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Unto The End News

Update - Damage, Vulnerability and Light

A few gameplay tweaks. Thanks for all the feedback, play throughs and comments. Greatly appreciated!

DAMAGE + VULNERABILITY You no longer take extra damage based on vulnerability. However, all opponents still do. Previously the father took extra damage when facing away, blocking-opposite, attacking, jumping, dodging, ducking or off-balance. This often led to getting “one shot”.

IFRAMES You now have invincibility frames (iframes) when rolling around AND away from an attack. Previously you only had iframes when rolling around an attack.

FAKING When hit after biting on a fake, Krilt will be knocked off their feet, allowing you to follow up with an attack. Subsequently, landing a hit after a fake again does +1 damage, down from +2.

OPENING MESSAGE The opening message has been updated to better describe gameplay and hint that you don’t always have to fight.

BRIGHTNESS Made several rooms in the opening area brighter.

NO TORCH It’s now easier to navigate dark areas if you’ve lost your torch. The brightness and duration of the “light flash” (that appears when hitting the ground or a wall with your sword) has been increased by 50%.

[h3]UPDATE - Feb 1[/h3]

Fixed a bug with showing the Light Stone to the Woad High Priest, that would cause him not to bless you when showing the Woad Kipu

Fixed a bug with the Woad Medicine Elder, where letting her fight the Mountain Woad could cause her encounter to break.

UPDATE - Tweaks and tuning

Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for all the feedback, messages, streams and questions. Positive or negative, we appreciate all of it.

The update notes are below. Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

- Stephen

//// SPOILER WARNING -- the below contains minor spoilers ////

Smoothed out the difficulty ramp to make it more gradual.

There are now 3 combat speed settings: 100%, 75%, 50%

AI tuned for opponent blocking and dodging.

Herbs now heal a small amount of health, and STOP bleeding. If you eat too many herbs you still puke. There is still a trade-off between eating herbs and waiting to get to a rest fire to brew a tonic.

Camera zooms in a bit more during 1v1 fights.

Bleed to death duration doubled. You now have more time to get to a fire.

Foreground and brightness (via in-room lights) adjusted in various rooms with fights.

Poise adjusted on opponents in some fights.

Reload crossfade after death is now twice as fast.

Wind up times for attacks adjusted on some opponents.

Once Woad have learned your shoulder attack, they will sometimes duck under it, causing you to fall over them.

The one unblockable attack is now blockable.

Successfully hitting after a fake now does +2 damage, up from +1.

Added 7 more frames to the shoulder check attack.

You can now run from the final fight, doing so impacts the ending. 33 of the 40 encounters can be passed without fighting.

Tuned some opponent hit boxes.

Chromatic Aberration disabled.

Fixed all bugs I found, saw or heard about.

Arabic translation is now improved. There are still some issues with parentheses that I want to fix, but I wanted to get this partial improvement in now. Thanks to all the players who helped me fix things
I wasn’t able to finish the keyboard + mouse updates, but they are still very much on my list.

We’ve also been regularly updating the combat handbook:

And, a big thanks to ‘mttopal’ for translating the handbook into Turkish:

//// UPDATE - Dec 23rd ////

Fixed bug with some early enemies dodging too often.

Fixed bug with combat speed not turning off.

Added right side Shift, Ctrl and Alt support for keyboard.

//// UPDATE - Dec 27th ////

Fixed a bug where you can die and lose your dagger b/c you stabbed an opponent with it.

Fixed a bug with a collapsing lift trap retriggering after some reloads.

//// UPDATE - Dec 29th ////

Fixed a bug where an NPC would jump and fall through the ground.

Unto The End is available now!

The adventure starts here! After four years in the making, Unto The End – the highly anticipated debut project from 2 Ton Studios – has finally arrived. It's available to purchase, download and play right now. A meticulously crafted world, one-of-a-kind combat system, and tense, moment-to-moment gameplay await.

Unto The End is available right here on Steam for $24.99. There's a 20% launch discount for a limited time. It's releasing across other PC stores, including GOG and Fanatical. It's also launched today for PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One. And it's available on Xbox and PC Game Pass. A Switch version arrives 17 December.

Celebrate the Unto The End launch by watching the brand new, appropriately titled, launch trailer:

PC players can also grab a Special Edition DLC, which includes the following content:

  • Deluxe Digital Artbook: Compiled and designed by 2 Ton Studios (aka husband and wife team Stephen Danton and Sara Kitamura), this artbook offers a fascinating collection of exclusive imagery, accompanied by developer notes and insight. Includes early concepts and sketches, selected screenshots, and photographs of the real-life places that inspired Unto The End.

  • Official Soundtrack: A gripping, atmospheric score that underpins every step of the father's tense journey through the hostile world of Unto The End. Soundtrack by Johnny Knittle and Francesco Ameglio.

The Special Edition DLC is $9.99, and is also available with a 20% launch discount. To purchase the DLC, you must already own the base game, or be purchasing the DLC and base game together.

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported Unto The End on its own incredible journey to get to this point. We hope you enjoy finally having the chance to experience the full adventure for yourselves!

Matt | Big Sugar


Release date confirmed + new trailer!

Exciting news everyone...

Unto The End will be available on Steam from 9th December!

To celebrate the announcement, here's a special extended trailer, complete with new gameplay footage and commentary from Unto developers, Stephen Danton and Sara Kitamura:


To make sure you definitely don't miss the launch of Unto The End on 9th December, add the game to your wishlist and you'll receive a notification when it's available!

Matt | Big Sugar


Watch Unto The End gameplay and interview videos from The Escapist Showcase!

Wanted to share Unto The End's appearance in last week's Escapist Showcase event for anyone who may have missed it. There's an overview video with new gameplay footage that includes commentary from Unto designer Stephen Danton, and a second video that features an interview with Stephen, where he chats about the advantages of a 2D – rather than 3D – fighting system, the design challenges of communicating information to the player without the use of a conventional HUD, and plenty more besides.

Gameplay and commentary


Unto was in excellent company in the showcase, so be sure to check out the other games featured in the videos. And if you like the look of Unto The End, and haven't wishlisted it already, be sure to add it to your list!

Matt | Big Sugar
