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Starship EVO News

[New build - DEFAULT] 25w11a: Cargo Retrieval Mission, new cargo faction

A few new additions that will bring for life to the word:
- A new cargo retrieval mission: you are tasked to find a few lost storage containers and bring back their items.
- Debris fields will spawn in the world. Thanks to ProPeach and Tackietacktack for the build!
- Last but not least, KTS, a new cargo faction has been added thanks BigBadKangaroo!
It contains 3 ships including some large haulers, and 3 kiosks. Exciting stuff!

Fixes and improvements
- The holomap has been improved
- automatic docking has been improved

Thanks for playing

[New build - DEFAULT] 25w10a: More Missions, hotfixes

This builds adds 3 new missions:
  • Emergency supply mission. Rush to an outpost to deliver some much needed supply.
  • Find rare cargo item: you are tasked to source a rare item for a special occasion. You will be paid handsomely... if you manage to find the goods.
  • Cargo delivery mission: travel to an outpost and take delivery of several cargo items. Then bring those to another outpost.
  • The mission UI layout has also been improved.

The Cargo block is renamed to Storage Unit to avoid confusion with the new Cargo Items used for trading.

  • #6278 Collector collect in a cone
  • #6288 More info for children mechanism

  • #6264 #6266 Docking port still exchange items after undock
  • #6265 Various issues with the filter conveyor Pull and Push.
  • #6276 Shield is red when painted white.
  • #6284 Station custom spawn will spawn police patrol
  • #6279 rotator angle issue with reversed setting
  • #6282 Tracking widget sometime do not show
  • #6251 Ore scanner not updating on mining

[New build - DEFAULT] 25w08a: Hotfixes

Some more hotfixes.

#6264 #6266 Docking port still exchange items after undock
#6265 Various issues with the filter conveyor Pull and Push.

[New build - EXPERIMENTAL] 25w07b: Hotfixes, Conveyor Sort feature

More hotfixes and a new sorting (Push and Pull) feature for Filter Conveyor.

  • #6250 Turret computer and Logic gate will stop glowing when turned off
  • #6249 Rotator now have a Reversed setting, that will be activated after a symmetry.
  • #6240 New Pull and Push option for the Filter Conveyor, convenient to sort cargo, or to discharge mining output to a docking port for example.

  • - Cargo for sale probability is incorrectly computed.
  • #6255 tutorial issue when warping in another system
  • #6242 Docking with station can fail
  • #6241 Holomap issues in system map.

Thanks for playing!

[New build - DEFAULT] 25w07a: Better planet colors generation

This builds improves the color palette generation of the planets.
It aims to have more colorful or subtle realistic tones depending on the planets, and less of those unrealistic, high saturation or pastel colors.
It uses palette from various images as a starting point, and tweak them using AI and some smarter color manipulation logic.

A few fixes where also made:

some plants have a faded look
trees have a weird satin look.
The terrain shader have been optimized - but I will try to add a graphic toggle for people who struggle with FPS on planet.
Many texture samples are needed and it is quite a bottleneck at the moment. If you have low-perf GPU please answer to this thread I will follow-up with you to improve the performance.

Please report any planet that do not feel right (send me your character save at the place of the planet), so I can remove a palette that dont feel right.

- Rarity for cargo good was incorrect.

Thanks for playing!