Old World February 5th Updated Test Build
- Major expansion of The Old World premade map to accommodate Aksum (upcoming DLC nation)
- Minor adjustments to The Middle East premade map, Aksum starting position added
- Updated resources on The Imperium Romanum premade map, all luxury resources are now present
- Added tribes to The Mediterranean premade map
- New game option added 'Allow Negative Cognomens'. Disabled by default
- Better matchmaking for auto-marrying characters. More likely for characters that are attracted to each other to get married and less likely for characters that hate each other
- Ambition-picking events will try to avoid giving a second crowning ambition, a lower tier fallback will be offered if possible
- Seizing the throne no longer adds bypassed relationships to former leader's succession
- A non-fatal attack that triggers an event that immediately kills the unit is now treated as a unit kill (for kill unit ambitions, routing etc)
- Competitive Mode no longer disables Grand Viziers but does now disable some Rising Star events related to seizing the throne
- Heroes of the Aegean scenario 5 tweaks - easier difficulties are now easier and initial landing goal made clearer
- Added cause of death field to the character tooltip. Traits with a probability of death are removed after death
- One-click centering option moved to Accessibility options, no longer deselects unit unless selected tile is already centered
- Riders icon now shown on city widget instead of Connected icon for Riders cities
- Rising Star trait no longer removed upon death
- Tweaks to job assignment highlighting behavior, selection clearing on the city screen
- Opening the reminders list closes the job assignment menu
- Reverted job assignment cancel button behavior change (from previous test update)
- Simplified and cleaned up some Family help issues
- Removed some yield clutter from specialist tooltips
- Encyclopedia and tutorial corrections and improvements
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Fixed AI sometimes being unable to declare war on a nation while at peace
- Fixed queued unit moves not happening when destination blocked
- Fixed automated units sometimes not moving
- Fixed attack preview issues
- Fixed river movement in captured territory
- Fixed religion icons sometimes showing on tribal camps when city site did not have religion
- Fixed implicit subject conversion issue
- Fixed save game version not being updated
- Fixed game editor unit placement in water
- Fixed city production yield costs sometimes disappearing
- Fixed some succession issues related to usurpers
- Fixed non-active city site on Middle East map
- Fixed unit effect formatting issues
- Fixed bug that allowed the player to choose invalid nations on premade maps
- Fixed some broken links in Rise of Carthage campaign