Old World January 29th Updated Test Build
[h2]Test Branch 1.0.75925 Test 2025-01-29[/h2]
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- High Event Level now allows up 10 events per turn (up from 5)
- Laurion Mines now cost 10 wood to repair (previously had no cost)
- Improved AI family selection when founding a city
- Moved default improvement repair cost to XML
- Better scenario difficulty mode support
- Added player option for one-click map centering
- In MP the turn timer warning sound now plays with 15 seconds remaining (up from 5) and increases the size of the timer text. Paused text is now shown when the timer is paused.
- In Observer mode, decision popups no longer get removed by clicking on an option
- Character selection for job assignment popups now defaults to an idle character
- Cancel button in job assignment now deselects current character instead of closing that UI
- Unit filter for Infantry changed to Melee Infantry
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Fixed ambitions that should only come from specific events (i.e. Destroy the Rival Nation) appearing randomly
- Fixed AI complaining about the same stolen city site repeatedly
- Fixed Stun preview text incorrectly showing for units in splash radius
- Fixed years reigned text issue that could occur with regency
- Fixed empty series warning for opinion graphs
- Fixed some cases of dropdowns getting cut off
- Fixed units with no family sometimes showing incorrect family icon
- Fixed some Map Editor errors
- Fixed memory leaks
- Fixed Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 5 unit AI
- Text and event fixes