A few Invaders have found treasures on the Island, and they are determined to bring home their loot for riches and glory. However, as they make their way to the shore, they become Lost in the Swirling Haze, never to be seen again… The sixth phase of Jagged Earth content is now available with a new Spirit and Scenario.
Shroud of Silent Mist: A Spirit of dissolution and the cold silence of death, creeping quietly down from the hills and across the open waters. Its trail is adorned with dew-covered leaves and the bones of small animals. Some legends say it came from the final breath of a Dahan Spirit-speaker who spoke too freely of secrets entrusted to him…
Despicable Theft: Small groups of Invaders have been searching the island, and a few have found wonders. If they make it home, their people will stop at nothing to seek out more such fantastic treasures. Even those without wonders have tales and trophies that may bolster the Invaders’ resolve to stay.
No additional purchase is required; you will gain access to the new content with your existing purchase of
Jagged Earth.
[h2]Multiplayer Plumbing Improvements[/h2]
We have been working to improve the multiplayer workings of the game to eliminate synchronization issues. Spirit Island has many complex rule interactions, and allowing players to do things simultaneously yet still remain in sync with each other is a challenging and ever-evolving task!
To support this we have updated the networking libraries and reworked the Full Sync feature to be more reliable. Ideally you would never need to use Full Sync, but if you run into a problem, we want to make sure your game can continue.
Remember, if you run into a problem in a multiplayer game, please report it in-game using the Help & Feedback button at the time it occurs (and before trying Undo or Full Sync). It also helps a lot if everyone in the game sends a report, so we can see the situation from all angles. That gives us the best chance to solve the problem sooner!
We are planning to add support for saving multiplayer games to continue later, but that feature is not yet available. Stay tuned!
[h2]Other improvements and bug fixes[/h2]
- Informational messages are now shown in the game log so you can review them at your leisure.
- The text of Elemental Invocation is updated to read that land corners are "at an intersection of 3+ lands/Oceans, or of 2+ lands/Oceans and the board edge." This means that in new games from now on, there are no longer land corners on solitary lands at the intersection of 2+ board sides.
- Sacred Sites Under Threat now highlights lands with Sacred Sites and Invaders, and indicates how many lands have them and how much Energy you would need to spend to damage them all.
- If Explosive Eruption has a damage boost (e.g. from Flame's Fury), the boost can now apply in any land where the Power is dealing damage.
- Infestation of Venomous Spiders now deals damage properly in lands joined together by Weave Together the Fabric of Place.
- Elemental Boon now lets you decide what elements it has when discarded as a randomizer for some Events.
- Fixed an issue where the game could get stuck using Firestorm against Russia 2+ if you push an Explorer to another of your lands where you can deal damage.
- Volcano Looming High's special rule range increase now properly combines with Exaltation of Molten Stone.
- Fixed an issue with Carapaced Land's range increase interacting incorrectly with Volcano Looming High's special rule range increase.
- Fixed an issue where cards could disappear from view in Time Passes when choosing them for Gift of Constancy.
- Fixed an issue where if a Russian Explorer was Drowned by a Power and pushed into the Ocean via A Sense for Impending Disaster, escaping drowning using A Sense for Impending Disaster again did not generate Fear.
- Gift of Twinned Days now works properly with Powers that play additional Power Cards.
- When Devouring Teeth uses Call to Bloodshed to gather Dahan in Dahan Insurrection, additional damage will no longer be incorrectly dealt in other lands.
- Never Heard From Again no longer causes a multiplayer desync against Russia 5+.
- Fixed Carapaced Land not allowing you to target the proper lands in some situations.
- Fixed Pyroclastic Bombardment interacting incorrectly with Badlands in some situations.
- Undoing after gaining two Power Cards with Exaltation of Tangled Growth no longer causes you to lose the second Power Card.
- Blight on France's Slow-Healing Ecosystem now returns to the Blight Card for the next game in Second Wave.
- Fixed an issue where repeating Forsake Society to Chase After Dreams could cause the game to get stuck in multiplayer.
- Trees Radiate Celestial Brilliance now deals enough damage with its threshold when used with Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power.