1. Starship EVO
  2. News
  3. [New build - DEFAULT] 25w10a: More Missions, hotfixes

[New build - DEFAULT] 25w10a: More Missions, hotfixes

This builds adds 3 new missions:
  • Emergency supply mission. Rush to an outpost to deliver some much needed supply.
  • Find rare cargo item: you are tasked to source a rare item for a special occasion. You will be paid handsomely... if you manage to find the goods.
  • Cargo delivery mission: travel to an outpost and take delivery of several cargo items. Then bring those to another outpost.
  • The mission UI layout has also been improved.

The Cargo block is renamed to Storage Unit to avoid confusion with the new Cargo Items used for trading.

  • #6278 Collector collect in a cone
  • #6288 More info for children mechanism

  • #6264 #6266 Docking port still exchange items after undock
  • #6265 Various issues with the filter conveyor Pull and Push.
  • #6276 Shield is red when painted white.
  • #6284 Station custom spawn will spawn police patrol
  • #6279 rotator angle issue with reversed setting
  • #6282 Tracking widget sometime do not show
  • #6251 Ore scanner not updating on mining