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Old World News

Old World February 5th Updated Test Build

[h2]Test Branch 1.0.76103 Test 2025-02-05[/h2]


  • Major expansion of The Old World premade map to accommodate Aksum (upcoming DLC nation)
  • Minor adjustments to The Middle East premade map, Aksum starting position added
  • Updated resources on The Imperium Romanum premade map, all luxury resources are now present
  • Added tribes to The Mediterranean premade map
  • New game option added 'Allow Negative Cognomens'. Disabled by default
  • Better matchmaking for auto-marrying characters. More likely for characters that are attracted to each other to get married and less likely for characters that hate each other
  • Ambition-picking events will try to avoid giving a second crowning ambition, a lower tier fallback will be offered if possible
  • Seizing the throne no longer adds bypassed relationships to former leader's succession
  • A non-fatal attack that triggers an event that immediately kills the unit is now treated as a unit kill (for kill unit ambitions, routing etc)
  • Competitive Mode no longer disables Grand Viziers but does now disable some Rising Star events related to seizing the throne
  • Heroes of the Aegean scenario 5 tweaks - easier difficulties are now easier and initial landing goal made clearer


  • Added cause of death field to the character tooltip. Traits with a probability of death are removed after death
  • One-click centering option moved to Accessibility options, no longer deselects unit unless selected tile is already centered
  • Riders icon now shown on city widget instead of Connected icon for Riders cities
  • Rising Star trait no longer removed upon death
  • Tweaks to job assignment highlighting behavior, selection clearing on the city screen
  • Opening the reminders list closes the job assignment menu
  • Reverted job assignment cancel button behavior change (from previous test update)
  • Simplified and cleaned up some Family help issues
  • Removed some yield clutter from specialist tooltips
  • Encyclopedia and tutorial corrections and improvements

[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]

  • Fixed AI sometimes being unable to declare war on a nation while at peace
  • Fixed queued unit moves not happening when destination blocked
  • Fixed automated units sometimes not moving
  • Fixed attack preview issues
  • Fixed river movement in captured territory
  • Fixed religion icons sometimes showing on tribal camps when city site did not have religion
  • Fixed implicit subject conversion issue
  • Fixed save game version not being updated
  • Fixed game editor unit placement in water
  • Fixed city production yield costs sometimes disappearing
  • Fixed some succession issues related to usurpers
  • Fixed non-active city site on Middle East map
  • Fixed unit effect formatting issues
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to choose invalid nations on premade maps
  • Fixed some broken links in Rise of Carthage campaign

Calamities are coming to Old World in the Wrath of Gods DLC plus they hit a big sales milestone

Mohawk Games have announced the Old World - Wrath of Gods is coming on March 4, which has some big new features and content, plus they've hit a nice sales milestone.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/01/calamities-are-coming-to-old-world-in-the-wrath-of-gods-dlc-plus-they-hit-a-big-sales-milestone/

Old World - Wrath of Gods DLC Release Date Announced!

We've just announced the next DLC for Old World - Wrath of Gods. Coming March 3, 2025. Lead the faithful and cower in the face of capricious deities through new map mechanics, a new scenario, a new faction, and more!

Headlining the DLC is the new Wrath of Gods scenario, where players must lead their nation while heeding the ever-increasing (and conflicting) demands of their nation’s pantheon. It will be impossible to keep every deity happy, so some will end up unleashing one of nine new calamities onto the player’s lands, while others will bestow blessings.

Here's what else you need to know:
  • Calamities work in the base game as well (but in a more grounded context without actual gods) and come with new visual and environmental effects. Heavy flooding can, for example, change land tiles into water, while certain disasters can change the resources a tile has to offer, providing a silver lining even amidst great devastation.
  • Aksum will be introduced as a new playable nation, known for dominating the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea. It comes with five dynasties headed by legendary figures from the nation’s past, two unique units, nation-specific events, and more!
  • New map scripts, including one called “The Tumbling Mountain,” which spawns an impassable mountain range that separates players for a specified time before crumbling into navigable terrain.
  • Over 200 new events, evocative new art, 8 new character traits, and 26 new projects.

Empires rise and fall through military might, political aptitude, and diplomatic savvy – but all know to fear, above all, the wrath of the gods. Old World - Wrath of Gods will release on March 3, 2025.


Historical 4X game Old World demands you appease the gods in new DLC

All eyes are on Civilization 7 as February arrives, but the Firaxis giant is far from the only historical 4X game in town. Rival Old World has plenty of pedigree of its own, coming from former Civ 4 lead designer Soren Johnson and his studio Mohawk Games. It combines all the hex-grid tactics of modern Civilization with more character-led events and drama akin to grand strategy games like Crusader Kings 3. Now, however, a new expansion is coming that's set to take things in a more catastrophic direction with the introduction of dangerous deities willing to unleash sweeping natural disasters.

Read the rest of the story...


Manor Lords, Norland, and other top strategy games are now cheaper than ever

Historical 4X game Old World makes ambition victories easier in new update

Historical 4X game Old World adds new events, items, and maps for free

Old World January 29th Updated Test Build

[h2]Test Branch 1.0.75925 Test 2025-01-29[/h2]


  • High Event Level now allows up 10 events per turn (up from 5)
  • Laurion Mines now cost 10 wood to repair (previously had no cost)


  • Improved AI family selection when founding a city
  • Moved default improvement repair cost to XML
  • Better scenario difficulty mode support


  • Added player option for one-click map centering
  • In MP the turn timer warning sound now plays with 15 seconds remaining (up from 5) and increases the size of the timer text. Paused text is now shown when the timer is paused.
  • In Observer mode, decision popups no longer get removed by clicking on an option
  • Character selection for job assignment popups now defaults to an idle character
  • Cancel button in job assignment now deselects current character instead of closing that UI
  • Unit filter for Infantry changed to Melee Infantry

[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]

  • Fixed ambitions that should only come from specific events (i.e. Destroy the Rival Nation) appearing randomly
  • Fixed AI complaining about the same stolen city site repeatedly
  • Fixed Stun preview text incorrectly showing for units in splash radius
  • Fixed years reigned text issue that could occur with regency
  • Fixed empty series warning for opinion graphs
  • Fixed some cases of dropdowns getting cut off
  • Fixed units with no family sometimes showing incorrect family icon
  • Fixed some Map Editor errors
  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Fixed Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 5 unit AI
  • Text and event fixes