A Shell of a Good Hotfix
[h3]Mechanics Changes[/h3]
+Mechanics: Archelon's counter no longer heals shield when you are hit by a group member unless you are dueling that group member.
+All morphs have been reset on all saved creatures
+Mechanics: After dying, the radius for preventing you from logging onto nearby creatures is now 750 meters, up from 500
[h3]Balance Changes[/h3]
+Balance: Reduced the amount of Ability and Stamina damage inflicted after hitting the Archelon's Counter ability by 75%
+Balance: Increased Mosasaurus thrash damage by 10%
+Balance: Reduced Acrocanthosaurus' healing slightly
+Balance: Wiehenvenator now continues to drain Ability after its bite is charged fully
+Balance: Archelon now continues to drain Ability after its bite is charged fully
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
+Fixed: Players should no longer fail to receive a resurrection after dying while auto-revive is enabled or while in a Death's Blessing world event
+Fixed: After resurrecting, reincarnating, or selecting a fresh spawn, you should no longer occasionally be unable to log onto that creature due to it being near where you last died if the spawn point it selected was near the edge of where your death location was
+Fixed: Archelon and Wiehen can no longer generate AP while holding its bite attack by pressing and releasing the Scent key
+Fixed: Elasmo can now move while the Ability key is held down after having eaten from a carcass
+Fixed: Eggs no longer become destroyed if a player logs out or disconnects while in an egg. Instead, they should remain available to be possessed by another player
+Fixed: Mosa no longer deals dart damage to a player it is grabbing if that player is in the same group as the mosa
+Fixed: Thrash ticks no longer trigger repeats of dart damage if a Mosa grabs and thrashes another creature while dart is active
+Fixed: Trinkets no longer float in the air after being dropped near deity shrines
+Fixed: Clientside crash that would occur if the player attempted to set their game to run in windowed mode while playing without their GameUserSettings.ini file containing HudSettings for Venom
+Fixed: Issue where arboreal nests could be laid outside the world bounds on Isla Titania, resulting in a wide array of server issues
+Fixed: Situations where players may instantaneously die in a rather random way by standing on invalid floors or other scenarios
+Fixed: Morphs no longer pass to children from parents
+Fixed: Mosa's thrash damage is now mitigated by the Slippery talent

+Mechanics: Archelon's counter no longer heals shield when you are hit by a group member unless you are dueling that group member.
+All morphs have been reset on all saved creatures
+Mechanics: After dying, the radius for preventing you from logging onto nearby creatures is now 750 meters, up from 500
[h3]Balance Changes[/h3]
+Balance: Reduced the amount of Ability and Stamina damage inflicted after hitting the Archelon's Counter ability by 75%
+Balance: Increased Mosasaurus thrash damage by 10%
+Balance: Reduced Acrocanthosaurus' healing slightly
+Balance: Wiehenvenator now continues to drain Ability after its bite is charged fully
+Balance: Archelon now continues to drain Ability after its bite is charged fully
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
+Fixed: Players should no longer fail to receive a resurrection after dying while auto-revive is enabled or while in a Death's Blessing world event
+Fixed: After resurrecting, reincarnating, or selecting a fresh spawn, you should no longer occasionally be unable to log onto that creature due to it being near where you last died if the spawn point it selected was near the edge of where your death location was
+Fixed: Archelon and Wiehen can no longer generate AP while holding its bite attack by pressing and releasing the Scent key
+Fixed: Elasmo can now move while the Ability key is held down after having eaten from a carcass
+Fixed: Eggs no longer become destroyed if a player logs out or disconnects while in an egg. Instead, they should remain available to be possessed by another player
+Fixed: Mosa no longer deals dart damage to a player it is grabbing if that player is in the same group as the mosa
+Fixed: Thrash ticks no longer trigger repeats of dart damage if a Mosa grabs and thrashes another creature while dart is active
+Fixed: Trinkets no longer float in the air after being dropped near deity shrines
+Fixed: Clientside crash that would occur if the player attempted to set their game to run in windowed mode while playing without their GameUserSettings.ini file containing HudSettings for Venom
+Fixed: Issue where arboreal nests could be laid outside the world bounds on Isla Titania, resulting in a wide array of server issues
+Fixed: Situations where players may instantaneously die in a rather random way by standing on invalid floors or other scenarios
+Fixed: Morphs no longer pass to children from parents
+Fixed: Mosa's thrash damage is now mitigated by the Slippery talent