Demo Updated!
Noble ladies and lords,
it took longer than I thought, but finally everything is updated. An exciting new map / game world is already prepared on the server - the updated procedural map generator is producing increasingly interesting results - and the demo client should be available on steam any moment now.
Thank you for your patience, and please find the changelog at the bottom of this post.
[h2]What else is on the horizon?[/h2]
November is going to be a busy month with important updates, community surveys and polls, including some topics that many of you have been patiently waiting to hear about for a while, so be sure to follow us! We'll soon be taking part in the Turn Based Carnival, and you can probably expect to vote on the new milestone feature set later this month. With the wonderful help of the community, the in-game help/tutorial material is almost ready and will be available soon. With a bit of luck, there will also be talk of the single player version - I'll be interested to hear your feedback and needs on that too.
As always, I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord and help me refine the game as we progress. Take advantage of this regularly updated demo, our transparent and interactive developer diary, provided for early collaboration with you to make Feudums the game you want it to be. If you can afford it, please also consider supporting the development on patreon, so I can devote more time and resources to the project and complete the remaining milestones in a timely manner.
[h2]If this is your first time playing Feudums[/h2]
[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
I hope that you will appreciate and enjoy the changes. There's more coming soon, so make sure you clicked Follow on Steam and joined our discord to stay in the loop! :)
Until then... Enjoy the games!
it took longer than I thought, but finally everything is updated. An exciting new map / game world is already prepared on the server - the updated procedural map generator is producing increasingly interesting results - and the demo client should be available on steam any moment now.
Thank you for your patience, and please find the changelog at the bottom of this post.
[h2]What else is on the horizon?[/h2]
November is going to be a busy month with important updates, community surveys and polls, including some topics that many of you have been patiently waiting to hear about for a while, so be sure to follow us! We'll soon be taking part in the Turn Based Carnival, and you can probably expect to vote on the new milestone feature set later this month. With the wonderful help of the community, the in-game help/tutorial material is almost ready and will be available soon. With a bit of luck, there will also be talk of the single player version - I'll be interested to hear your feedback and needs on that too.
As always, I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord and help me refine the game as we progress. Take advantage of this regularly updated demo, our transparent and interactive developer diary, provided for early collaboration with you to make Feudums the game you want it to be. If you can afford it, please also consider supporting the development on patreon, so I can devote more time and resources to the project and complete the remaining milestones in a timely manner.
[h2]If this is your first time playing Feudums[/h2]
Please note that our demo focuses on multiplayer and, at this time, is only in English. and, unlike traditional demos, is rather a continuously updated interactive developer diary, provided for full transparency and close cooperation with our players. It's a long journey, so this demo is nearly not as polished as an almost finished commercial product, but in return, you have much more say in Feudums development. Use it!
As Feudums is pre-early access, there are no in-game guides at the moment, but it can change in any minute now. Please hold on just a little longer.
While there is no in-game tutorial yet, the game is more newbie-friendly than you might think. You start with an economic grace period, so you have hours to decide what to do first. Take your time and check out the short guides here on Steam, on YouTube, or just join our Discord to read the FAQ or ask for general advice. You can find all the info and links under Discussions.
[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
- Rebalancing: It's been a few weeks again, and we've tweaked the rules and settings again, mainly based on your feedback. Labourers have received the most love, but units and expansion have been also changed. Auto-encamp rules have been also finetuned for the better survivability of units.
- Attrition rules have been revised: as long as the military company has more than a given morale, all damage is done on morale, and only then the damage is split between health and morale. Generally speaking, this allows companies with high morale units to withstand attrition much better.
- Attrition now also considers friendly diplomatic relations so a strong administration on a friendly land protects friendly companies from attrition.
- The importance of garrisons is further increased, as now they increase the attrition level for hostile units inside their feudum (diplomacy rules apply), and in addition to specialized labourers, they themselves also contribute to the safety major need.
- More importantly, garrisons can now also use their very own tactics / stances, and a new edge is also introduced that gives specific units some bonus to passive protection abilities if they are put in a garrison. Military companies also received a new stance for scouting / surveillance.
- New lance rules: from now on, the houses of the locals assigned to a lance will remain occupied for the duration of the service, or until the lance falls in battle. The family can still leave the feudum, in which case their dwelling will be available for birth or migration, but in all other cases the family will continue to live there, should be fed, will pay the taxes, but cannot contribute to local works. This will prevent the exploit of raising lances and then quickly refilling their empty houses with new people, who are then available for field works.
- Area of Control and Line of Sight are now properly separated and each can be modified separately by tactics. Tile Lockdown is now also an attribute that can be modified by tactics. All tactics have been modified to make use of these changes.
- Updated battle logic, making it harder for rosters to hit and run away before their target roster could strike back (routing and disengagement rules have been overhauled).
- The Last known unit composition data and detailed company info is now preserved after battles or in the appropriate diplomatic stances. Last Seen labels and their tooltips have been updated on Cards to show whether the player has full composition data (and from when) or not.
- Food Rations and diet rules have been changed and made fully moddable. Related labels and layouts have been updated. If a feudum cannot reach the targeted ration, the tooltip now also informs the players about the overall amount the desired ration would require.
[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
- Overhauled the diplomatic entries layout - added proposal expiration and updated several contextual tooltips for clarity.
- Updated the Merge Tiles command with extra labels, hints and pictograms to make it clear to which region tiles will be merged.
- A feudum will now receive reports when a lance originated from there has returned or perished in battle.
- Fix: Lance's overtime penalty was not applied when the company was in battle.
- Fix: Couldn't add a NAP clause to a Truce proposal when the players were at war (validated against the current diplomatic relation instead of the proposed one).
- Fix: Multiple tweening errors.
- Fix: Rulebook's MinimumAutoEncampThresholdPercent was not enforced in command.
- Fix: OOB exceptions for birds/flocks in some cases
- Fix: Flock's tweening in autoplay mode ignored disabled state.
- Fix: Border not placed correctly in some cases when there are hidden segments
- Fix: Opening a Create Feudum command in view mode doesn't disable the tile list.
- Fix: Waypoints had the wrong tooltip (the tooltip for houses on improvements)
- Fix: removed extra colons from the resource tooltips on Tile Card & the upkeep segment of Company Card.
- Fix: Resource breakdown on Tile details for another players showed Reduction-XY instead of correct improvement type.
- Fix: World Market bounds would become invalid in some high volume trades.
- Fix: Dominion reports list layout has collapsed in edge case
- Fix: Movement path sometimes rendered incorrectly for companies.
- Various Terrain Builder fixes and improvements
I hope that you will appreciate and enjoy the changes. There's more coming soon, so make sure you clicked Follow on Steam and joined our discord to stay in the loop! :)
Until then... Enjoy the games!