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Spirit Island News

What's New in Version 2.4.1

This update has a few improvements and bug fixes, including:
  • Spirit Foresight now shows what Elements are affecting each land in Elemental Invocation.
  • The tutorial no longer gets stuck in the Spirit Phase.
  • The game no longer gets stuck against Brandenburg-Prussia 2+ when Command Beasts is revealed.
  • Powered by the Furnace of the Earth level 2 now properly appears on screen for use once you gain enough Energy to use it.
  • Pyroclastic Bombardment now allows you to assign extra Badlands damage to Explorers.
  • When dealing damage to Dahan with a Power, the Choose For Me button now destroys as few Dahan as possible.
  • Call to Trade does now works properly with Isolate - letting you decide whether or not to Gather a Town.
  • Fixed a problem where the game could get stuck when rejoining a multiplayer game after a crash.

Version 2.4 Now Available: Explosive Eruption

The deeper Spirits of vulcanism are too powerful and slow, too removed to respond to the Invaders − but not so this one. An Explosive Eruption splits the sky and the island is empowered by wellsprings of elemental essence. The fifth phase of Jagged Earth content is now available with a new Spirit and Scenario.

Volcano Looming High: A Spirit of fire and earth stretching upwards to the sky, casting a long and dangerous shadow across the land. It doesn’t dislike humans per se, but neither does it have much use for them, so the Dahan tend to keep away from it as much as possible. However, they sometimes end up dealing with its temper whether they want to or not…

Elemental Invocation: The Spirits can call forth wellsprings of essence to empower small areas of the island, strengthening and aligning nature with a particular element. This is fortunate, for the Invaders are encroaching more strongly than before.

No additional purchase is required; you will gain access to the new content with your existing purchase of Jagged Earth.


[h2]Discord Game Invites[/h2]
When you're playing the game and Discord is open, it will show details about your game in progress. You can invite people to your multiplayer game using the "+" button in Discord, or right click on a friend to ask to join their game. You can find players on our official Handelabra Discord Server! Read more about the feature on Discord's site.

[h2]Steam Game Recording[/h2]
The Steam Game Recording feature is available in the beta version of the Steam Client. Record your gameplay automatically in the background, view replays, and share clips. Spirit Island generates event markers as relevant game events happen.

Plus, this update includes many other improvements and bug fixes, including:
  • The game no longer gets out of sync in multiplayer when Many Minds Move As One is deciding if Sacred Sites count as Beasts in some situations.
  • The game no longer gets stuck in multiplayer against Russia 5+ when Lure of the Deep Wilderness generates enough Fear to reveal the unused Stage II Invader Card.
  • It is no longer possible to assign Damage to an Invader that was previously saved from being Destroyed earlier in the same action.
  • The game no longer gets stuck resolving Tall Tales of Savagery while Pour Time Sideways is in effect.
  • Scorch with Waves of Heat now properly performs its last threshold properly (1 Damage to each Invader) when used during the Rouse the Spirits event.
  • Search for New Lands now works properly with Pour Time Sideways.
  • Fixed an issue in which Command Beasts could be used repeatedly after each Fast Power is used.
  • Fixed Demoralized defending in the Ocean when the Ocean is not in play.
  • Fixed Nerves Fray allowing you to add Strife to a land that only matches the Ravage card because of Russia 3+.
  • Presence replaced from Gift of Untamed Wilds is now counted as Destroyed Presence.
  • Dahan Enheartened now properly allows you to gather Dahan into an Isolated land by default.
  • Destroying a Town in an Isolated land with Predatory Nightmares now lets you choose whether or not to push the Town based on what lands you mark as adjacent.
  • Fixed an issue with Sky Stretches To Shore affecting the reach of Favors Call Due improperly.
  • Call to Guard no longer incorrectly damages Dahan when they are moved along with Invaders.
  • Fixed an issue that stopped Serpent Slumbering Beneath The Island from choosing a second growth option in specific circumstances.
  • Stone's Unyielding Defiance no longer gets stuck only able to reposition Presence during growth in certain situations.
  • In Dahan Insurrection, if there are no Dahan on the Island, the game no longer gets stuck indicating a Sacrifice Victory but not ending.
  • Undoing Unrelenting Growth with threshold can no longer cause duplicate addition of Presence and Wilds and Blight removal.
  • When Resourceful Populace is in effect, the order of Ravages is no longer chosen automatically.
  • When Carapaced Land is repeated, the range increase for targeting a land with Beasts now works properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Confounding Mists did not allow you to push Towns added by Sweden 5.
  • River Surges In Sunlight's Presence in the Ocean now displays as a Sacred Site during power phases.

What's New in Version 2.3.1

This update includes various bug fixes, including:
  • Fixed multiplayer issues with undo that could lead to desynchronization or being unable to undo as far as you should be able to.
  • Deactivating the elemental thresholds of Forsake Society To Chase After Dreams no longer fails to remove Invaders.
  • Badlands damage no longer incorrectly applies to Invaders that are not participating in Ravage.
  • Fixed towns incorrectly moving twice at the end of the Slow Phase in The Great River scenario in some cases.
  • The Great River scenario loss condition no longer triggers 1 Town too soon.
  • When Towns have multiple options where to go after the Slow Phase in The Great River scenario, they now always go to the northernmost land.
  • Fixed an issue where Beasts can be pushed farther from events when Many Minds Move As One is in the game.
  • Fixed a stall during Ravage that could occur after using Dream of the Untouched Land.
  • Weave Together the Fabric of Place and Elemental Aegis now work together properly and no longer give extra defense.
  • Keeper of the Forbidden Wild's special rule can no longer incorrectly apply to powers being resolved during the Rouse the Spirits event.
  • Melt Earth Into Quicksand now lets you destroy all Russian Explorers pushed into the target land.
  • The cleanup decisions from Weave Together the Fabric of Place during Time Passes no longer lead to sync issues in multiplayer.

Version 2.3 Now Available: Home of the Island's Heart

A siren song fills your ears, and you feel a distant beckoning. Can you resist the lure toward the Home of the Island's Heart? The fourth phase of Jagged Earth content is now available with a new Spirit and Scenario.

Lure of the Deep Wilderness: A few wanderers have spoken, in voices of wonder mingled with fear, of finding the Spirit that called them ever-further inland. But most never even saw it, only felt its distant beckoning.

The Great River: The island is vast, and the Invaders are firmly entrenched in its western lands. They now seek to push east across a mighty river and open up a new frontier. Can the Spirits hold them back?

No additional purchase is required; you will gain access to the new content with your existing purchase of Jagged Earth.


Plus, this update includes various improvements and bug fixes, including:
  • Spirit Foresight now includes a toggle to show an overlay indicating the range of each land to its nearest Ocean (very helpful for The Great River scenario).
  • By popular request, the end game screen Details panel now shows the Spirits in the game.
  • Demoralized and Plan for Departure can no longer grant too much Defend in lands affected by Weave Together the Fabric of Place.
  • Fixed a problem where Gift of Twinned Days did not work properly in solo mode.
  • An extra copy of Command Beasts will no longer appear when playing Fractured Days Split the Sky without events.
  • Fixed Lure of the Unknown incorrectly using up Reach when used at range 0.
  • Choosing Spurn the Invaders on Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid does now properly destroys multiple Dahan if they have reduced health from All Things Weaken.
  • Fixed Infestation of Venomous Spiders (thresholded) not getting the damage boost from Gift of Furious Might.
  • The "Add 1 Wilds" part of the Sprawl Contained by the Wilds event is now affected properly by Pour Time Sideways.
  • Fixed undoing Unrelenting Growth allowing an extra Presence placement with Stone's Unyielding Defiance.
  • Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares can no longer incorrectly "destroy" an Invader more than once with Utter A Curse of Dread and Bone.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases, you could undo after revealing a new Event Card.
  • Fixed a problem where Coastal Towns Multiply did not work properly with Isolate in some situations.
  • The Ravage damage increases from Habsburg Level 6 and Courage of the Crowd now add up properly.
  • Fixed a problem interaction with multiple copies of Powerstorm when Power Progression is enabled.
  • When Heart of the Wildfire adds Blight with All Things Weaken in effect, you can now choose Wildfire's adjacent Presence so that no Presence is destroyed.
  • Fixed a prompt issue with Pour Time Sideways and Prey On The Unwary.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed choosing a different land for the second presence after undoing a Minor Power gain from Stone's Unyielding Defiance's presence track.
  • Gift of Constancy, when given by Aid From Lesser Spirits, can no longer reclaim itself.
  • Thundering Destruction at high thresholds no longer interacts incorrectly with Durable Towns, causing too much damage/destruction.
  • Fixed an issue with Russian Explorers ignoring Isolate in some cases.
  • Added missing audio cues for multiplayer game setup.

What's New in Version 2.2.2

This update includes various bug fixes:
  • Pour Time Sideways now works properly with England's High Immigration build and Habsburg Level 1.
  • Flee From Dangerous Lands now allows you to push an Invader from an Isolated land.
  • Exaltation of the Storm-Wind does now correctly doubles its effect if used on yourself in solo play.
  • When Visions of a Shifting Future reveals a card, you can now freely move the card around the screen so you can examine the game state.
  • Storm-Swath no longer has +1 Range without meeting the elemental threshold.
  • When Heart of the Wildfire adds Presence that destroys Shadows Flicker Like Flame (Madness) Presence, undo now restores the destroyed Presence properly.
  • Weave Together the Fabric of Place no longer causes England to build in an empty land with only 1 adjacent Town/City.
  • The Invaders Surge Inland event will no longer get stuck if you choose an Isolated land.
  • Sap the Strength of Multitudes can no longer get its range boost without having the required elements.
  • A Pall Upon The Land no longer fails to destroy Presence properly if you use Undo after making a series of the choices.
  • Using Exaltation of the Storm Wind before Gift of Wind-Sped Steps no longer prevents you from using two slow powers fast.
  • Seek Safety level 2 now allows you to gather into an Isolated land and is prompted properly.
  • Using Power Progression with one Spirit from the Core Game and another from Horizons of Spirit Island no longer leads to a Spirit getting multiple copies of the same card.
  • Fixed a problem where Lead the Furious Assault did not deal the correct amount of damage against Durable Towns in some situations.