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Beasts of Bermuda News

Lost Idols Summer Event!

Summer Lily Elasmosaurus Event Skin

+For a limited time, players will be able to earn a unique Elasmosaurus Lily Shimmer Skin.
-This skin has a glowing, bioluminescent layer
-The skin also unlocks three separate, equippable cosmetics that are associated with the skin:
  • Lily Hat: sits on the Elasmo's head.
  • Lily Foliage: mesh additions that adds lilies, flowers, and various stick debris to the Elasmosaurus' head and back.
  • Lily Overlay: fish silhouettes and lilies painted onto the Elasmo's back and head.

These equippable items can be put on any Elasmosaurus skin.
Note: only one Texture-type Overlay can be equipped on a skin at a time.

[h2]Summer Event Skins Unlocking & Mechanics[/h2]
Rather than have our new Elasmosaurus event skin unlocked by growth as we've done in the past, we've decided to try something new!
To unlock the Elasmosaurus Summer Lily event skin and its associated equippable cosmetics, players will need to hunt for and collect Elasmosaurus-themed idols scattered around the seafloor.
The Lurdusaurus Waverider skin is now earned by gathering Lurdusaurus-themed idols also scattered around the seafloor, and is no longer earned by growing to 2.0 on a Life Cycle server.
Gathering the idols will allow the player to progress through and complete achievements associated with earning the skins.

The idols will be spawning on all servers and on both Life Cycle and Free Roam game modes. Completing the achievement on any server will unlock access to the skin and cosmetics game-wide.

Here is some more useful information about some of the nuanced details regarding how players can gather idols and earn the skins!

-The idols will always be found on the seafloor and spawn randomly anywhere a carcasses spawn.
-Both the Elasmosaurus event skin and last year's Lurdusaurus Skal skin are now earned by collecting idols scattered around the sea floor and returning them to a matching deity shrine. There are Elasmosaurus idols for the Elasmosaurus Lily skin, and Lurdusaurus idols for the Lurdusaurus Skal skin
-They currently require gathering 50 idols each. All idols must be gathered on the same server to complete the achievement and unlock the skin, but they can be individually gathered by different creatures or during different lives.
-Idols show up on the compass when nearby with a color themed for the deity shrine they belong to
-Turning in an idol will show achievement progress in the top-right corner of the screen
-You should also be able to view the progress you've made towards unlocking both the event skins by viewing the corresponding achievements in the achievements gallery's Limited Time Events page

We hope you all enjoy this new means of earning our event cosmetics. Happy idol hunting!

[h2]Isla Titania[/h2]
+Added several new bob-specific props around Isla Titania
+Added Speed mini shrine inside the cave on Titans Rise
+Added Event Nodes to Titans Rise and Ashen Island
+Added AI spawns to Titans Rise

+Optimized several server-side functions that may result in slightly improved server performance while many players are connected

+Added BP_RexTorch to the foliage placement tool as an actor
+Added ApatoDoll, CoahSit, MegaraPlanter, Mosa, NestingVelo, PteraPost, and RexLamp props to the foliage placement tool

[h2]Quality of Life Changes[/h2]
+Reset all spent talents
+Updated idol icons to show power, survival, or speed colors
+The Palaeophis no longer has to be as close to one-another to mate
+The Palaeophis should now have an easier time coiling or sitting down in an arboreal nest
+Added underwater sound variants for Palaeophis' roar, friendly, aggressive, submissive, distress, eat, idle to sit, sit to idle, pain low, pain med, pain high, and regurgitate sounds
+Reduced volume of the world event start sound by 50%
+Added the QA bug, called bugfriend, to the foliage placement tool and they can now spawn in ory burrows
+Adjusted how quickly the Palaeophis gets dirty while in mud or sand

[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Mechanics (public): Adjusted the amount of Stamina damage inflicted with Exhausting Bite such that it should deliver a more consistent result. Very large or heavy-hitting creatures should see less Stamina damage inflicted when attacking smaller targets, and smaller creatures should see the talent being more effective at dealing consistent Stamina damage.
+Mechanics (public): Grabbing other players or dealing drown damage to them with Mosa's thrash both now count as hitting another player, which is used for assigning hunt points

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Balance: Burrow Master has replaced Acrobat as the tier 5 power talent. Slippery has been replaced with Acrobat. Nest Raider has been replaced with Sand Hoarder.

+Balance: Added Sharp Teeth to the Malawania's talent tree in the P3.3 socket
+Balance: Added Stoic to the Malawania's talent tree in the P3.1 socket
+Balance: Increased Malawania dart speed by 15%
+Balance: Malawania now has Powerful Legs in the M3.1 talent socket

+Balance: Reduced Venom Spit base regular damage to 7.5, down from 15
+Balance: Reduced Venom Spit venom damage by 50%
+Balance: Venom Spit now applies Frenzy when it successfully hits
+Balance: The Palaeophis now receives 30% less food from eating Chinlea
+Balance: Sneaky is now where Acrobat was on the Aquatic Palaeophis, and Acrobat has been removed from its talent tree
+Balance: The Terrestrial Palaeophis now has Stoic in place of Wing Tear, and Wing Tear has been moved to the new P3.1 talent socket
+Balance: The Terrestrial Palaeophis can now lay arboreal nests baseline
+Reduced volume of Palaeophis coil, slither, and idle sounds by 33%

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: Players can now get credit for sniffing the Axanthism mutation if they had previously completed the mutation achievement gallery before the Palaeophis patch
+Fixed: SM_Bridge_A, B, and several other newly added objects no longer have very small texture tiling when instances of these objects are either erased, undone, or placed very far apart while using the foliage placement tool
+Fixed: The glowing wisp that spawns in ory burrows can now properly be moved if you have sufficient Burrow Master
+Fixed: The Palaeophis can no longer slither out on top of the burrow mesh after entering a burrow
+Fixed: Dart no longer damages grabbed players who are in your group
+Fixed: The new teleporters to and from Ashen Island now allow significantly larger creatures to pass through
+Fixed: The Palaeophis no longer shakes or rotates oddly if grabbed while in the coiled state
+Fixed: The Palaeophis can now properly grab larger growthed flyers when talenting into the Aerial Ambush talent
+Fixed: The Aquatic Palaeophis no longer has incoming damage reduced at all times if it takes the Acrobat talent
+Fixed: Being hit by Venom Spit while already blinded by Venom Spit no longer causes a movement speed desync that causes severe stuttering and rubberbanding issues
+Fixed: Aquatics no longer gain Air Satiation from eating coconuts or other foliage elements that grant water sat
+Fixed: Palaeo should no longer do splashes while slithering underwater
+Fixed: Aquatic palaeo should no longer get jammed when it gets up from rest using jump key
+Fixed: Aquatic palaeo no longer gets jammed after trying to get up from rest on land
+Fixed: Semi and Terrestrial Palaeo no longer gets jammed after trying to get up from rest in water
+Fixed: Seaweeds_Seaweed3_1, Seaweeds_Seaweed3_2, Seaweeds_Seaweed3_Tall no longer have collision with the Palaeophis when placed with the foliage placement tool

[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages[/h3]

Hiss & Spit: Palaeophis Patch!

[h2]New Playable Creature: The Palaeophis[/h2]
Welcome our the newest creature to the Beasts of Bermuda roster. The Palaeophis! The Palaeophis is our first playable snake, and, being a snake, it has come with a tremendous amount of new challenges. First of all, the Palaeophis has a totally unique mode of movement. Rather than walking or running, it instead slithers and glides along the ground. The player will notice the Palaeophis is capable of scaling very steep terrain and can even climb trees or other objects. The Palaeophis can also periscope, standing tall with its head up off the ground by holding the jump key. If the Palaeophis has insufficient contact with the ground or an object it is climbing, it will fall. The quality of your contact with the surface you're on is represented by a bar that shows up while climbing. If it goes to empty, you fall.

Additionally, while playing the Palaeophis, you can choose from one of three specializations when you first spawn in. These specializations are Terrestrial, Semi-Aquatic, or Aquatic. These specializations give the Palaeophis different talent trees and baseline stats suited for its environment.

The Palaeophis has a special new resource called Venom. The player can, at any time, toggle between whether or not they'd prefer to use their Venom or not by pressing the Special key. While using Venom, all attacks inflict Venom damage when they successfully hit, but it also costs some of your Venom resource to use. If you run out of Venom, you cannot inflict any more Venom damage. Additionally, Venom can only be regenerated while sitting down, so use it carefully while hunting! If you choose to toggle your Venom off, you will instead do dry bites. Dry bites inflict more regular damage but deal no Venom damage and use no Venom resource.

Venom reduces the rate at which a player's Ability and Stamina regenerate and, at extreme values, may actively deplete your stamina. Ability can never actively deplete from Venom, but it can stop regenerating. Note that this is an experimental implementation of Venom and that we are open to ideas and suggestions regarding how it works. Another implementation we're considering is that it instead reduces your maximum Ability and Stamina instead. Venom heals more quickly while sitting or resting.

Venom is a rather new type of status condition that the Palaeophis specializes in dealing. Venom applies a static drain to both your Stamina and Ability Power. This drain is negated from the rate at which you would normally regenerate Ability and Stamina. The more Venom you have applied to you, the harsher the drain. If the drain rate gets greater than the regeneration rate of your Stamina or Ability Power, the respective resource will begin decreasing instead. All mechanics that influence Stamina or Ability Power regeneration can help thwart the effects of Venom, such as sitting down or resting, bottom-walking, having high food, water, and comfort, or taking the Endurance and Persistence talents. Venom's degenerative capabilities have been tuned such that players with high food, water, comfort, and Persistence talented will always continue regenerating Ability Power, even with 100%

All three Palaeophis specializations can shed its skin, which it can do only while sitting. Shedding your skin allows you to remove all bleed damage.

The Terrestrial and Semi-Aquatic Palaeophis can enter a coiled state while on land. While coiled up, it can strike for additional bite damage or spit venom at its opponents. When successfully hitting another player with Venom Spit, they will receive a blinding effect similar to that of Ory's Sand Attack and will also receive venom damage. Only the Terrestrial Palaeophis has access to the Defensive Coil and Venom Spitter talents.

The Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Palaeophis can both use Dart while swimming.

All Palaeophis specializations receive a buff called Frenzy when they successfully strike with an attack. Frenzy grants a temporary speed boost and can stack multiple times. Each time Frenzy is re-applied, the timer resets, allowing the Palaeophis to keep its speed rather high while in continuous combat.

All three Palaeophis specializations can also regurgitate some of their food to gain several stacks of Frenzy. The regurgitated food will get spit up as a bile-colored carcass that never provides satiation.

The Aquatic Palaeophis is 30% larger under all circumstances, has significantly higher weight and base health, and has the Elusive talent

[h3]Palaeophis Mating and Specializations[/h3]
+Two Palaeophis can mate with one-another regardless of specialization. The children will always have the same specialization as the mother. If the father does not have a talent the mother does due to having different specializations, the inherits for that talent will roll twice from the mother's side. This should keep the quality of the inherits your offspring get consistent regardless of whether or not the parents have different specializations.
+An Aquatic Palaeophis gives live birth like other aquatics. The other specializations make nests on land and lay eggs.

The Palaeophis has several unique, new talents that are designed to enhance various aspects of its kit. Each Palaeophis specialization has its own talent tree.
+Snake Senses: Provides all the benefits of Keen Senses. In addition, with one, two, or three talent points invested, the Palaeophis can see how much venom has been applied, water, and then food of a target while sniffing it.
+Venom Spitter: Increases the duration of the blinding effect of Venom Spit, increases its range, and reduces the Ability and Venom resource cost of using Venom Spit.
+Defensive Coil: Reduces how much damage you take while coiled.
+Ready to Run: Reduces the amount of food required to use Regurgitate, and increases how many stacks of Frenzy you gain from using Regurgitate
+Snake Blood: Provides the benefits of both Constitution and Clotting as one talent
+Frenzy Fortitude: Increases the maximum amount of Frenzy stacks you can have, and additionally slightly increases the speed bonus received by each stack of Frenzy.
+Venomous: Increases the maximum amount of Venom resource you have. Additionally, increases the rate at which you regenerate your Venom resource. Increases how much Venom resource you receive and decreases how much negative comfort bias you receive from eating poisonous objects such as mushrooms
+Lethal Fangs: Increases the amount of Venom damage you deal with all attacks.

[h3]Other Details about the Palaeophis[/h3]
+You can see how much Venom resource you have by opening the Character screen. Note that your Venom resource can only regenerate while sitting down or while resting.
+The Palaeophis' specialization shows up as an icon next to the gender icon on the save select screen, and shows up on the Character screen next to your gender icon
+The Palaeophis has a dance emote. It requires the Beasts of Bermuda Original Soundtrack to use.
+If you reincarnate as a Palaeophis, your reincarnation will have the same specialization
+Palaeophis' food and water drain rates match that of the Tyrannosaurus rex
+You cannot deal Venom damage to a creature that has its shield intact. This is currently only relevant for the Archelon.
+The default max group size for the Palaeophis is 6
+Palaeophis from different specializations can group with one-another
+The Special key toggle between dry and venomous bites has text that tells the player that dry bites do more damage
+The Palaeophis does not consume venom on its bites if it misses with its bite attack or bites an AI while in venom mode
+Venom for Palaeophis phases in between 0.6 and 0.9 growth. Below 0.6 growth, you deal significantly reduced venom damage
+The Palaeophis responds to tail hits. The tail must be far away from the head for it to count as a tail hit
+The Palaeophis regurgitates fish carcasses if it has eaten more fish than meat in its diet

+Added the following new skins for Palaeophis:
-Blue Beauty by DJZ & Twilightwolf
-Keelback by Natahi4 & Valhalla
-Mangrove by Twilightwolf
-Oxidized by Lifeon
-RedHead by Natahi4 & GamevideosforLife
-RedTail by Croww & Valhalla
-Viper by Natahi4 & Twilightwolf
-Watersnake by Natahi4 & Twilightwolf
-Woma by Valhalla & Croww
-Tricolor by Twilightwolf & Croww

+New Titania map expansion: Titan's Rise
Titan's Rise expansion covers the entire area of the central mountain on the map. It is a mountainous biome with narrow passages, steep cliffs, high elevations, and deep winding caves. The biome offers clean water sources, but less plant life and salt.

+Moved the Survival Shrine to Titan's Rise. There is now a survival minishrine and a hunter-gatherer village at the old location.
+Added a high elevation ambient sound that plays around the tip of Titan's Rise and across the whole map at this height.
+Expanded the ocean from Ashen Island to Outlands

+Added new foliage: Torbernite_Mineral_1,2,3 It is a toxic radioactive rock which can be eaten to replenish health in exchange for heavy comfort damage.

[h2]Other New Stuff[/h2]
+Added Power, Survival, and Speed Deity music tracks to the deity shrines on Isla Titania
+Added new Pachy skin: River Rock by Valhalla
+Added new pachy materials + new detail mask for scutes and body Keratin, by Valhalla
+Added new mutation: Axanthism: the inability to produce yellow pigment, often resulting in blue, black and white coloration on feathered and scaly animals. Axanthism is a similar rarity to its opposite: Xanthochromism (excess of yellow pigment).

+Admin: You must now have mod permissions on a server to search for a player by their Steam ID in the player list
+Admin: Using ResurrectPlayer on a player's dead creature now causes it to spawn at a random, appropriate spawn point rather than resurrecting where they died
+Admin: Added a new server config variable. bDisableLeaderboard. When true, the Leaderboard is disabled on the server.

[h3]Foliage Placement Tool[/h3]
+You can now add a z offset to the eraser. The up and down arrows now also move the eraser up and down
+Using the arrow keys to move an object's placement location up or down now properly updates the Z offset text field in the Foliage Placement Tool's UI
+Added an AI Spawn Inhibitor actor to the Foliage Placement Tool. Any AI spawners within the green sphere of an AI Spawn Inhibitor will no longer spawn AI, and will also destroy any AI currently active from the spawner when the inhibitor is placed.
+Seaweeds_Seaweed2_1, _2, and _3 no longer have collision
+The Foliage Placement Tool Kapok tree can no longer be knocked down
+Disabled SM_pine_j and SM_pine_j_winter from the foliage placement tool due to issues these foliages were having

+Added the following sets of objects to the Foliage Placement Tool: DEC_SM_Cliff 1 to 7
SM_AncientCoin 1, 3, 7
SM_DebrisSmall A, G, I, J
SM_DecorPillar A, B
SM_EntryRock 1 to 3
SM_Generic_Rock A to E
SM_GroundStone 1 to 7
SM_MushroomNucleus A to H
SM_Bridge A, B
SM_Floor 3x3, 3x6, 6x6
SM_Floor_Piece A to D
SM_Pillar 2x3_A, 2x3_B, 2x6, 3x6
SM_Wall 2x6_A, 2x6_B, 4x3_A, 4x6, 6x6
SM_WallArchway 12x3, 3x3, 3x6, 6x3
SM_WallRock A to C
BaseRock 1 to 16
BaseRockFlat 1 to 16
UCX_WoodBridge 1, 2
WoodPillar 1 to 3
Rock 1 to 10
RoundStone 1 to 9
+Added SM_LCave_P_Floor_Terrain 01 to 09 and Hill to the Foliage Placement Tool
+Added Dry Tropic trees to placeable foliage

+Fixed: All solid objects placed with the foliage placement tool with a number that starts with a non-zero digit immediately after an underscore no longer causes server-side log spam and causes the client's location to appear glitchy and rotation to appear rotated upwards on non-owning clients. Examples include SM_LCave_P_Mesa_12, SM_LCave_P_Column_48, and any other object with similar nomenclature. It's unknown if other objects may also have had this issue at times. It was an uninitialized variable being used in part of the name of these objects that caused random and problematic behavior.

[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Mechanics: Capped the number of abandoned eggs that can be present on the map for each species to 12 so servers aren't flooded with unwanted eggs
+Mechanics: Malawania no longer aggro to the Archelon on sight unless they are 0.55 growth or bigger
+Mechanics: Increased model growth scaling for all growths 1.2 and beyond.
+Mechanics: Added a new status condition called Near Parents. You must be below 0.7 growth and near one of your parents to receive this buff. While this buff is active, you receive a comfort boost and are more resistant to the effects of weather.
+Mechanics: You now have the option to bless for either 30 minutes or 60 minutes at deity shrines for all blessing types
+Mechanics: Reincarnation now should more reliably give you inherits in the talents you've invested into if you would otherwise have gotten a below-average set of inherits. It has extra bad luck protection added into it now. This bad luck protection accounts for the quality of your Trials, making the bad luck protection stronger on dinosaurs that have higher quality Trials. It also accounts for creature growth, so creatures with more talent points invested should now more reliably get a solid count of inherits after reincarnating.
+Mechanics: Increased the rate at which players gain talent points on Free Roam such that all talents can be maxed out at 3.6 Growth.
+Mechanics: All players now have two additional save slots. These save slots will automatically show up on your save profile and work exactly as other slots.
+Mechanics: Added the Leaderboard mechanic to the Free Roam game mode. Players will see their growth updated on the leaderboard each time they log off of a creature while on Free Roam. The Leaderboard still functions the same on Life Cycle. Note it can be disabled via a new server config variable.
+Mechanics: The talent, Arboreal, now allows you to lay Arboreal Nests if you cannot do so baseline if you have 3 points invested into the talent; including inherits.
+Added new keybind: Special 2. This keybind now toggles the Venom resource for the Palaeophis. The Elusive ability is now bound to the Special key for the Palaeophis.
-Note you may need to reset your keybinds to see the new Special 2 keybind

[h2]Quality of Life[/h2]
+QoL: You can now choose to keep your inherits when reincarnating, allowing players to just reroll their skin if they wish to do so
+QoL: Improved Pachy walk animation, added banking to its sprint and charge, made the headbutt animation more extreme
+QoL: Straightened out Tyrannosaurus' back when its walking
+QoL: +The talent UI now separates core talent points from bonus talent points in its UI text. This shows the player how many talent points they will receive upon reaching 1.32 Growth, and describes any talent points earned beyond this to be bonus points. The UI also now shows you what growth you must achieve to get your next talent point.
+QoL (public): Lowered volume on Pteranodon sleep, Velo sleep, Sai idle, Pachy idle, and Beelzebufo broadcast roar sounds by 50%
+When Ory or Aurora enters a burrow, prompt for stance switching is shown
+QoL: The ready to hatch prompt now has the ability key specified in the prompt
+Added Playstation controller button toggle in the controls settings
+Added icons for mouse keys
+Lowered the sandiness/muddiness etc. height on tall creatures
+Reset all talents, and transferred inherits in Mosa's Powerful Jaw to Adrenaline
+Added Console Command list to Help Menu

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+The Clotting talent now also increases the rate at which you heal venom
+Acro, Ichthy, Wiehen, Pachy, Ptera, Rex, Velo, Tropeo, Coah, Megaraptor, each Palaeophis specialization, Elasmo, Mosa, Krono, and Archelon now all have Keen Olfactory in the S-3.3 talent of their tree. It now additionally improves the sensitivity and range of detecting other creatures on the compass while using scent

+Balance: Apato takes 35% less venom damage from all sources
+Balance: Improved Apatosaurus kick hitboxes
+Balance: Increased Apato's Neck Sweep attack base damage by 25% and further increased injury damage from this attack by 50% more

+Balance: Increased Elasmo's max camera zoom distance by 20%

+Balance: Increased Ichthy's base health to 825, up from 750
+Balance: Increased Ichthy's base bite damage to 105, up from 95. This also increases dart damage.
+Balance: Increased Ichthy's claw swipe base damage to 140, up from 125

+Balance: Reduced the Ability, Stamina, and Breath cost of Mosasaurus' Dart by 40%
+Balance: Increased Mosasaurus' thrash drown damage by 30%
+Balance: Mosasaurus' thrash no longer deals any damage type other than drown damage
+Balance: Mosasaurus now has Adrenaline in place of Asphyxiation, and Asphyxiation has replaced Powerful Neck. The talent Powerful Neck no longer has any application due to the removal of thrash damage.
+Added new talent: Archerfish. Archerfish allows a Mosasaurus to spit water at another creature, knocking it back and inflicting a small amount of damage. This ability is activated on the Special key. Holding the Special key down displays an aiming cursor that turns blue if the attack will hit a target. You can Water Spit while swimming if your head is near the surface of the water. Additionally, you can use Water Spit once after leaving the water. After using it once while out of the water, you must return to water to use it again. More talents invested into the talent greatly increase the range and knockback power of the ability. Can hit multiple targets at once. Hits in a 30 degree cone in the direction you're looking, but cannot be used while looking backwards. Close targets will be hit with a wider cone angle.
-You can now cancel Water Spit by pressing RMB or LMB while aiming Water Spit
-Note that this talent has been added in a new talent socket, located in the Survival part of the Mosasaurus' talent tree. It is a tier 3 talent, and allows you to go from Thick Hide to Forager while bypassing Strong Bones.
-If knocked into the air by Water Spit, you are immune to fall damage until you land
-The Malawania playable critter also has Archerfish

+Balance: Increased Pachy charge hitbox size and moved it down so it hits smaller creatures more easily

+Increased Sai's swimming turn rate by 20%

+Balance: Swapped the positions of Nest Raider and Acrobat on the Velo's talent tree

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: Wie's identification ability now properly shows bleed, injury and venom levels
+Fixed: Wie's identification no longer has two shadow backgrounds behind food value
+Fixed: Tendon Tear no longer starts charging again and activates twice if you have LMB held down right when the currently active charge bite ends its animation
+Fixed: Acro swim idle should feel less stiff now
+Fixed: Apatosaurus No Jewelery Variant's Glow
+Fixed: Wiehenvenator can now apply Tendon Tear to grouped players if they are dueling one-another
+Fixed: Issue where grabbed players would sometimes disconnect from the grabbing creature's jaw and float around
+Fixed: If a player gets disconnected from a server because it has not yet initialized, it no longer tells them they have been banned.
+Fixed: Resting Cooldown is no longer removed upon death, allowing players to rest for longer than intended if they died in Death's Blessing world events
+Fixed: The Dangerous Location and Point of Interest music tracks now properly attenuate their volume in response to the in-game music volume slider
+Fixed: Steam Deck's Proton layer to support devices with over 16GB of RAM
+Fixed: Player can no longer click hud items when the chat is open to cause the venom icon to appear
+Fixed: Player can no longer resize the hud elements by opening chat and right clicking on hud elements
+Fixed: Pressing T while in the save select talent tree preview no longer causes the cursor to disappear
+Fixed: Aquatics no longer take a breath of air if they're already at 100% air while out of water
+Fixed: Being kicked by a para while you are transitioning between a sitting, standing, or lying state no longer results in a jam that prevents you from sitting back down again
+Fixed: Servers under very heavy load no longer start blocking all attempts by players to deal damage
+Fixed: Tornado should no longer crash the server when it dies to natural causes (dehydration)
+Fixed: Possessing a tornado with possessentity should no longer crash the client
+Fixed: An issue that would cause carcasses and fat plants to be much more likely to spawn in the middle of the map rather than along the edges
+Fixed: Carcasses, fat plants, and abandoned eggs can now spawn on Isla Titania's Ashen Island
+Fixed: Moving HUD elements should be easier now. The new location should match the cursor location better and moving HUD elements long distances should no longer make them go out of screen
+Fixed: Excessively loud ambient sounds while loading into a server
+Fixed: Sai's taunt cue sound should now broadcast properly to other players
+Fixed: Archelon no longer appears in the Herbivore tab on the main menu's creature editor
+Fixed: Main menu properly closes when Creature Editor is selected
+Fixed: All main menu buttons should have proper UI click sound and on hovered sound
+Fixed: Players no longer quickly teleport to the map origin and back under certain circumstances when being released from a grab
+Fixed: Elasmo's head and body movement now transitions smoothly when it looks behind itself and back and forth
[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages[/h3]

Pink Algae Bloom! Spring Archelon

[h2]Spring Event Skin[/h2]
For a limited time, players will be able to unlock and earn the Archelon Skal Spring Event skin. The skin has two separate bioluminescent regions, one on the body and one on the shell.

This skin comes with two equippable cosmetic items that can be added on top of any Archelon skin:
1. A pink algae overlay with barnacles.
2. A coral growth mesh item for Archelon's shell.

Both cosmetics (plus the event skin) can be equipped at the same time.
The pink algae overlay cannot be used simultaneously with other texture overlays such as the Archelon Supporter Warpaint Overlay. The coral growth, however, can be used simultaneously with overlay-type cosmetics.

[h2]Changes to Event Rewards Unlocking[/h2]
In order to unlock the Archelon skin and its associated equippables, players must grow to 2.0 on a Life Cycle server.
This skin will unlock on a per-server basis unless the skin is earned on an Official server. This means players have the option of earning the skin on a server of their choice, or earning the skin game-wide if unlocked on any Official Life Cycle server. This is to ensure game-wide unlocking is earned on a consistent difficulty and to improve the security of player rewards data.

You will also be able to earn last year’s Spring Event skin: Spring Guardian Apatosaurus!
This skin requires unlocking by growing an Apatosaurus to 2.0 Growth on Life Cycle

[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Mechanics: Slightly adjusted the food drain rates of most creatures to better-balance their relative performances in Life Cycle
+Mechanics: Deity pledges and deity blessings are no longer removed upon death
+Mechanics: The Wiehen's identify ability now shows armor next to health if it is relevant
+Mechanics: Tendon Tear can no longer be applied to members of your own group

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Balance: Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Kronosaurus, and Archelon now incurr less weight when picking up inanimate objects
+Balance: Increased AI Frog and Auroraceratops carcass drop sizes by 50%

+Balance: Acro's Intimidating Roar effect is no longer stronger or weaker based on its size compared to the size of its target
+Balance: Reduced Acro's jump Stamina cost to 15, down from 32

+Balance: Increased the amount of Ability and Stamina damage received when hitting the Archelon's shell counter ability by 25%
+Balance: Reduced Archelon's Ability drain rate by 50% while it is holding its charged bite attack
+Balance: Tough Stomach is now in Archelon's survival talent slot 1.2, replacing Weather Resistance
+Balance: Forager is now in Archelon's survival talent slot 2.2, replacing Tough Stomach
+Balance: Hard-Headed is now in Archelon's survival talent slot 3.1, replacing Forager

+Balance: Increased Coahuilaceratops' stationary turn rate to 95, up from 85
+Balance: Increased Coahuilaceratops' sprint turn rate to 60, up from 55

+Balance: Reduced Ichthy's base health to 750, down from 850
+Balance: Reduced Ichthy's base primary attack damage to 95, dowm from 110
+Balance: Reduced Ichthy's secondary attack base damage to 125, down from 140

+Balance: Increased Oryctodromeus' breath bar time by 50%

+Balance: Increased Velociraptor's swim walk and swim sprint speed by 33%
+Balance: Increased Velociraptor's coiled jump power by 15%
+Balance: Velociraptor is now immune to fall damage
+Balance: Increased max player carry weight of velo by 25%, making it easier to grab group members and enemy players
+Balance: Increased Velociraptor's breath time by 50%

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: mesh holes in Acrocanthosaurus model. This has resulted in some minor changes to the model.
+Fixed: Mosasaurus' Ice Blight, Tyrannosaurus' Fall Decay, and Lurdusaurus' WaveRider, seasonal event skins should now mix properly when nesting
+Fixed: The Archelon is now oriented properly in the main menu's creature editor
+Fixed: The Tyrannosaurus rex no longer plays the idle2 animation while in the main menu creature editor, which caused an issue
+Fixed: Counter now properly reflects secondary damage types back at the attacker

[h3]Additional Patchnote Localizations[/h3]

A Shell of a Good Hotfix

[h3]Mechanics Changes[/h3]
+Mechanics: Archelon's counter no longer heals shield when you are hit by a group member unless you are dueling that group member.
+All morphs have been reset on all saved creatures
+Mechanics: After dying, the radius for preventing you from logging onto nearby creatures is now 750 meters, up from 500

[h3]Balance Changes[/h3]
+Balance: Reduced the amount of Ability and Stamina damage inflicted after hitting the Archelon's Counter ability by 75%
+Balance: Increased Mosasaurus thrash damage by 10%
+Balance: Reduced Acrocanthosaurus' healing slightly
+Balance: Wiehenvenator now continues to drain Ability after its bite is charged fully
+Balance: Archelon now continues to drain Ability after its bite is charged fully

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
+Fixed: Players should no longer fail to receive a resurrection after dying while auto-revive is enabled or while in a Death's Blessing world event
+Fixed: After resurrecting, reincarnating, or selecting a fresh spawn, you should no longer occasionally be unable to log onto that creature due to it being near where you last died if the spawn point it selected was near the edge of where your death location was
+Fixed: Archelon and Wiehen can no longer generate AP while holding its bite attack by pressing and releasing the Scent key
+Fixed: Elasmo can now move while the Ability key is held down after having eaten from a carcass
+Fixed: Eggs no longer become destroyed if a player logs out or disconnects while in an egg. Instead, they should remain available to be possessed by another player
+Fixed: Mosa no longer deals dart damage to a player it is grabbing if that player is in the same group as the mosa
+Fixed: Thrash ticks no longer trigger repeats of dart damage if a Mosa grabs and thrashes another creature while dart is active
+Fixed: Trinkets no longer float in the air after being dropped near deity shrines
+Fixed: Clientside crash that would occur if the player attempted to set their game to run in windowed mode while playing without their GameUserSettings.ini file containing HudSettings for Venom
+Fixed: Issue where arboreal nests could be laid outside the world bounds on Isla Titania, resulting in a wide array of server issues
+Fixed: Situations where players may instantaneously die in a rather random way by standing on invalid floors or other scenarios
+Fixed: Morphs no longer pass to children from parents
+Fixed: Mosa's thrash damage is now mitigated by the Slippery talent

A Shell of a Good Time!

Added New Playable Creature: Archelon!

The Archelon is a new playable creature that has been added to Beasts of Bermuda! It is a large, aquatic prehistoric sea turtle with a diet consisting of eating plants and fish. It has a playstyle geared towards defensive gameplay and is balanced around living in an environment filled with large, threatening, aquatic predators. It has numerous mechanics and ways it can survive in these treacherous waters!

[h3]Moves and Abilities[/h3]
+Its Left Mouse Button, when clicked, does a simple, standard bite, inflicting moderate damage for a small amount of Ability Power

+The Archelon can hold the Left Mouse Button down while in water or on land to charge its bite. The longer the Left Mouse Button is held down, the more damage the bite will deal. This can be held up to 3 seconds and will deal up to 4.2x its base damage when the bite hits.
-While charging a bite, you move and turn slower. This allows the Archelon to deal substantial damage when approached while limiting its ability to deal damage while pursuing other creatures
-Archelon has a talent called Snapping Jaw that increases the damage multiplier and reduces its cost.

+The Archelon has a Lunge ability on the Right Mouse Button similar to that of Krono, but it behaves differently. It cannot be broken by receiving damage while it is charging. It does not deal any damage. It charges significantly faster, costs less, and does not travel quite as far as Krono's.

+While swimming, the Archelon can beat its flippers forcefully to cause damage and knockback. Try hitting a mala with it. It's hilarious.
-If you are looking to the left, you will swing the left flipper first. Otherwise, you will swing the right flipper first

+Added Counter to Archelon
-Counter is now on the Ability key
-Archelon's counter has different stats than Sai's. It lasts 5 seconds, costs 50 ability power, and reflects 25% of the incoming damage back at the attacker.
-Archelon's counter also reflects significant stamina and ability power damage at the attacker, causing the attacker to see ability power/stamina loss if it hits the Archelon's counter. This is designed to punish poorly timed hits by exhausting its adversary.
-You cannot bite, lunge, or do vocal calls while the counter is active

[h3]Shell Integrity[/h3]
+The Archelon has a special shell integrity resource that protects its health from being lost while it is being attacked.
+Shell Integrity shows up in the UI as a blue, turtle shell-like overlay that goes atop your health globe
+You can see how much Shell Integrity you have in the Character menu. It shows up next to Health
+There is a talent in the Archelon's tree called Armored Shell. It increases the maximum amount of shell integrity you have and causes more incoming damage to be redirected toward reducing your shell integrity.
+Archelon's shell integrity absorbs 60% of incoming damage by default. This value goes up to 73% when Armored Shell is at full talent value (5/3). Injury damage is calculated after incoming damage is absorbed by shell integrity, so having your shell integrity take damage results in a substantial reduction in incoming injury damage.
+Shell integrity heals passively until it hits its max value. It is not influenced by resting, sitting down, or bleed damage. It is influenced by food and air. Shield heals while not in combat.
+Archelon has 800 shell integrity by default. It scales with growth and increases with the Armored Shell talent. No other stats influence shell integrity
+When shell integrity is lost or gained, it will show up in the combat log alongside damage-related events.

+The Archelon's diet consists of seaweed, kelp, anemones, shellfish, chinlea, and the Arganodus. It has a diet that requires both foliage and fish food to balance properly. The Archelon cannot interact with red meat carcasses but can pick up and eat fish carcasses such as those dropped from the Arganodus.

+The Archelon has a special, sandy nest that resembles that of a sea turtle. This nest has several benefits and drawbacks associated with it.
+Archelon's eggs are always incubated as long as they are still inside of an Archelon sand nest
+Archelon's eggs cannot be grabbed or damaged while inside of an Archelon sand nest
+Archelon's nest takes 50% less damage than other nest types
+Once eggs are laid inside an Archelon's nest, they cannot be grabbed, even by the parents, and must be left there.
+An Archelon must always lay their eggs in an unoccupied nest that has not yet been buried
+The Archelon can only lay its nest on the beach near the Ocean

[h3]Other Notable Archelon Information[/h3]
+The Archelon uses an air breath bar like Mosa and Krono. It does not need to drink and has no Trials associated with water
+The Archelon does not receive the Beached debuff while on land
+Archelon's growth rate is identical to Acro and Sai
+Archelon can group with Malawania players by default
+Archelon takes 50% less injury damage from all sources
+The Archelon is more grab-resistant than other creatures of its size, and the creature grabbing it will tire out more easily
+Added new Archelon Skin: Hawksbill by Bananabae & GameVideosforLife
+Added new Archelon skin: Roof Turtle by DJZ & Triptrap
+Added new Archelon Skin: CoralReef by Natahi4 & Nonyapie
+Added new Archelon Skin: Cuttlefish by Omnomnivore
+Added new Archelon Skin: Snowblind by Lifeon
+Added new Archelon Skin: Rustic by TeaTimeJess & Natahi4

[h2]New Stuff[/h2]
+Added new Pachy Skin: Lera by Valhalla
+Added new deity shrine trinket models
+Elasmosaurus now has Submissive and Distress calls

+Admin: Added a few new server config properties for the AI
-These config variables go in the [/Script/BeastsOfBermuda.ServerGameInstance] section
+Admin: Added new server config property, DisabledAITypes
-This allows servers to disable only certain species of AI from spawning
-Here is an example of using this variable to disable the Frog, Auroraceratops, and Horseshoe Crab
-The five valid EDinoType values for AI are Auroraceratops, Frog, HorseshoeCrab, Malawania, and Arganodus
+Admin: Added new server config property, AISpawnRateMultiplier
The default value is 1.0. Multiplies how often the AI respawn tick happens. Lower values will result in more frequent AI respawns.
+Admin: Added new server config property, AISpawnCapMultiplier
The default value is 1.0. Multiplies how many AIs are allowed to be active in each AI spawn region on the map. Higher values will result in more AI being present in spawn areas when at the spawn cap
+The console command fillallstats will now also fill shell integrity
+The console command setstats now has a shell integrity fill input argument
+The console commands AddScentToArea and RemoveAllScentNodeData can now be used by admins with the ControlServer permission
+Admin: Added new console command, ResetFriendships. It resets the friendships of all players currently logged into the game. Requires ModifyEggsAndNesting admin permission to use

[h2]Supporter Warpaint and Cosmetics Changes[/h2]
+All customizable wearables including the Supporter Warpaint overlays have a toggle for turning on and off both Diffuse and Bio
+Added "No Jewelry", and "Jewlery Only" variants of all the Supporter Warpaint overlays
+Variants of the base overlay type (no jewelry, customizable, default, and no jewelery customizable) will show up in a separate dropdown menu after the base overlay is selected
+QoL: Equipable cosmetics can now be used on the main menu skin editor. The player just needs to join a game server at least once for their inventory to be saved locally to be then used for skin customization on the main menu. The inventory is saved in BeastsOfBermuda/Saved/local/usrsnapshot.snapshot
+Updated Acrocanthosaurus, Ichthyovenator, Saichania, Apato, Megaraptor, and Pachy Supporter Warpaint to fix visual issues or improve quality
+Adjusted Saturation of Mobility/Power Paints (Bases, Not Bio) 25% increase.
+Saichania: Added Saichania's Wiggle Dance emote, made by Lifeon. The Wiggle Dance emote will unlock with ownership of the Beasts of Bermuda Original Soundtrack on Steam
+Fixed: Shimmer color no longer gets locked after removing Warpaint overlay
+Fixed: Custom warpaint glow color no longer resets to white when opening the O menu

[h2]QoL Changes[/h2]
+QoL: The fog in Ory burrows has been replaced with a glowing orb that produces soft light
+QoL: When exiting the water, a new sound now plays instead of the splash sound
+QoL: Beached aquatics and the Archelon now have a special, sandy flipper footfall sound they play while traversing beaches
+QoL: Changes to the Piebald mutation: The whites are whiter, and it can cover more of the body.
+QoL: Question prompts can now be closed with esc-key. It also closes any other windows for quicker in-game reactions without unnecessary navigation
-Players waiting for the 'Return to Main Menu' or 'Quit Game' timers now have a quicker reaction time to attack back if someone attacks them while the prompt is visible

[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Mechanics: After 2.0, Ory burrow food items no longer continue to diminish in food value
+Mechanics: Players cannot request to enter an egg until a server has been up for at least five minutes. This is to give players a chance to log in and regain control of their eggs after a server restarts or crashes
+Mechanics: Players cannot drop a carcass more than once in a Death's Blessing world event. Dying after having dropped a carcass once will result in no carcass dropping. This is to limit self-feeding behavior.
+Mechanics: If there is a Malawania player in your group, all AI Malawania will now behave passively towards you and you cannot attack Malawania AI
+Mechanics: Aquatics can no longer instantly get up from resting while swimming
+Mechanics: Added a new status condition called Tendon Tear. While Tendon Tear is active, you cannot sprint or jump. Both Charge and Evasive Maneuver cannot be activated while Tendon Tear is active. It also reduces turn rate by 20%.
-Creatures that are injury-immune cannot receive the Tendon Tear status condition
+Mechanics: Reset spent talents for all creatures
+Mechanics: Improved how knockback effects work while in the water
+Mechanics: Made the omnivorous diet on Pachy and Coah easier to balance with less strict requirements

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Merged the talents Scavenger and Botanist into one new talent called Forager. Forager has the benefits of both Scavenger and Botanist. Any creature that had Botanist or Scavenger now has Forager in its place on the talent tree
-Any inherits a player had in Scavenger or Botanist will transfer over into Forager.
+Balance: The talent Intimidation now also increases the amount of Friendship you lose when you hit other players with your attacks.

+Adjusted Acro's torso curl so it doesn't look down when the player has their camera in a regular gameplay position
+Further increased Acro's down bite reach
+Balance: Increased Acro's healing rate by 10%
+Balance: Acro's Intimidating Roar ability is now more effective against players who are larger growth than the Acro and less effective against players who are lower growth than the Acro
+Balance: Acro's Intimidating Roar ability is now more effective against creatures with higher size stats than the Acro and less effective against creatures who have lower size stats than the Acro
+Balance: Increased Acro's elder+ growth rate by 37.5%. It now matches Saichania's growth rate
+Balance: Increased Acro sit, stand up, lie down, and wake up animation speeds
+Balance: Improved the flexibility of Acro's torso while aiming its head and bite attacks
+Balance: Acro's weight has been increased to 1300, up from 1200
+Balance: Acro now deals more damage to bleeding targets. This is a 25% damage boost at 100% bleed.

+Added large hitbox that can only interact with Chinlea so they are easier to catch

+Malawanias are now more fearful of larger Elasmos

+Balance: Increased the size of Ichthy's dart hitbox

+Balance: Reduced Lurdusaurus' primary attack and dart base damage to 125, down from 145
+Balance: Swapped the locations of Improved Dart and Long Runner on Lurdusaurus' talent tree

+Balance: Megaraptor can no longer use its Slash Attack while in the falling state

+Balance: Increased Pachy's charge base knockback to 1850, up from 1650
+Balance: Pachy now gains 20 Ability and 20 Stamina when hitting another creature with its Charge attack, rather than losing 20 Ability and 20 Stamina
+Balance: Increased Pachy's base stamina to 120, up from 110
+Added large hitbox that can only interact with Chinlea so they are easier to catch

+Balance: Para now has the Batter talent in place of Unbreakable. Any inherits in Unbreakable will transfer over into Batter

+Balance: Added the ability for Wiehenvenator to apply Tendon Tear by charging a bite. It can charge its bite by holding the Left Mouse Button and then releasing it. While holding it down, a charge bar will show up. When released, the more charged the bar is, the longer Tendon Tear will be applied
-The full duration is a 7-second application of Tendon Tear. This goes on diminished returns and becomes shorter each time it is re-applied. Diminished Returns will wear off after 18 seconds of not receiving the Tendon Tear status condition

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: Logging back into a server while your character is still on the map no longer results in them dying under certain circumstances
+Fixed: Sai can now reflect Elasmo's attacks while using Spiky Shield
+Fixed: Closing the talent tree preview with the escape key no longer causes the cursor to disappear
+Fixed: Talent tree previews in character select now show the correct dino's tree
+Fixed: Placeholder text in the talents screen should no longer appear if no talent is selected
+Fixed: Sai no longer jams if it is hit while countering and using a vocal call simultaneously
+Fixed: Sai now plays its eating animation if eating while stationary or while picking up food and moving
+Fixed: Sai no longer slides if you use its Spiky Shield while crouched and then uncrouch and move while Spiky Shield is active
+Fixed: Rested Favor time no longer counts down while you have paused growth at 1.32 growth
+Fixed: Velo should no longer drop held objects with the ability key when ability key climbing is enabled
+Fixed: Elusive no longer breaks when you attack other players if you have 5/3 in the talent
+Fixed: Carcasses now properly retain their dino type and satiate status after a server restart
+Fixed: The mouse cursor should no longer cover the trial's tooltips when the game resolution is smaller than 1920 x 1080
+Fixed: Sai had no idle animation and no morphs in the main menu creature editor
+Fixed: Sai/Para no longer get stuck getting up from dancing while holding movement key and attacking
+Fixed: Para can no longer do its backkick while stomping, which would then allow it to repeatedly stomp faster than intended
+Fixed: After submitting a bug report, the escape menu can now be closed with ESC-key
+Fixed: Elasmo can now be hit while its neck is stretching to attack other players when it is at larger growth sizes.
+Fixed: On-screen text spam when trying to grab a player who has Spiky Shield active
+Fixed: Saichania now interacts with the muddy areas on Isla Titania
+Fixed: Players should no longer occasionally spawn underneath the map on Isla Titania
+Fixed: Spawn Point Inhibitors (placed with the foliage placement tool by server admins) now continue to block spawn points after a server restart
+Fixed: The Malawania AI no longer notices the player if they are using Elusive unless they are closer to the Malawania. More points in elusiveness further decrease the aggression radius
+Fixed: Hitting escape when looking at the talent screen in save selection should no longer disable or hide the mouse cursor
+Fixed: The death message that shows up when aquatics die due to lack of oxygen no longer says they died due to dehydration. Instead, it says they died due to lack of air.
+Fixed: The Saichania's Spiky Shield effect now properly scales up and down with growth
+Fixed: You can no longer get disconnected for inactivity while editing skins on the main menu skin editor
+Fixed: Krono can no longer use its lunge in a manner that results in it being able to attack with its bite more frequently than it should be able to

[h3]Other Localizations[/h3]