[h2]Model and Animation Updates[/h2]
+The Mosasaurus mesh was updated. It now has the second row of teeth in its upper jaw
+Mosasaurus now has fat, skinny, baby, elder, and incest morphs
+Added Mosa's New eyes. All skins should function with the new eyes
+Cosmetics such as elder eyes should now work with mosa
+Mosa now has eye looks and its eyes blink and close while sleeping
+Elasmo now has fat, skinny, elder, baby, and incest morphs
+Elasmo now has eye looks and its eyes blink and close while sleeping
[h2]New Music[/h2]
+Added both dry and under-water cave music for all cave for every map. You must stay at least 15 seconds in a cave for the music to trigger.
+Added Ashen Trenches biome music
+Added Forest Fire music
-Triggers when near a forest fire or when suffocating from smoke
+Added Egg music, which triggers when you first enter an egg and plays once
[h2]Help Menu[/h2]
+Added work in progress Help Menu. It is not yet complete, but it can still be accessed from the Main Menu and the Escape Menu to help aid players.
[h2]Dinosaur Dressing Room[/h2]
-Added a dinosaur skin editor on the main menu. It allows you to create and save skins without needing to be connected to a server.
-This editor has a custom camera that can be moved freely around the dressing room using the regular movement keys.
You can use jump to move up, crouch to move down, and otherwise use the mouse/gamepad right stick to turn the camera view. `Secondary attack` allows you to snap the camera to whichever area of the character the mouse cursor is currently over. Dragging the mouse horizontally while holding `Secondary attack` turns the character either left/right depending on the direction you are dragging.
-Music from the game play in the background while using this editor, in a random order.

[h2]AI Critters[/h2]
+The Arganodus, Horseshoe Crab, Frog, Malawania, and Auroraceratops playable critters will now save if you have an open save slot. If you do not have an open save slot, you will be notified that it will not save at the critter shrines
-The skin you receive when becoming the critter will be the one it saves and loads with. These creatures do not have fully editable and customizeable skins
-Gameplay mechanics such as talent trees, inherits, mating, and all other mechanics should work properly with the saveable critters
+Auroraceratops can now group with Oryctodromeus by default
+Recoded how AI critters sense the player. They should now more reliably be able to be snuck up on if you're coming from behind them. When you're very close, they will always see you.
+All AI now respond to Elusive, with it decreasing the radius that all ai will see you
[h3]Malawania Critter AI[/h3]
+Added Malawania aquatic reptiles as a new kind of critter AI.
+The Malawania are an aggressive, free-swimming AI that will attack the player if they are spotted while in the water
-Malawania call to nearby Malawania to help, which can result in large numbers of them attacking at once
-Malawania will act fearful of more powerful or stronger players or will become fearful when low on HP.
+Malawania can be found on Rival Shores, Ancestral Plains, DM_Caldera, Forest Island, Isla Titania, and their canvas variants. A Malawania spawner can also be placed using the foliage placement tool.
+Malawania are designed to be Mosa, Krono, and Elasmo prey that fulfills the meat portion of a piscivore's diet. They drop satiated carcasses.
+They can be a major threat to terrestrial creatures who go for a swim. Be careful!
+Malawania have 550 health +- a randomized value. They move more slowly when very low on health and also respond to injury damage. They also passively heal over time.
+The Malawania can beach and will try to find water while beached. They slowly die while beached. They should avoid beaching themselves most of the time.
[h3]Playable Malawania[/h3]
+Malawania has the same stats as the AI malawania (550 hp, 40 base damage, 150 size, 0.75 attack cooldown with 8 abi as cost)
+Malawania has dart that matches Ichthy's in stats and cost
+Malawania has a piscivore diet that matches Ichthy's
+Malawania has a growth rate identical to Pachy's
+The Malawania has the same talent tree as the Arganodus
+Malawania has Para's alarm call. When this call is used on another player, all nearby Malawania will aggro to that player. They will then behave as if they spotted the player. The presence of alarm call increases the braveness of the Malawania so they are less likely to flee. However, if the player is very scary, they will still flee instead of attack.
+If you are playing as the Malawania, you cannot attack critter AI Malawania and the AI will act friendly towards you
[h3]Arganodus Critter AI[/h3]
+The Arganodus now swims freely rather than runs along the bottom of the Ocean, significantly improving its pathfinding and behavior
+The Arganodus now properly responds to being beached and will enter a beached state. If beached, they will try to return to the water
+The Arganodus now has 250 health and responds properly to taking damage. It heals slowly over time.
+The Arganodus now swims slower when it receives injury damage and heals the injury damage slowly over time
[h3]Playable Arganodus[/h3]
+Arganodus now has a dart charge bar and can be ended early by releasing RMB
+Arganodus can now rest while in the water

[h2]Map Changes[/h2]
+Maps: Added Horseshoe Crab, Arganodus, Auroraceratops, and Frog critter shrines to Forest Island, Ancestral Plains, Rival Shores, and their canvas variants
+Added Malawania spawners on Isla Titania, Rival Shores, Rival Shores Canvas, Ancestral Plains, Ancestral Plains Canvas, Forest Island, Forest Island Canvas, DM_Caldera, DM_Caldera_Canvas
+Added Malawania critter shrines to Rival Shores, Rival Shores Canvas, Ancestral Plains, Ancestral Plains Canvas, Forest Island, Forest Island Canvas, DM_Caldera, DM_Caldera_Canvas, Isla Titania, and Volcano Bay
+Merged all Static Meshes into sublevels on Titania
-this is a major optimization
-this change should not effect your play or the map and your ability to interact with it. If the transition was done appropriately you shouldn’t notice any change except for better performance.
[h2]Quality of Life Changes[/h2]
+QoL: The status condition display in the corner now shows 6 buffs in a row before wrapping to the next column
+QoL: Biome entrance music tracks can now play again if you revisit them after 30 minutes
+QoL: The music at deity shrines now continues to play more noticeably after having received a blessing or pledge
+Steam's on-screen keyboard should properly activate when using chat with a gamepad or with Steam Deck
-Steam's on-screen virtual keyboard activates on chat only if player is using gamepad and the emote wheel's bottom menu to open chat
+On-Screen keyboard can be opened with a controller by pressing Xbox-button and X at the same time if it's needed
+Added support for proper gamepad icons in the keybinds menu
-Updated the input keybinds ui to have them
-Updated hints to have them
[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Mechanics: You can now enter flight after using Wing Beat, but you will dive very rapidly like how Ory Sand Attack works
[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Balance: Adjusted various stats on several playable critters to ensure they don't become too powerful as they grow larger
+Balance: Velo can now lay Arboreal nests baseline
+Balance: Improved all critter healing rates
+Balance: Venom now reduces ability and stamina drain rates by 80% at 100 venom rather than causing them to flip negative and passively drain
+Balance: Acro's down-bite has been improved so it more easily bites small things on the ground in front of it
+Balance: Improved acro head turning reach
+Balance: Pteranodon can no longer use its attacks while performing Aerial Acrobatics and using Aerial Acrobatics ends the current attack you are doing
+Balance: Increased Weihen's base health to 775, up from 675
+Balance: Increased Weihen's base weight to 750, up from 650
+Balance: Increased Weihen's base damage to 155, up from 150
+Balance: Reduced Weihen's jump power to 505, down from 540

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: Tyrannosaurus rex's Devastating Ambush ability now properly removes its acceleration buff when it is over
+Fixed: When creature is laying down or sleeping and the water has risen above the creature, getting up to swim should be much faster and not jam the creature
+Fixed: The Sturdy talent's tooltip no longer implies it removes stamina
+Fixed: Intimidating Roar and Alarm Call can no longer be used on elusive creatures, and elusive can no longer be used while Intimidating Roar or Alarm Call are active
+Fixed: Acro is no longer held upside down when at large growths
+Fixed: The Arganodus shrines on Bloodbath now work
+Fixed: Creature should no longer jam when the water raises above then while they were in the middle of the animation of getting up from sitting
+Fixed: Talent tree should now properly show spent points and inherits when previewed in creature selection screen
+Fixed: The Auroraceratops quills on its tail no longer disappear above 1.27 growth
+Fixed: AI not despawning properly if they get stuck
+Fixed: Opening chat menu while eating, picking up items or drinking should stop the action
+Fixed: Player's Steam icon should no longer be visible in groups while being incognito
+Fixed: Frog sounds now properly respond to the Gameplay volume slider
+Fixed: Unjamming in a burrow no longer kicks you out of the server for cheating
+Fixed: Melanistic mutations no longer overwrite the bio layer
+Fixed: Emote Wheel should no longer open and close immediately when swimming
+Fixed: Improved Emote Wheel's bottom menu's functionality so it behaves like emote and communication list
+Fixed: Emote wheel should no longer get stuck on screen when flicking cursor towards emotes tab and releasing the emote wheel button
+Fixed: Even if emote wheel gets stuck on screen because of lose of focus (for example by using Discord overlay) the focus on the emote wheel can be brought back by pressing emote wheel button to close the widget
+Fixed: Emote wheel no longer randomly force close itself immediately on other movement related scenarios such as falling while the emote wheel button is held down
+Fixed: Manually triggering ptera's idle animation no longer forces the pose even when taking off or while swimming or while laying down
+Fixed: Crash related to comp_jumpback that could happen using it and eg disconnecting or dying for the local and remote clients (live)
+Fixed: Crash happening occasionally when exiting/joining a server
+Fixed: The ban player prompt now properly displays the word hours
+Fixed: Deleting an AI spawner placed with the foliage placement tool also removes all AI that belong to that spawner
+Fixed: Ory camera at small growth levels no longer glitches and teleports close to the ory when traversing uneven terrain
+Fixed: Stamina is no longer consumed if you try to enter flight but cannot take off due to being recently hit out of the air
+Fixed: Context on text error prompts regarding summoning to another player or being summoned to another player while too close to an ungrouped player being backwards
+Fixed: Injury and damage received from struggling out of a grab during a duel is now undone when the duel ends
+Fixed: Krono no longer continues to lunge while grabbed, resulting in it disconnecting from the mosa's mouth

[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages:[/h3]