Pink Algae Bloom! Spring Archelon

[h2]Spring Event Skin[/h2]
For a limited time, players will be able to unlock and earn the Archelon Skal Spring Event skin. The skin has two separate bioluminescent regions, one on the body and one on the shell.
This skin comes with two equippable cosmetic items that can be added on top of any Archelon skin:
1. A pink algae overlay with barnacles.
2. A coral growth mesh item for Archelon's shell.
Both cosmetics (plus the event skin) can be equipped at the same time.
The pink algae overlay cannot be used simultaneously with other texture overlays such as the Archelon Supporter Warpaint Overlay. The coral growth, however, can be used simultaneously with overlay-type cosmetics.
[h2]Changes to Event Rewards Unlocking[/h2]
In order to unlock the Archelon skin and its associated equippables, players must grow to 2.0 on a Life Cycle server.
This skin will unlock on a per-server basis unless the skin is earned on an Official server. This means players have the option of earning the skin on a server of their choice, or earning the skin game-wide if unlocked on any Official Life Cycle server. This is to ensure game-wide unlocking is earned on a consistent difficulty and to improve the security of player rewards data.
You will also be able to earn last year’s Spring Event skin: Spring Guardian Apatosaurus!
This skin requires unlocking by growing an Apatosaurus to 2.0 Growth on Life Cycle
[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Mechanics: Slightly adjusted the food drain rates of most creatures to better-balance their relative performances in Life Cycle
+Mechanics: Deity pledges and deity blessings are no longer removed upon death
+Mechanics: The Wiehen's identify ability now shows armor next to health if it is relevant
+Mechanics: Tendon Tear can no longer be applied to members of your own group

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Balance: Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Kronosaurus, and Archelon now incurr less weight when picking up inanimate objects
+Balance: Increased AI Frog and Auroraceratops carcass drop sizes by 50%
+Balance: Acro's Intimidating Roar effect is no longer stronger or weaker based on its size compared to the size of its target
+Balance: Reduced Acro's jump Stamina cost to 15, down from 32
+Balance: Increased the amount of Ability and Stamina damage received when hitting the Archelon's shell counter ability by 25%
+Balance: Reduced Archelon's Ability drain rate by 50% while it is holding its charged bite attack
+Balance: Tough Stomach is now in Archelon's survival talent slot 1.2, replacing Weather Resistance
+Balance: Forager is now in Archelon's survival talent slot 2.2, replacing Tough Stomach
+Balance: Hard-Headed is now in Archelon's survival talent slot 3.1, replacing Forager
+Balance: Increased Coahuilaceratops' stationary turn rate to 95, up from 85
+Balance: Increased Coahuilaceratops' sprint turn rate to 60, up from 55
+Balance: Reduced Ichthy's base health to 750, down from 850
+Balance: Reduced Ichthy's base primary attack damage to 95, dowm from 110
+Balance: Reduced Ichthy's secondary attack base damage to 125, down from 140
+Balance: Increased Oryctodromeus' breath bar time by 50%
+Balance: Increased Velociraptor's swim walk and swim sprint speed by 33%
+Balance: Increased Velociraptor's coiled jump power by 15%
+Balance: Velociraptor is now immune to fall damage
+Balance: Increased max player carry weight of velo by 25%, making it easier to grab group members and enemy players
+Balance: Increased Velociraptor's breath time by 50%
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: mesh holes in Acrocanthosaurus model. This has resulted in some minor changes to the model.
+Fixed: Mosasaurus' Ice Blight, Tyrannosaurus' Fall Decay, and Lurdusaurus' WaveRider, seasonal event skins should now mix properly when nesting
+Fixed: The Archelon is now oriented properly in the main menu's creature editor
+Fixed: The Tyrannosaurus rex no longer plays the idle2 animation while in the main menu creature editor, which caused an issue
+Fixed: Counter now properly reflects secondary damage types back at the attacker

[h3]Additional Patchnote Localizations[/h3]