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Unto The End News

Unto The End fan art!

Wow! There sure are a lot of talented folks out there! Delighted to share a collection of the wonderful fan art/creations that Unto The End players have sent us...


"I played through Unto The End and LOVED it. It's a great little adventure with beautifully understated visuals and some super engaging combat mechanics alongside surprising moments of non-violence. It really stuck with me, so I had to do some fanart."

Credit: @Veldrin


"Drew a beast walking through the snow looking for dinner. Inspired by the game Unto the End."

Credit: @georgebsocial


"Looking for ideas for my next pyrography burn and put some sketches together from one of my favourite indie games Unto The End, working through shading and creating textures, trying to do the beautiful art from the game justice, let's see how it goes."

"Here is the final woodburnt piece for the amazing game Unto The End, it is a special game and hopefully I've been able to capture a small essence of the beautiful art within."

Credit: @Ice_Ulvenfar


"Well, finished this piece I promised @UntoGame I'd do because they are swell folks and I just love the care they put into what they make a lot."

Credit: @TheGorondorf


"Celebrating the release of a project I witnessed grow. This game intrigues me as a gamer and inspires me as a game dev."

Credit: @MajdfWolf


Love all of these – it really means a lot knowing Unto The End inspired them! Thanks so much to each of the respective artists for making and sharing them.

Matt | Big Sugar


Bug fix - woad monk aggro

In certain cases fighting a woad monk would cause another nearby monk to aggro even though they could not see you fighting. This has been fixed :).

Тысяча и одна смерть: Обзор Unto The End

Платформер - один из старейших жанров в игровой индустрии, доживший до наших дней. Но как и прочие жанры, платформеры постоянно эволюционируют и меняются, чтобы не потерять интерес игроков. Минималистичная стилистика, хардкорные противники и многоуровневые локации из ранних частей Donkey Kong не исчезли навсегда, но изменились до неузнаваемости. К старой формуле прибавилась режиссура, нарративное повествование и самобытный дизайн, как в недавней Little Nightmares.

Bug fixes

A round of bug fixes. Thanks again for all the comments and support!

- Attacking the first Troll while he runs away no longer has him freeze.

- Throwing a dagger at the Krilt Shaman while far away now correctly causes him to engage.

- Walking to the wall, past the Woad that offers you the Old Key, no longer breaks the offering encounter. You can now correctly grab the key after it’s offered.

- Eating a 3rd herb, which causes puking, no longer slows bleeding.

Video: Group fight combat techniques

Hey everyone. Wanted to share this video that Unto dev Stephen recorded recently. It focuses on group fights, and is essential viewing for anyone looking to improve their success rate against multiple enemies. It's also a fascinating insight into the depth of the game's combat, so is well worth a watch.


For more tips and understanding of Unto The End's combat and mechanics, Stephen has also put together this insanely helpful handbook. Again, it's invaluable if you're looking to improve, but is also a fascinating dive into the intricacies of the game's design.

Thanks for your continued support!

Matt | Big Sugar
