and ship turrets by 30%.
- Additional heavy weapon reloads added during resource tutorial to keep players from having to go back to the ship to re-arm.
- Decreased the size of the support menu a bit to make it easier to use in combat.
- Targeting effects are now disabled while using the support menu so they shouldn't clutter up the menu.
- Minimum range added for weapons targeting larger ships.
- Removed dash teleport option in favor of an instant teleport with fade due to trouble getting dash teleport effects to play well with smooth rotation options.
- Fixed a desync issue with smooth rotation when teleporting while rotating.
- Fixed a desync with beam weapon effects when an origin update occurs.
- Fixed a case of subspace beacon getting stuck in the player's hand after exiting the commlink station during the campaign.
- Fixed a few places in stations and carriers that caused flight physics to get stuck.
- Fixed server/client flight collider mismatch on carrier hangar roofs.
- Fixed turret damage effects not resetting if a turret resets in another zone from the client.
- Fixed ship names in the command and ship select menu.
- Fixed furniture colliders on weapons depot and commlinks not blocking bullets.
- Fixed some tutorial screens not clearing on exiting the game.
- Fixed shield breaker effects triggering on some structures when entering a new zone.
- Fixed handjet boost sound not resetting after exiting field jumps.
- Fixed issue with Oculus headsets not setting up microphone correctly on startup.
- Fixed some research voice effects triggering on campaign start.
- Fixed graphical issue when armor and hull plate modules reset.
- Networking system multithreading upgrade. Significant performance improvements all around.

Orbital Strike VR's first Steam Sale is here! 30% off this week!

Welcome new and returning pilots!

Orbital Strike VR is participating in this week's Steam Spring sale and is 30% off for this week. After over 17 updates since launch in response to player feedback, now is the perfect time to try out our single-player and co-op space combat simulator for PCVR!

Thanks to all the early launch players for their feedback and bug reports!!!

Update Notes for Feb 25, 2023

Feb 25, 2023

- Added an extra objective to help players land back on the carrier in tutorial.
- Turrets will now passthrough some damage to a ships hull. The Bastion corvette was a bit too tanky otherwise due to their frontal turret placement.
- Fixed ship debris not blocking lance torpedoes.
- Fixed graphic effect with the railgun.

Update notes for Feb 24, 2023

- Fixed glow and bloom effects for third-person camera.

Update notes for Feb 20, 2023

- Reworked command tutorial slightly. Each step should flow into the next a bit smoother and it should be harder to accidently skip a step.
- Fixed setting player onto catapult launch platform after it resets while using smooth locomotion.
- Fixed ships exiting field jumps when already destroyed.
- Added and reworked some sound effects: Hand-jet thrust, ship field-jumps, and in-jump ambient sfx.
- Replaced asteroid HUD graphic.
- Reduced dropped item HUD icon size.
- Reset third-person camera position on load.
- Added some missing GUI backgrounds to menus.