What's New in Version 2.2.2
This update includes various bug fixes:
- Pour Time Sideways now works properly with England's High Immigration build and Habsburg Level 1.
- Flee From Dangerous Lands now allows you to push an Invader from an Isolated land.
- Exaltation of the Storm-Wind does now correctly doubles its effect if used on yourself in solo play.
- When Visions of a Shifting Future reveals a card, you can now freely move the card around the screen so you can examine the game state.
- Storm-Swath no longer has +1 Range without meeting the elemental threshold.
- When Heart of the Wildfire adds Presence that destroys Shadows Flicker Like Flame (Madness) Presence, undo now restores the destroyed Presence properly.
- Weave Together the Fabric of Place no longer causes England to build in an empty land with only 1 adjacent Town/City.
- The Invaders Surge Inland event will no longer get stuck if you choose an Isolated land.
- Sap the Strength of Multitudes can no longer get its range boost without having the required elements.
- A Pall Upon The Land no longer fails to destroy Presence properly if you use Undo after making a series of the choices.
- Using Exaltation of the Storm Wind before Gift of Wind-Sped Steps no longer prevents you from using two slow powers fast.
- Seek Safety level 2 now allows you to gather into an Isolated land and is prompted properly.
- Using Power Progression with one Spirit from the Core Game and another from Horizons of Spirit Island no longer leads to a Spirit getting multiple copies of the same card.
- Fixed a problem where Lead the Furious Assault did not deal the correct amount of damage against Durable Towns in some situations.