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  2. News
  3. Beta 1.11 Release Date!

Beta 1.11 Release Date!

Hello everyone,
I am back from a lengthy hiatus, just wanted to let everyone know that Beta 1.11 will be releasing on Friday, October 8th, 2021!
This update will feature some multiplayer maps textured as well as detailed, quite a bit of bug fixes, and redesigns of the menus as well as user interfaces. There will also be steam inventory support once again, as well as the reintroduction of Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, & Capture The Flag!

With this update, the game's price will be raised to $14.99 as I feel that the game is ready enough to finally have it's price increase (plus it needed to when beta first came out, but felt I would wait until I felt it was ready to). That being said, the game is getting closer to being finished, I will say that the game will most likely leave early access at the end of this year!
There is also plans for a halloween update sometime soon, so be on the look out for that!

With that, I hope everyone has a wonderful week, I will be working hard to ensure that all bugs are squashed and that the game is better than it currently is! ːDː

One final note, here are some screenshots of the new map changes, new main menu background, and fully redesigned multiplayer character model!