Update - Damage, Vulnerability and Light

A few gameplay tweaks. Thanks for all the feedback, play throughs and comments. Greatly appreciated!
DAMAGE + VULNERABILITY You no longer take extra damage based on vulnerability. However, all opponents still do. Previously the father took extra damage when facing away, blocking-opposite, attacking, jumping, dodging, ducking or off-balance. This often led to getting “one shot”.
IFRAMES You now have invincibility frames (iframes) when rolling around AND away from an attack. Previously you only had iframes when rolling around an attack.
FAKING When hit after biting on a fake, Krilt will be knocked off their feet, allowing you to follow up with an attack. Subsequently, landing a hit after a fake again does +1 damage, down from +2.
OPENING MESSAGE The opening message has been updated to better describe gameplay and hint that you don’t always have to fight.
BRIGHTNESS Made several rooms in the opening area brighter.
NO TORCH It’s now easier to navigate dark areas if you’ve lost your torch. The brightness and duration of the “light flash” (that appears when hitting the ground or a wall with your sword) has been increased by 50%.
[h3]UPDATE - Feb 1[/h3]
Fixed a bug with showing the Light Stone to the Woad High Priest, that would cause him not to bless you when showing the Woad Kipu
Fixed a bug with the Woad Medicine Elder, where letting her fight the Mountain Woad could cause her encounter to break.